View Full Version : San Francisco Board Of Supervisors declared the NRA a “Terrorist Organization”
Griff Murphey
09-09-2019, 02:49
Yes they did. The declaration has no legal standing. Other than the fact that it is clearly defamatory and hopefully will result in the NRA pursuing legal action against the City.
Btw all their names and email addresses are on the Internet it you just search San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
09-09-2019, 07:35
Ignorant POS Liberal idiots!
Well, after all SF is a pacesetter city. They've always been the queer capitol of the U.S., now they are the homeless capitol and don't forget about all that s**t and those hypodermics. They have to blow some smoke to get people to look the other way. A fine city.
so, guess that means I am a Terrorist,,
what does that get me?
09-09-2019, 09:12
San Francisco should be declared a Public Health Hazard.
Yup, the way the world works weather wise, a lot of us are downwind of CA.
Griff Murphey
09-10-2019, 06:22
The roster with photos shows a bunch of very smug looking privileged people.
09-11-2019, 01:17
Elected officials who recklessly endangered the public with their policies need to deflect attention from their misconduct.
09-11-2019, 09:38
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors declaration is just a Leftist PR stunt. The NRA responded in kind with a meaningless lawsuit filing. A simple political tit for tat, but I'm glad the NRA responded.
And the CA judge just overruled Trumps attempt to stem the flow of immigrants flowing into the country.
How come it's always California judges that tell us what to do?
We have a president, we have a congress, but one guy(probably San Francisco) has the final word. Someone can explain it, but I still won't get it.
-U.S. law generally allows anyone who sets foot on U.S. soil to apply for asylum.- The judge said.
Well, then we need to change that law.
When was that law established? Maybe it was in 1870. Maybe it's time to consider the different circumstances. Now it's a choreographed march with porta-potties and food supplied. That's kind of like a invasion. Think, The Alamo.
There's ten thousand laws. That's what politicians do. We can't change this one?
-and the Texas-based Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, had argued that they would suffer harm by serving fewer migrants.- Oh, the poor babies. That doesn't even make any sense.
Just yesterday the supreme court temporarily derailed the judge.
09-13-2019, 11:27
It has been a long time since the NRA was an organization for shooters and hunters. I don't think they are a terrorist organization, that's claptrap. What they have become is an arm of the Republican Party, and their upper management is living in high style off member dues. Gu8n ranges around her (portland, where I moved about 6 years ago) all require you join the NRA to be a member. Can't imagine why!!! NRA is making that a requirement if you want NRA sanction and access to programs.
I was raised in a Union household and to this day I will not cross a picket line. When NRA disengages from the union-busting & anti-labor political party I'll be glad to join up and get on a local rifle range. Until then ...
It has been a long time since the NRA was an organization for shooters and hunters. I don't think they are a terrorist organization, that's claptrap. What they have become is an arm of the Republican Party, and their upper management is living in high style off member dues. Gu8n ranges around her (portland, where I moved about 6 years ago) all require you join the NRA to be a member. Can't imagine why!!! NRA is making that a requirement if you want NRA sanction and access to programs.
I was raised in a Union household and to this day I will not cross a picket line. When NRA disengages from the union-busting & anti-labor political party I'll be glad to join up and get on a local rifle range. Until then ...
That's alright, we NRA members are used to the freeloaders that benefit from our membership dues. Our money provides funding to fight anti-gun legislation for all Americans. We just do the heavy lifting for you; rather like men doing the heavy lifting for women in the military or in law enforcement. There will always be some Americans more dedicated to freedom than others. Sit back and enjoy the ride. It's OK, don't worry about it!!!
Is The San Francisco Board of Supervisors an elected body or a bunch of unelected civil servants flapping their gums? Just curious.
Is The San Francisco Board of Supervisors an elected body or a bunch of unelected civil servants flapping their gums? Just curious.
I don't know but seeing what has become of SF I sure wouldn't want to admit I were any kind of supervisor there.
Clark Howard
09-21-2019, 01:42
The only difference between the labor unions and the NRA, is the fact that no one is forced by a law, or the lack of a law, to join the NRA. And I don't believe that the NRA has any convicted felons on their board.
Mr Howard, please explain to me at 20 yrs of age how I was forced to join sheet metal local 39 ct, best thing I ever did. Worker my ass off and retired after 35 yrs and quite happy here in sc.
Gun Smoke
09-21-2019, 04:54
Mr Howard, please explain to me at 20 yrs of age how I was forced to join sheet metal local 39 ct, best thing I ever did. Worker my ass off and retired after 35 yrs and quite happy here in sc.
I'm not Mr. Howard and I'm not saying you're wrong because you were there and saw what you did. However, I worked at a place too that had a voluntary union. Those that didn't join had constant pressure to join and when the union bunch would try to negotiate better terms (usually when the economy was in the tank already where increased benefits were out) they would go on strike and picket those who weren't even involved like the engineers. Many cars got keyed or gouged by screwdrivers as they passed through (low class UAW).
Those that were on strike had to picket in order to get paid by the UAW which back then was only $100 a week or about 1/5--1/4 their normal pay. One strike in particular lasted about 11 months so where did that get the union workers? There wasn't much reason to join and all the reasons to not join.
I wasn't very impressed with them and luckily found a better job.
I managed grocery stores for 2 companies,
Va is a Right To Work state, so any Union is volunteer membership,
first company had a standing rule, we (hourly) could join a union if we wanted, but as soon as we did that store would close,
or division,
good company to work for, very fair group of management (up until the end)
no doubt they would have done so, and if the union had got ahold, then they would have gone belly up long before,
2nd Company is Union, UFCW local 400 in this area,
not sure what is up with them but they would shoot themselves in the foot with corporate more often than not,
local union reps and stewards were a bunch of morons, as were a good portion of the higher ups,
the bread and butter members were pretty thick in some stores, hardly any in others
most realized that the union was weak, benefits were good, but better at other non union companies, and then the stewards, and reps started patrolling around in new union jackets, new union goodies to hand out (trinkets like note pads, pens, that type of BS) and the local reps would be bragging about the new car they got each year because they were on the road so much,,,
of course the company bent the rules so they could wear the jackets etc to be the proud stewart etc,
funny thing is, we management folks new the contract better than the stewards, and union folks, so we rarely lost a greivence,
several stores were open union free, and that will likely move to others over time,,
so folks making low wages giving up 10-11% for nothing (bought those nice jackets,,, and the rep a car)
contrary to a trade labor union,
my brother , a die hard IBEW guy, keeps paying his dues (has not been in that trade in 15 yrs or so,)so he can get the excellent retirement benny's
he was with CWA (communication workers union) but the are almost as sorry as the UFCW so he dropped out, (but will still get good benny's and some retirement as well)
-Gu8n ranges around her (portland, where I moved about 6 years ago) all require you join the NRA to be a member.-
"we have ways of making you talk" Well, that's Portland. I live in Arizona. It's not free range anymore either. Since I adhere to the rules, I can't concienable(sp,that's my attempt) shoot in the desert when I'm not supposed to. But no one tells me what to join. I'd think SeaTac and Portland would be more rainy than AZ. Gu8n, I tried but can't figure out. Great in.
I lived there from 1954 to 1960 as a kid from birth to 6 years old.
my mom was the assistant for Dr. Wilson who's office was right next to Fishermans Warf when it was a real Warf for the boats, before all of the resteraunts and tourist stuff was built.
I would walk down the Warf and watch the fishing boat crews repair their nets and work on their boats. Nobody bothered me.
There were Beatnicks then.
It was a really clean place to live back then.
Actually, I was living in San Anselmo, but from the age of 4 to 6 years old, my mom would take me to her office sometimes for the day and I'd just sit on the dock of the bay with a fishing pole I'd been given and while away the hours. Never fell into the water.
Now it's a third world slum full of crime and pestilence.
A major earthquake there might be the start of turning the area around again once it's rebuilt.
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