View Full Version : WTB parts needed for Winchester 54 Bolt action

07-20-2019, 06:31
I had a nice incomplete model 54 Winchester bolt action rifle come my way and I need some parts to repair it.
for the most part the action is good and it has a trigger, but I am minus the complete bolt and bottom metal like the magazine and follower.
The stock is terrible and the bore on the barrel is not good,
I could possibly use bottom metal from a model 70 pre 64 or pre war and if lucky may find a pre war stock to fit it, the bottom metal would determine what barrel I find for it, I don't want to use a 30-06 or 270 I have those already so I could use a pre 64 barrel or maybe even a post 64 may be the right thread in "unsual" caliber prehaps?
The bolt either stripped or complete would have to be from a 54 though because of its way of bolt stop.
I thought I would ask here on the forum because of one place where members know their guns.
Thanks email me or pm me if you have a part or a lead on one?

Robert Scott
07-21-2019, 09:45
Ron, have you tried pre64win.com?

07-21-2019, 11:34
Ron, have you tried pre64win.com?
Yea, they don't know anything about a 54, I am in belief that the guts of a 70 Pre 64 bolt will work but the bolt its self is different in the bolt stop area. Would have to be milled in to the 70 bolt, the rest of the bolt parts I think would work with correct massaging. The 70 barrels will screw on , would have to index them. the pre war Stock would work but have to use the 70 bottom metal

07-21-2019, 01:36
Found this:
