View Full Version : Canadian election Results

Mark in Ottawa
10-22-2019, 11:42
As many of you know, we had a general election yesterday. The results were something of a shambles. The governing Liberal party lost a lot of seats in the House of Commons and lost their majority. The Conservatives won a lot of additional seats and had the biggest popular vote but since a large percentage of their votes were in the same locations, they did not win enough seats to obtain a majority and form a new government. The Liberals will therefore establish some form of coalition with the (socialist) New Democratic Party. This is the nightmare scenario as the Liberals will be in thrall to the New Democrats for support and we will move sharply to the left

As far as firearms issues are concerned, the Liberals made an election promise to ban military "assault rifles" (and yes, the really don't know what that means but it bought votes for them so why should they care)

In my own riding, we lost our very good candidate about 6 weeks ago to heart problems and his replacement was the fellow who lost the last election so its no surprise that the Liberal beat him by 18%.

Of some humour is that in our riding we also had two Communists running: one from the Communist Party of Canada got 99 votes and the other from the Marxist Leninist Party got 46 votes. This was out of about 60,000 votes cast. I assume that the Communist Party candidate just had more relatives than the Marxist Leninist.

With a bit of luck, the coalition will fall apart within two years and we can try again

10-22-2019, 12:43
Thanks for the update. It's interesting.

10-22-2019, 02:05
thanks for posting the update

10-23-2019, 10:58
"...promise to ban military "assault rifles"..." Harper also promised to close the long gun registry in the 2006 election, but did not until he got a Majority in 2011.
Junior's rhetoric, I think(mostly hope) is nothing more than more lies to deflect voters from his "black face" stupidity. Junior made no mention of more useless persecution of the law abiding until that story broke.
Junior will have to kiss the buttocks of Singh to pass any legislation. Singh has already said his cooperation with the Senior Socialist Party will cost Junior. They're 2 sides of the same coin anyway. Singh announced his drug plan and Junior immediately promised exactly the same thing.

Former Cav
11-25-2019, 02:29
so how many muzzies won?
they seem to be doing great in MN and MI. then we have AOC who is as smart as a whip (a worn out whip)