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View Full Version : redfield 3x9 accu-range

k arga
07-17-2019, 02:36
Is there a listing with the date codes and ser no of the early scopes, I can't find any info?

thanks kurt

paul v
07-18-2019, 02:39
If you have Senich's book "One Round War', there is a section that covers the redfield scopes. The 3x9 was first produced in 1962. The first acu-ranges were made in 1966. Some of the green scopes with a serial number starting with an "F" were built in late 1966 to early 1967,that's all I could find on the internet

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-04-2022, 02:47
The Redfield Accu-Range scopes did not hold up well in RVN's humid climate. The range scale stickers peeled off, if my memory serves me correctly. I had a friend in Optics at Camp Books. He said the scopes were shipped to Naha for repair, which was odd since they were an Echelon 3 or 4 facility.

Does anyone remember the Scout Sniper score board at Freedom Hill?

10-31-2022, 10:27
If you have Senich's book "One Round War', there is a section that covers the redfield scopes. The 3x9 was first produced in 1962. The first acu-ranges were made in 1966. Some of the green scopes with a serial number starting with an "F" were built in late 1966 to early 1967,that's all I could find on the internet

I agree with Paul. Of the six or seven I have seen all were F prefix. In country some of the guys used strips of rubber inner tube for lens covers. I am amzed by the vaiance of color between scopes over time. Use and ultra violet light can change them dramatically.

Major Tom
11-03-2022, 06:49
I had one on a Ruger No.1 rifle circa 1972. It went back to Redfield in exchange for a replacement. New one wasn't good either!.

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
11-05-2022, 12:24

For those unfamiliar with this scope, this is the view you got. Pic taken in RVN. The range numbers are actually a decal that tended to peel away under the extreme heat and humidity. This one was still intact.

Hal O'Peridol
11-21-2022, 03:18
I have two that I picked up at a gun show in Canada last year, One needs slight repair as the knob for the magnification ring is missing. Paid about 100 bucks apiece for them. Got lucky, but then not much interest in those old scopes up there.