View Full Version : cut down krag bayonet.

08-25-2019, 08:46
4645946460 always thought it was just a cut down bayonet. was told recently that it is as issued as a fighting knife. after they were taken from service.

Dick Hosmer
08-25-2019, 10:49
"Issued" by whom would be the question - fairly certain it was NOT the US gov't.

08-25-2019, 12:56
I've got a de-milled 1899 that my son reforged and put a bowie tip on it for me. Heavy as all get out but a nice knife.

08-25-2019, 03:42
"Issued" by whom would be the question - fairly certain it was NOT the US gov't.

i'm skeptical of that myself. I've heard everything from ww1 trench knives to marine ww2 raiders. anyway, the scabbard looks to be repurposed.