View Full Version : Picture of America

S.A. Boggs
08-11-2019, 02:14
This was taken as the tug and coal barges pass the WV capital. I often see these barges as they pass Pomeroy, Ohio as we have breakfast by the mighty Ohio.
What is in your AO?

08-11-2019, 06:23
Read in a power plant mag that a Con Ed plat burns 5 ton of coal in 7 minutes, must make alot of ash!

08-11-2019, 06:42
I wish I could post pictures of sites inside the refinery I worked at but pictures were prohibited. Similar to coal refineries produce coke, the very end product (ash) of crude after most of the liquids and gases have been extracted. We/they claim to have the worlds longest conveyor being 3 miles (round trip) from the inside of the refinery to the shipping dock. At the end are mountains of coke that is loaded on ships and sent elsewhere, mostly Japan we were told. The refinery has the means to process the crude till there is nothing left but a useless ash but then they would have to pay for hazardous waste disposal to get rid of it all. Instead, enough hydrocarbon is left in the coke where it can be burned and be useful.

Since I can't show pictures of the black coke I'll include some pictures of South Alabama's white sand beaches.

08-11-2019, 07:22
25 miles the other way (as the bird flies) is Mobile that has Bellingrath Gardens. There's too much to photo so here are some file photo's if you're interested. The gardens were created by the wife of Mr. Bellingrath who was the first Coca-Cola bottlers in the SE. (still on the subject of coke).

https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0PDsBlEIVBdEyIAAMpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0 NTg2bDUxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI5NDRfMQRzZW MDcGl2cw--?p=bellingrath+gardens+mobile+al&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-s&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3Nl YXJjaD9wPWJlbGxpbmdyYXRoK2dhcmRlbnMrbW9iaWxlK2FsJm ZyPXlmcC10LXMmZnA9MSZ0b2dnbGU9MSZjb3A9bXNzJmVpPVVU Ri04&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKL-9iin9PMmRynHF2Wyiu0G0jU79R4zncdYcJ-gXGR6jY7Lw3wZIBdzJdNy6CVtg08GWevgC7hLetsxgorFmMXcT kv2jZtLeeCebF_aY9SrMbJTFtvD3Aatw2eGHipyoZyAfMYHqFR d2JfJFQUZRO9vk21HnxNtybjoBFO29bYz#id=245&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg1.etsystatic.com%2F024%2F0%2 F6282189%2Fil_570xN.477388879_878x.jpg&action=close

08-11-2019, 12:21
US Steel’s Clairton Works in suburban Pittsburgh is the world’s largest producer of coke and probably the largest source of air pollution in the east coast in spite of spending a huge amount of money on various scrubbers. They had a fire on Christmas Eve and much of their pollution control system had to be rebuilt. It’s still not fully back on line.

08-11-2019, 04:46
we have coal trains, (I think they still do,, been a while since I worked where I had to cross over or under the tracks) roll thru town several times a day,

loaded in Wva,, and headed to Hampton Roads to be used in power generation or loaded on ships

08-11-2019, 05:00
we have coal trains

Roscoe P Coltrane came up just the other day in a thread.

08-11-2019, 07:09
Roscoe P Coltrane came up just the other day in a thread.

they had a 'Good Ole Boy's' festival in Va this weekend,
up in the Valley,

but honestly, I did watch that show as a kid,, but I would rather listen to some John Coltrane,,,

08-11-2019, 07:26
Wow that brings back memories. Used to see the tugs pushing coal barges up the Mon River while I was attending West Virginia University in the late eighties.

S.A. Boggs
08-12-2019, 01:17
Yesterday as we had breakfast before church, I watched as coal was moved down the Ohio River @ Pomeroy, Ohio. As I walked back to my F-150 I took in the scenery of the bridge over the Ohio into Mason WV and the beauty of the surrounding hills. Being born/raised along the Ohio River I was surrounded by the history of our early nation. As I studied in my history books I could locally visit the actual places of the early pioneers. When our kids were little we combined camping with history lessons, Civil War battlefields and early pioneer places such as Boonsboro, Ky.

08-12-2019, 04:17
I took in the scenery of the bridge over the Ohio into Mason WV and the beauty of the surrounding hills.

Leaves will be changing color soon too for the fall.

Vern Humphrey
08-12-2019, 05:49
Put it off a little while -- I'm not finished with summer.

S.A. Boggs
08-12-2019, 07:22
Leaves will be changing color soon too for the fall.

Ours started turning two weeks ago and now ushering in cool nights. Last few nights my porch thermometer has been reading in the upper 40's. Have had no need of A/C just extra covers. Thinking this year we could see a White Christmas of ole'. 100 miles to the south of us are looking to see mid 90's for this week, we aren't think goodness. Last ten days we experienced 4" of rain in one week by my recording device, usually this in a month. Got a cloud burst one day and it flooded part of the yard that normally is high and dry. Yep, this "climate change" is certainly real. One day it is rain and the next sun with warmth. I bet in a few months it will be cold and snowy due to "climate change".:icon_jokercolor::eusa_shhh:

08-13-2019, 08:03
That's what I miss about the real world. Seasons. In AZ it will still be "unseasonable warm" on Thanksgiving. I've lived here nearly forty years and every year it's "unseasonable warm" in October. Like it doesn't happen every year.

S.A. Boggs
08-14-2019, 02:36
People freak out over weather, too hot or too cold. Me, I just deal with it the best that I can which means dress appropriately. People today are so stupid and need to be protected about darn near everything. Warning label on this, government protect me from this, experts say...getting to be a bore!

08-14-2019, 06:49
People freak out over weather, too hot or too cold. Me, I just deal with it the best that I can which means dress appropriately. People today are so stupid and need to be protected about darn near everything. Warning label on this, government protect me from this, experts say...getting to be a bore!

The main one I grew up with was: "Light fuse get away".

Vern Humphrey
08-15-2019, 06:44
"Front towards enemy."

08-15-2019, 08:18
People freak out over weather, too hot or too cold. Me, I just deal with it the best that I can which means dress appropriately. People today are so stupid and need to be protected about darn near everything. Warning label on this, government protect me from this, experts say...getting to be a bore!

we (people) complain about the heat, and speak kindly of wanting winter back every summer,

and then in winter,, complain about the cold and speak kindly of wanting summer back,

meanwhile, the weather man (sorry person) is the only job that can be wrong every day, and people still will tune in to listen,

08-16-2019, 04:18
the weather man (sorry person) is the only job that can be wrong every day, and people still will tune in to listen,

Stock analysis were created to make weather men look good.

08-16-2019, 05:17
Remember the song; "In The Year 2525"?:eusa_dance:

08-16-2019, 04:48
Yep, rememberd that song. 1968 or so.