View Full Version : A shame it wasn't his sister
Goodbye to another useless liberal. At least he wasn't as much a traitor as his sister.
No regard for him or her. Cannot remember last time gave either any thought. Don't now consider either worth any thought. But, lung cancer is tough stuff. Would not wish it on anyone. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
Vern Humphrey
08-17-2019, 10:09
I'm looking forward to attending her funeral. If you go, I'll be easy to spot -- I'll be the guy lugging a 5-gallon can of urine.
S.A. Boggs
08-17-2019, 11:40
I'm looking forward to attending her funeral. If you go, I'll be easy to spot -- I'll be the guy lugging a 5-gallon can of urine.
Only 5 gallon, why so little? Can't you get any donors at the VFW?:icon_scratch::evil6::1948:
Only 5 gallon, why so little? Can't you get any donors at the VFW?:icon_scratch::evil6::1948:
There are many who want to do such and a person may have to stand in line for a long time so 5gal may get heavy over time. Caskets float too if too many go at once.
S.A. Boggs
08-17-2019, 05:37
No regard for him or her. Cannot remember last time gave either any thought. Don't now consider either worth any thought. But, lung cancer is tough stuff. Would not wish it on anyone. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
ditto, on the cancer part,
terrible thing to see,
always thought he was a mediocre actor at best,
the long line of vets waiting to piss on Hanoi jane's casket. greg
I've always wondered out of the idlest of curiosity who kept Jane Fonda from being charged with treason. I suspect it was daddy.
Five gallons of urine, being mostly water weighs about 50 pounds. Carefull of your back.
I've always wondered out of the idlest of curiosity who kept Jane Fonda from being charged with treason.
No doubt a liberal thing. A Kennedy could have done the same and gotten away with it too. Being the daughter of a movie star had to have helped also.
I've always wondered out of the idlest of curiosity who kept Jane Fonda from being charged with treason....
Treason is an unusual crime in this country. It's elements are actually spelled out in the constitution (Article 3.) It is difficult to charge and even more difficult to prove. In fact the standard of proof is even higher than "beyond a reasonable doubt;" for example, circumstantial evidence is inadmissible in a trial for Treason. The difficulty of actually proving Treason is the reason most traitors are tried for other crimes; the Rosenbergs for example were not convicted of treason but rather espionage. Of the relatively small number of people charged with Treason since the founding of the Republic (less than 50 - nearly half of whom were charged in "The Whiskey Rebellion") a surprisingly high number were either acquitted, granted clemencies or had their convictions overturned on appeal.
I don't know what the rules are but when you pose for numerous pictures with the enemy along side their anti-aircraft guns wearing one of their helmets, chat protest speeches with John Kerry against the war and America and cause U.S. soldiers in NV prisons to be beaten, starved and probably killed I don't know what else would qualify short of blowing up the WH or Capitol building.
She was over there for 2 weeks. She made her loyalty crystal clear plus causing hardships on our soldiers. She should have NEVER been allowed back on U.S. soil.
I don't know what the rules are but when you pose for numerous pictures with the enemy along side their anti-aircraft guns wearing one of their helmets, chat protest speeches with John Kerry against the war and America and cause U.S. soldiers in NV prisons to be beaten, starved and probably killed I don't know what else would qualify short of blowing up the WH or Capitol building.
There has to be a state of war.
The person charged either has to bear arms with the enemies of The United States or give them aid and comfort.
So far so good.
Now you come to the problem in Fonda's case. The only admissible evidence in a treason case is (1) the eyewitness testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act or (2) a confession in open court. Short of conviction. So two people who were actually there when Fonda committed Treason would have to testify in court in the United States. I suppose you could try to use the video evidence but that would be extremely "iffy," especially since broadcast evidence ultimately failed against "Tokyo Rose." It didn't help in "Tokyo Rose's" case that the government suborned perjury against her either but that's another story. Lets just say it isn't easy which is why few people have been charged and only a small handful of them have ever paid a real penalty.
In Fonda's case there were plenty of photo's as I mentioned. She was in the nightly news. She was surrounded by witnesses plus any who would survive the prisons. Corruption has been with the media and government for a long time. That's why we have the 2nd.
Tokyo Rose was just a voice of propaganda like the xxxxxxx here.;_ylt=AwrJ61v0Z2BdohgA95hXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0 bWZmNWI0BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjY4MzNfMQRzZW MDcGl2cw--?p=jane+fonda+viet+cong+anti+aircraft+gun&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-s&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3Nl YXJjaD9wPWphbmUrZm9uZGErdmlldCtjb25nK2FudGkrYWlyY3 JhZnQrZ3VuJmZyPXlmcC10LXMmZnA9MSZ0b2dnbGU9MSZjb3A9 bXNzJmVpPVVURi04&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIJqkV3Z1zA5HIJikN-1-pK-YNXY2tm6PMqygTilLsNAD3ioj3HxfOcw3ZAZNHbi9pAFvSAme9 V9RCILo7LE1PjXLbmoxfPyAu7xzXH0CI9wMz5bfGMlERPyhH8x r5DST2LHHM3JTP7gwAbNrXWyUWxYTnJYql8Lz0TaHa3VWsZa#i d=365& 077073806cd4e9d6a1f8d82e.jpg&action=close
08-23-2019, 11:04
Hey Vern, I'll go with you but I'll be driving a tanker truck of urine. They will have to bury her in a unmarked grave!
Former Cav
08-24-2019, 07:20
I don't worry about these folks.
GOD will judge them. We will all "get our turn" !
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