View Full Version : The new USS America aircraft carrier just deployed...

10-19-2019, 05:24
Iran, China, and Russia better look out because she has a whopping number of 13 F-35B's.


10-19-2019, 07:23
Good one, Red.

Griff Murphey
10-26-2019, 07:52
It’s basically an improved version of the 1960’s LPH concept of the IWO JIMA Class. It’s s helicopter carrier with a well deck to dock landing craft, launch LVTPd etc. It’s not a full size fleet attack carrier... so the 13 F-35s do represent a significant increase in capability for a battalion landing team.

10-26-2019, 03:55
Isn't the next new US carrier supposed to be the USS BHO

10-26-2019, 07:34
Isn't the next new US carrier supposed to be the USS BHO

that is funny

10-29-2019, 11:26
It’s basically an improved version of the 1960’s LPH concept of the IWO JIMA Class. It’s s helicopter carrier with a well deck to dock landing craft, launch LVTPd etc. It’s not a full size fleet attack carrier... so the 13 F-35s do represent a significant increase in capability for a battalion landing team.

Hardly a threat compared to CVA-66.

10-29-2019, 12:30
Hardly a threat compared to CVA-66.

would imagine it would depend on the mission

10-29-2019, 12:37
Isn't the next new US carrier supposed to be the USS BHO

I like how you think but actually a ship was released in his name while still alive according to this. Due to starving the military to fund his muslim buddies this is what was determined to be what he wanted our Navy strength to become.

Existing carrier vs obama's plans for the Navy.

10-29-2019, 04:53
would imagine it would depend on the mission

That hardly matters. CVA-66 had 2 fighter squadrons (28 aircraft,14 F-14's each) 2 squadrons of A-7's (30 planes}, 1 squadron of A-6 Intruders (14 A/C) 3 A3D's, 3 A-5 Vigilantes 2, EA-6's and 2 E-2 Hawkeye...

Tell us what mission the new America would be better at accomplishing?

10-29-2019, 05:13
... instead of building the Gerald Ford (that is useless for at least the next 6 years, and possibly never), We could have kept CVA-66, CVA-67 in service, and got CVA-68 out of the yards... A total capacity of hundreds of fully capable aircraft, but no, we get 13 F-35s on a helicopter ship.

Griff Murphey
10-29-2019, 07:01
Are you saying there should be no helicopter troop assault ships or are you just aggravated that they re-used a fleet attack carrier name? The navy needs a great many different specific ship types. They cannot all be CVANs.