View Full Version : WTS: Saginaw S'G' M1 Carbine

07-20-2019, 02:20
Selling an exceptionally nice Saginaw S G M1 carbine #33589XX. Underwood barrel, with very faint "Arlington Ord" stamp, marked "Underwood 44", with ordnance stamp and large "P". Bore is mint, and mirror bright. T3 SG trigger housing w/ "LGKNO 1662" marking, T2 "AI" bolt, head spaced to this gun, T3 rear sight, T3 "KI" barrel band, T5 "PI" slide, T3 "AU" recoil plate, very nice T5 walnut stock probably sanded as I can see no markings, and T3 "HI" handguard.

This will make someone a really nice addition to their collection.....one that they can shoot and enjoy.

$995.00 + S&I*********************SPF************

Email kiko1@bendcable.com with any questions/specific photo requests. First "I'll take it" post followed by a PM confirming, gets it.

Thanks for looking.