View Full Version : Update on Dick.....12/31
Dan Shapiro
12-31-2019, 07:52
Richards update
It was a busy weekend. Richard had a few staples in his chest to aid healing. Better than going in and re stitching him up. Sternum is not separated
He then had his heart shocked Sunday. He had an irregular heart beat. They put him out and zapped him and it is pumping fine. Today we got him into a Williams facility. Valley West rehab. It’s an acute rehab where he will be for a few weeks until he can come home. I am getting the stair climber installed weds. That will be great for both of us.
Praise God! Praying for Dick! Will continue to follow this and other thread for updates. Sincerely. bruce.
Ned Butts
01-05-2020, 12:22
Saw this on Milsurps 1/4
Still in rehab. for a few weeks more. Had heart shocked last week to regulate heart beat. Just takes time now. kay is getting a stair stepper to put both of them to work on when he gets home.
God bless him! Thank you for the update. Sincerely. bruce.
Gun Smoke
01-05-2020, 12:48
He then had his heart shocked Sunday. He had an irregular heart beat. They put him out and zapped him and it is pumping fine.
I knew a man who had the paddles put on him while he was still conscious. He said that was the worse pain he had ever experienced.
Have some friends and family members who had pacemakers installed to cure the irregular heartbeat. They work great.
Thanks for the continued updates.
01-05-2020, 01:21
Thank you, Dan. Continued prayers for Dick.
I knew a man who had the paddles put on him while he was still conscious. He said that was the worse pain he had ever experienced.
Have some friends and family members who had pacemakers installed to cure the irregular heartbeat. They work great.
Thanks for the continued updates.
one of the partners at the law firm my wife works at has had his heart stopped twice, and restarted,
afib, and other issues, as well as a pacemaker,
fortunately , he was sedated when the did it,
Thanks Dan for the updates. Hope every thing keeps going good.
Dick Hosmer
01-08-2020, 06:11
Hello guys. Thanks for all the kind words. Looking forward to recovery!
That's what I'm looking for, a post from the man himself!
I know it hurts,Dick. Hang in for a full recovery.
Hang in there, Dick! Glad to see you are able to post again!
Hello guys. Thanks for all the kind words. Looking forward to recovery!
hoping you have a speedy recovery!!!
Well, I've been pretty worried and I still am. But it sounds like maybe you'll be coming out of this mess in better physical shape than you were the day before it happened. Meaning they've repaired a lot of stuff that was building up unnoticed. That's always a good thing.
Relax and do whatever the Dr.'s need you to do. Heal with time. Keep relaxing. Finish that chapter in your book. Go ahead and eat that Chocolate gooey brownie. Drink whole milk and eat real butter. I do. :1948:
Great to hear from you Dick! Wishing you a full recovery.
01-11-2020, 11:25
Yikes! Get well and live some more, OK? I don't want to be the last man standing, with no one to talk to.
01-12-2020, 05:48
It's great to see you posting again, Dick. I keep praying for the Lord's reassurance and strength for both you and your family and for your full and speedy recovery. Stay tough.
- IditarodJoe
Dick Hosmer
02-01-2020, 02:08
Just got home out of SNF - thank goodness I can use my desktop instead of that @#$%$ screen on my phone! Feeling good, and I've even been cleared to drive, way ahead of schedule. I was DAMN lucky. Looking forward to participating again - most sincere thanks for all the good wishes and prayers.
Gun Smoke
02-01-2020, 02:25
Great to hear from you. Once you recover from the surgery you will certainly feel better than before considering the blockage you had.
Yes, you were lucky and perhaps someone was watching out for you as well.
Thanks for the update.
Just found this update. Thrilled at the very good news! Praying for you. Sincerely. bruce.
02-01-2020, 07:47
That's fantastic, Dick. Praise the Lord! The forum wouldn't be the same without you.
Yea! I’m Really happy you’re home!
Dick Hosmer
02-04-2020, 11:08
With heartfelt thanks to all my friends I'd like to stick a fork in this and get back to guns!!
With heartfelt thanks to all my friends I'd like to stick a fork in this and get back to guns!!
maybe you can get the physical therapist to let you pick them up and shoot?
tho that may hurt now,,,
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