View Full Version : AZ should sue CA

11-01-2019, 02:18
I woke up this morning and am all congested. Sneezing, runny nose. California is so concerned about the environment and ban all kinds of things or slaps their warnings on products but they are allowing their smoke to just drift all over the place. I think Arizona might have a case.

11-01-2019, 05:11
Also be concerned about the liberal Californians that are moving to AZ to escape the high taxes and human waste everywhere but are bringing their liberalism with them.

11-01-2019, 05:23
Also be concerned about the liberal Californians that are moving to AZ to escape the high taxes and human waste everywhere but are bringing their liberalism with them.

LOL....plenty of human sh-t here, let me tell you.

Former Cav
11-12-2019, 02:19
LOL....plenty of human sh-t here, let me tell you.

not near as bad as LA, SanFransicko or Seattle WA !!