View Full Version : Took an M57 Out Today

10-17-2019, 06:37
The short range was closed so my son and I had at it at the 50 yard range with a P1 and (new to me) M57. Danged if that Tokarev isn't a nice firing little pistol. In a gunfight on the eastern front between a TT-33 and a P.38, I think I might shade my money towards the TT.

10-17-2019, 07:11
Those awful TT-33's(Chinese) that got imported fifteen years ago were awful. Not only that they were dangerous. They had to slap some kind of safety on them(another Century debacle) for import I guess but they were so sloppy, the gun would fire anyway. The metal was soft and a 7.62 x 25 is a powerful round(if that's what you have). They got beat to the point that they wouldn't function. You could file the burrs down and get it to work again but that was risky. I never owned a P1(post war and some aluminum parts) but I sure miss my P-38. It was solid steel. I keep a CZ-52 in the truck. That round will go right through a car door but the "trigger slap" will make itself known with ten rds. or more.

10-17-2019, 07:37
had an original M57 years ago in my fathers collection,

sold it for a good sum, along with a Rem Rand 1911 that had been VN converted to the same caliber (sold that as well,, gotta pay those hospital bills)

re the 7.62, yep it is a mighty good pistol round,,

10-18-2019, 04:11
gotta pay those hospital bills

Some of us do.

10-18-2019, 08:56
Some of us do.

Request that we keep the thread on Tokarev derivatives or at least comparative WW2 era pistols. I will add that my M1911A1 was pretty much useless at a 50 yard target, whereas the M57 (shooting handloads but still) could get on the target about 1/2 of the time.

10-18-2019, 10:58
what condition was the 1911A1 in?

10-18-2019, 11:33
what condition was the 1911A1 in?

I would say used but decent condition. The original barrel bushing showed some slop so I put on an aftermarket one. I have a USGI replacement contract barrel but the original WW2 barrel feeds better off those CMP mags and the rifling on it is still good. Nothing else done to the pistol. At 10-25 yards bullets go mostly where they're suppose to. At 50 it was a crap shoot. Some of that is undoubtedly the shooter. My dad was the pistol guy. I prefer rifles. He and I both like shotguns.

10-18-2019, 04:09
when you rack the slide (empty chamber) and let the slide go forward on its own,
is there any barrel movement at the bushing?? (if you replaced it, likely very little)

rack it again, and push down on the top of the barrel at the hood, it should not move much, (it will move just a hair if new)
if it moves a bit much, maybe try another link, or a longer match style, (they are generally in 3 sizes, so you wont have to hand fit to tighten it up)

quick and easy accuracy job, usually helps go from a barn side group to a barn door group

10-18-2019, 04:24
I'd take the P-38, that TT feels too awkward, the grip is too straight.

10-18-2019, 05:11
I'd take the P-38, that TT feels too awkward, the grip is too straight.

I prefer the 1911, or a Hi Power, both fit me better,

10-19-2019, 05:24
. I keep a CZ-52 in the truck. That round will go right through a car door but the "trigger slap" will make itself known with ten rds. or more.

yes indeed. the first time I fired a cz52, the floor plate had been put on wrong and the blowback blew it off, dumping the spring and rounds all over. at first I thought the gun blew up.

10-19-2019, 06:57
when you rack the slide (empty chamber) and let the slide go forward on its own,
is there any barrel movement at the bushing?? (if you replaced it, likely very little)

rack it again, and push down on the top of the barrel at the hood, it should not move much, (it will move just a hair if new)
if it moves a bit much, maybe try another link, or a longer match style, (they are generally in 3 sizes, so you wont have to hand fit to tighten it up)

quick and easy accuracy job, usually helps go from a barn side group to a barn door group

Everything is reasonably tight including the RR slide on the Colt frame, and with the new aftermarket bushing. I may try the NOS contract barrel next time. But as I mentioned, that barrel as a slightly smaller feed ramp than the High Standard WW2 barrel which makes feeding with WWB ammo a bit picky. I guess for 50 yards I should stick to the Model 27 with the 8" barrel.

10-19-2019, 07:16
I'd take the P-38, that TT feels too awkward, the grip is too straight.

Here is a mid-war 1943 "a" block, Walther made. I don't shoot the bringbacks with their Bakelite grips.


10-19-2019, 08:55
I had a cyq marked P 38 once. I had a Luger once too. I did not care for the Luger but the P38 was a favorite of mine. But I got worried about the metal cracking or something and the value had gotten so high that I finally sold it. Sure miss that pistol. It had bakelite grips.