View Full Version : Lyman, where are

12-18-2019, 08:40
All the archive pages from the forums? M1 says there are 78 pages but if I select pg 50, the way-back machine only goes to pg 4.

I know there is only so much room on server memory, and the last big outage was due, in part, to the need to upgrade to more memory.

Is all the esrly info lost?

12-18-2019, 09:35
no idea, I have very limited access to find that stuff out

I can only go back about a year , as far as looking for old post,

must be something Pat set up on the forum,

12-18-2019, 08:02
Lyman- There is a wayback archive site at:

http://web.archive.org/web/20020408144843/http://www.jouster.com:80/cgi-bin/guntalk/config.pl (Copy and paste in your browser)

Not all the links work, some do, some don't. I'm afraid we have lost a lot of info from users like the Maj., Gus Fisher, Hard Dog, Big John and other experts not just on the M1 and 1903 forum. The farthest back I have found is 2000.

I see questions that keep popping up here that were definitively answered by gunsmith experts and others in the old threads, before there were such things as stickies.

12-18-2019, 08:22
checked before posting the way back links. Looks like they are a dead issue too. They weren't last year. Don't know how old the plea for money is, could be end of year or mid-summer, or.......

I'm glad I saved many of the old CSP posts that I was interested in to .doc files.

12-19-2019, 06:45
I think those posts were lost during the 'troubles' on the first version (or second?) and lost long ago

the stuff that was posted when Jouster was temp housed on Milsurps is still there

12-19-2019, 07:21
Lyman - Yes, MilSurps did temporarily host CSP when they had their first BIG outage/hack. If I remember correctly, after CSP came back up the CSP-MilSurps divorce was contentious.

Eventhough they are listed at the bottom of the forum home page, clicking on any CSP forum just takes you to the old MilSurps archives, or is there something I'm missing?

12-20-2019, 05:40
Lyman - Yes, MilSurps did temporarily host CSP when they had their first BIG outage/hack. If I remember correctly, after CSP came back up the CSP-MilSurps divorce was contentious.

Eventhough they are listed at the bottom of the forum home page, clicking on any CSP forum just takes you to the old MilSurps archives, or is there something I'm missing?

no, you are not missing a thing, apparently that link no longer works, (I was surfing thru it maybe a year ago and stuff was there,,)

guessing that too is gone

12-20-2019, 11:08
Well, I'm glad I copied what I did when it was available, and matched my interest then. Just shows how fragile the good info on the I'net is; kinda like it's on sale, if you don't buy it when you see it, it may not be there when you come back

Robert Scott
12-21-2019, 08:50
Speaking of Gus Fisher, I heard last week that he was back to doing only the Hampton, Va. Gunshow. I hope his health is better...

12-21-2019, 10:13
he was at the last show in RVA, and looked good,

just last month

12-21-2019, 06:24
I had heard that he moved to a black powder site somewhere, but I don't know where.

12-21-2019, 06:30
he was posting on Muzzleloader.com as Artificer (may have spelled that wrong)
been a few years since I visited that site,

I'll be at Chantilly next weekend (Nation's Gun Show) , but I usually don't see him there,

RVA is the next weekend,
if I see him, I'll ask him to stop by Jouster

02-18-2020, 02:51
[QUOTE=lyman;570379]he was posting on Muzzleloader.com as Artificer (may have spelled that wrong)[QUOTE]

REF: Gus Fisher, I tried both ML.com and M-L.COM and both seem to be ML mfg advertising websites. Didn't see any kind pf discussion platform...did I misqueue something?

02-18-2020, 06:58

saw him briefly at the last RVA show but did not get a chance to speak to him

(did not see him last weekend at the Nations Gun Show)

I'll try to remember to chat him up if he is at then next RVA show, (end of next month)