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View Full Version : Further update on Dick ............

Dan Shapiro
12-22-2019, 07:19
He sat up in the chair today and is very alert
He memory is very good. I believe I told you he had 5 by passes
He also had a childhood trauma that had scaring.
We have knowledge of how or when. But they removed the scaring and repaired that also. Could have been a bad virus or such. So now he will not have that problem in the future
We will be at the hospital for Christmas. So I hope you all have a wonderful dinner
I have read Richard all of your comments. Thank you EVERYONE

12-23-2019, 05:59

12-23-2019, 06:00
God Speed

Gun Smoke
12-23-2019, 06:05
Thanks for the updates.

W/o you we'd have little or no knowledge of what is going on.

Dick is definitely having a Christmas to remember but at least he is recovering and improving.

12-23-2019, 11:37
Dan ... thank you very much for the update. Will follow this thread with interest. Praying for Dick. Sincerely. bruce.

12-23-2019, 11:44
Thanks for the update. Wishing Dick a speedy recovery!

12-23-2019, 09:53
He sat up in the chair today and is very alert
He memory is very good. I believe I told you he had 5 by passes
He also had a childhood trauma that had scaring.
We have knowledge of how or when. But they removed the scaring and repaired that also. Could have been a bad virus or such. So now he will not have that problem in the future
We will be at the hospital for Christmas. So I hope you all have a wonderful dinner
I have read Richard all of your comments. Thank you EVERYONE

Let him know the fellas over on Krag Collectors Association are giving best wishes and prayers, too.