View Full Version : Canadian Firearms Ban

Mark in Ottawa
12-07-2019, 07:08
As some of you may know, we recently had an election in which no party got a majority of seats but Liberals got the most seats and have formed a minority government. It is expected that they will be supported by the New Democratic Party who are socialists (even more than the Liberals).

During the election campaign the Prime Minister promised to look at the issue of so called Military Style Assault rifles

The first session of the new Parliament opened a couple of days ago with the traditional "Speech from the Throne", written by the government but delivered by the Governor General on behalf of the Queen. The speech outlines the objectives of the government for the upcoming session of Parliament

I will try to express this without using obscenity but the Speech indicates that the Liberals are going to ban semi auto military style rifles. The Minister of Public Safety who used to be police chief of Toronto has long been anti-gun and says that they are now developing a list of rifles that will be banned. I'm pretty sure that handguns will be next.

This is of course a typical Liberal approach. They want to be seen to be doing something about the gangs who all use handguns but can't so they do something that even they know is useless; they attack honest gun collectors and target shooters. WTF!!

12-07-2019, 08:27
WTF indeed. I think it's time for all honest gun owner's everywhere to just say no. we'll have the same thing here in the states if certain politicians have their way.

12-07-2019, 11:05
It's far easier and less expensive to persecute the law abiding than it is to round up the criminals Junior's daddy and Chretien allowed into the country. There's nothing new about any of it.
The Socialist Rat Offspring of unmarried parents Liberal Party have had a hidden long term agenda to make Canada the first country to have no private firearms ownership. And that includes BP and air powered.

12-07-2019, 03:17
How tough a sell is this to the Canadian public?

12-07-2019, 06:58
How tough a sell is this to the Canadian public?

Probably not too tough. From what I hear the Canadians are nice beyond reason. But, the "from my dead hands" talk is mostly talk even in the states. There would be a percentage of more resistance here just because.

12-08-2019, 05:08
I don't stand with the "from my dead hands" attitude. but how about the "enough laws already" attitude. start enforcing the ones we already have.

Mark in Ottawa
12-08-2019, 07:34
One measure of the popularity of the measure, or the lack thereof is that with a population of 37 million, there are estimated to be over 250,000 such military style firearms in circulation in Canada. According to wikipedia (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_co untry) Canada has about 38 civilian firearms per 100 population. If we ignore the very small countries on the list such as the Falkland Islands and Yemen, this is second only to the USA with 121 firearms per 100 people. A lot of Canadians do own firearms.

12-08-2019, 10:35
There's no 'selling to the public involved. That was done by the election that King Obama interfered in by praising Junior.
Our system is totally different from yours. The elected Party can basically do whatever it wants, if it has what we call a "Majority"(170 seats in Parliament or help from another Party to add up to that. We drink for a reason). That's having enough seats in Parliament to win any vote. There's no voting the way an elected person wants to either. It's the Party line or nothing.
Currently, Junior's socialist rat offspring of unmarried parents, Liberals(think Democrats) does not have a Majority(157 seats) so he has to get another Party or Parties to go along with him. The Bloc Quebecois(AKA The Traitors who advocate Quebec separating from the country. And think they can still use our money, passports and won't lose Federal Pensions, etc.) won 32 seats and have said they'll vote with Junior.
The Other Socialist Party AKA the NDP has said they will not support Junior because he has not done what they told him they wanted. Yeah.
"...Canadians are nice beyond reason..." Yep, but it is not recommended to PO Canadians. Our military has a history of stopping armies that are far bigger than us. Our PPCLI Regiment has done that, alone, in every war since W.W. I. They won a U.S. Presidential Unit citation for stopping the Red Chinese army at K'ap Yong.