View Full Version : Richard Hosmer
Hey Dick, look what's heading my way!!!! Sometimes you just get lucky and this time it was me. Seems the guy that wanted to purchase this rifle found another before it arrived. Got a call today telling me it was available. Think its worth the price? searchForm%26N%3D0%26Ntk%3DGunLibrary%26Ntt%3Dspri ngfield%252B1873%26x%3D11%26y%3D10&Ntt=springfield+1873
listing shows the price as pending
Lyman-Sorry, thought it was on that link. 2499.00 is the price. I tried to get it reduced but seems it already was.
Looks Nice! Be sure and post pictures when you get it!
Dick Hosmer
11-02-2019, 09:27
Great buy, though I hate to think that's what they are going for - used to be a $5K piece in that condition. Cabelas has no clue.
Dick, I tried searching to see what they are selling for recently with not much luck. Prices I found are all over the place. There are a few on Guns International but they are posted by Collectors firearms and quite high in my opinion. Her is the other TRB that is also being sent to Delaware. I had this one shipped the other day before hearing the one I posted here did not sell. It has 2 faint cartouche marks along with faint circle P's Price on this one is 1849.00. searchForm%26N%3D0%26Ntk%3DGunLibrary%26Ntt%3Dspri ngfield%252B1873%26x%3D4%26y%3D22&Ntt=springfield+1873
Dick Hosmer
11-02-2019, 03:56
I'm confused - who ACTUALLY got it? It's a very nice gun. When Cabelas first started out they had a lot of bargains like that - then they put everything up to the moon.
Dick, I typed this all out went to edit and diapered,UGH!!
This may sound confusing but bear with me.
The first rifle for 2495.00 I missed getting a couple weeks ago. They had another but it wasn't posted yet. In the mean time I called the Cabela's that the first rifle was shipped to, left my name and number just in case the buyer backed out. Tuesday the rifle for 1849.00 was posted on their site. It looked ok so I had it shipped to the Delaware store so I could check it out.
Friday I received a call that the buyer for the first rifle backed out!!Now I have 2 rifles heading to Delaware.
Not sure which one to actually buy and no I can't buy both LOL!! There are pros and cons on both that I can see in the photos. The first looks to be correct, has a crack in the muzzle end of the stock, slot less screws in the rear sight and all the metal parts have the same patina.
The second one has a stock that has been sanded and the cartouche marks are light. Looks to be 2 SWP cartouche marks but neither one you can make out the date.There should only be one SWP cartouche correct? The wood also is not proud around the trigger guard and the breech block color is rather bright along with slotted screws in the rear sight.
Decisions, decisions!!
Am I missing something here? Are these rare variants?
Completed listings on GB show some sold in the $600 range some higher and a few lower. Some didn't sell at all.
Dick Hosmer
11-02-2019, 11:27
Allen: The ones in the 155-157k range with the sliding TRIANGULAR (not to be confused with the much later, dirt-common, ROUND rod) bayonet are scarce if not rare - only 1000 were made. You need my book on the rare TDS! $25 to POB 1367 Colusa CA 95932, signed, postpaid.
Carl: Two SWP stamps are commonly found on that model - they went back to SA for work on the latch, which never worked well. I'd take the better one though. One thing for sure you DON'T want mine, in fact I'd be ashamed to offer it next to those. It is strictly a "space-filler" while either of those would be a keeper - not that they couldn't be upgraded but you'd never NEED to.
Allen, as Dick said there were only 1000 of this variant produced.
Thanks Dick, I read in your book that it is common to find 2 circle P cartouche marks but not about being possibly 2 SWP cartouche marks
How could they be upgraded?
Allen: The ones in the 155-157k range with the sliding TRIANGULAR (not to be confused with the much later, dirt-common, ROUND rod) bayonet are scarce if not rare - only 1000 were made. You need my book on the rare TDS! $25 to POB 1367 Colusa CA 95932, signed, postpaid.
Carl: Two SWP stamps are commonly found on that model - they went back to SA for work on the latch, which never worked well. I'd take the better one though. One thing for sure you DON'T want mine, in fact I'd be ashamed to offer it next to those. It is strictly a "space-filler" while either of those would be a keeper - not that they couldn't be upgraded but you'd never NEED to.
Thanks Dick, I definitely missed that part.
Dick Hosmer
11-03-2019, 07:48
Thanks Dick, I read in your book that it is common to find 2 circle P cartouche marks but not about being possibly 2 SWP cartouche marks
How could they be upgraded?
It is presumed that is when the sliding key was added to the latch. It was apparently quite common for the rod to come forward under recoil.
11-03-2019, 05:30
The 1880 is the only model I don't have other than the 1881 foraging shotgun. I just sent you a PM.
Yep, I’d definitely get the rifle that hasn’t had its stock sanded.
The one that has is forever depreciated. It can’t be made better.
Correct Fred, I don't think you could ever find another none sanded stock??? Thought I would never find a stock for my 1870 but Al Frasca had a really nice one, quess I got lucky!!
- - - Updated - - -
cowtownscout, sent you a PM.
Tom Trevor
11-04-2019, 01:19
Do not forget to get the Iron guard knife with Varney scabbard that was issued with the rifles. Makes a nice set.
Well Tom, I'm sure they are much harder to find!! I saw 2, one was sold a while ago so no price was available. The other sold for 2600.00, more than I'm paying for the rifle LOL!!
There are many with the brass handle up for grabs anywhere from a couple hundred to over a thousand. Al has one posted on his site for 525.00.
Here is one on RIA that sold for 4313,00
There's one on eBay for $1K right now, but I would ask for more pictures!
Dick Hosmer
11-05-2019, 08:19
Scabbard's obviously bogus and of zero value, so the blade better be PRISTINE. Definitely need to see more.
Saw that one but it is not the knife I was talking about. The one that would have been issued with the 1,000 1880 TRB would have had an iron guard. There were only 1000 made and numbered up to 1000.
There were many more made with the brass guard but various scabbards. I believe the short loop is more uncommon than the brass hook type.
After I pay for the 1880 TRB I most likely won't have funds for either the common brass and definitely not the Iron guard hunting knife LOL!!!
- - - Updated - - -
Al has a nice one for half the price of that one with the correct scabbard.
Dick Hosmer
11-06-2019, 02:43
Well, it was on Ebay, for $1000, so I didn't look any further. You mean there is an iron guard on there for $1000 as well? Which knife WERE you talking about, then?
The LONG loop may be the rarest - if not , then the Varney is. The short loop is 'in the middle' and the brass hook IS the most often seen.
No Dick, there is no Iron guard on Ebay just the brass guard. I was talking about the Iron guard in a previous comment on this post and Tkacook said that there was one on Ebay. I replied to him that it was the brass guard not the Iron. I may have jumped on a 1000.00 Iron guard, not literally LOL!!
There are 2 BRASS guards on Mc Pheeters with the short loop and a long price tag : )
As I said in a priviouse comment that there were only a couple Iron guards I saw like the on up for sale on RIA. Those prices are out of my RANGE!! Al had one on his sight in 03 and is still listed. His price was 3495.00. Sadly though it was stolen which might be why he still has it listed just in case Maybe someone comes across it. Serial # is 580.
I didn't mean to confuse. I honestly couldn't tell much about it from the two terrible pictures and the comment was meant more as a joke. These are not my area since I could never justify dropping that kind of money on something like that.
Dick Hosmer
11-06-2019, 08:03
Much as I like Ken, ANYTHING on his site will have a long price tag!
He has clearly reached the point (and kudos to him for doing so) where he literally does it for the fun of it, and if you do not like his price you can pound sand.
Not a problem Tkacook. The pictures are rather horrible. I also can not see spending that kind of money on a knife but to each their own.
Dick, just picked up my TRB!!!! It's really nice and now I know the full serial number. It seems to be in your book, 156755. All works well, butt plate latch and lock. Since you have the serial# maybe you could tell me about it? Will be putting the number on the bulletin board on Al's site.
Dick Hosmer
11-09-2019, 10:25
Unfortunately, the only numbers that I kept data on were the 1873 carbines. With hindsight, I wish I had done the others, but it's too late now. Numbers in my book come from arms I have owned, seen, had reported to me by people whose expertise I trusted, saw in catalogs, in SRS, at shows, etc. To the extent that such is possible when you cannot personally handle something, I believe that all (or at least 99%+) are genuine, but I have no historical data on them.
Well Dick, that was disappointing : ( It is a beautiful rifle though. Maybe SRS will have something on it. It looked to have some dust or some left over burn powder in the bore. I asked the salesman to look at it and he thought it may be pitting. Got home ran a patch down the bore and not a mark, pit, scratch just a shinny deeply rifled bore!!!
The other rifle had many issues to the point that I would not buy it even if I needed to fill a hole in my collection. NOW!!! what next??
I did see a 1865 short rifle on gun broker for 1550.00 I believe it is in your neck of the woods.
Dick Hosmer
11-09-2019, 03:29
Sorry about that, but there is no way I could have kept track of EVERYTHING. The book is a GUIDE, not a summation of SA production records for a forty year period.
FWIW, that short '65 on GB is the one you do NOT want! Note altered wrist, and middle band not moved, leaving an ugly front end. The desirable version is the one without wrist work, and properly spaced bands.
No need to be sorry Dick.
I understand you can't remember everything, I have a hard time remembering yesterday😁
I use your book as a guide as intended and not a summation. I was unaware of the full serial number until I saw it today and then in your book.
Thanks for pointing out those issues with the short rifle. I wouldn't have been able to buy it anyway as he is a private seller. It would not have been able to ship to NJ.
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