View Full Version : Re-stocked my 03A4 reproduction.
In the process of re-stocking my 03A4. Time to do some relief work on the wood. This rifle always held it's zero even when hot with the old loose fitting stock. This morning , top 3 rnds were where they were supposed to be and then hits walked down as rifle warmed up. Wood seemed to have free movement to start then as things started to warm up it got tight as the dickens. That's what they make sanders for. ( (
Problem with losing elevation solved by the simple shimming of the barrel at the bayonet mount.
All three shots out of the black were called as the crosshair on the M73 repro scope just covers the 6 ring on the 50' target when shot at 100 yds. ( ( ( (
Lose the 110 grain varmint bullet. Properly bed the stock. No sanders. Use a dowel.
Lose the 110 grain varmint bullet. Properly bed the stock. No sanders. Use a dowel.
Nah. I am happy with her now. You do realize the black on that target is 1.5" and shot at 100 yards. Pretty difficult to do any better than that 10 rnds with an M73 repro scope on a 03A4 reproduction rifle.
47 grains of Varget is WAAAAAY under minimum for a 110 grain bullet in .30-06. Minimum is 55 grains.
A M73 repro scope on a 03A4 reproduction rifle is really just a scoped .30-06 bolt action. (Mind you, so is a real '03A4. Mine does a one hole group with a 168 grain Match bullet and IMR4064 with a Bushnell Scopechief. Issue scopes were worth more than what I paid for the rifle when I bought it in the early 80's.) With proper ammo and bedding, it should shoot well under 1.5" off a bench.
Like I said, for my use, I am entirely happy with what is going on. The crosshairs blank out the bullseye I have been shooting " at" , so I know the rifle is shooting well under 1.5 moa.
My intention was simply to share gallery load information for others that might simply be interested.
I shoot precision bolt rifles pretty much daily that are sub .5 moa in .308 and 6.5 Creedmoor. I just enjoyed the novelty of the 03A4 clone.
Having more fun in retirement than a body should be allowed to.
47 grains of Varget is WAAAAAY under minimum for a 110 grain bullet in .30-06. Minimum is 55 grains.
A M73 repro scope on a 03A4 reproduction rifle is really just a scoped .30-06 bolt action. (Mind you, so is a real '03A4. Mine does a one hole group with a 168 grain Match bullet and IMR4064 with a Bushnell Scopechief. Issue scopes were worth more than what I paid for the rifle when I bought it in the early 80's.) With proper ammo and bedding, it should shoot well under 1.5" off a bench.
Your comment is the first time in over 50 years of loading that someone ever mentioned a minimum load. Where did this come from, or is it your interpretation of a starting load. Min C.O.A.L. yes but never heard of a minimum load.
Latest Sierra book shows starting charge of 53.7 for a Winchester case. I am using Mil-surp so that would automatically take a couple grains off for a start making something like 51.7. Now, I am not looking for 3200 fps so I started at 45 and worked up to 48 and then back to 47 which works fine in both my M1 and 04 clone.
Shot this target yesterday. 10 rnds at 100 yds. Cold clean bore with my 03A4 repro. Hits to the right of the X were totally caused by poor trigger control and anticipation. ( tml)
09-25-2019, 01:52
Really nice group!
Really nice group!
I really do enjoy working with this rifle.
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