View Full Version : I'll start a little project now....
Hal O'Peridol
03-20-2010, 06:14
I've had a drill M1903A3 for a while now, VERY small weld on bottom of barrel, and a blob of braze at the cutoff. The braze broke in half by hand, and the weld is now broken.
I have a new 2 groove barrel to put on, was going to just have a plain jane 03A3 until today.
Went to the gun show and picked up a nice Lyman Alaskan for 24 dollars, with the post and crosswire reticule.
Gonna make me a faux 03A4 now! Life is good. Since it is a recovered drill rifle, no collectible rifles were harmed
I once saw a really nice project rifle. It was an M1903A3. The front sight was removed. The upper band was replaced with an '03 version, the trigger guard was also '03 with a floorplate. A modern fixed power scope and bases were installed. Nothing authentic about it but a sweet looking rifle that I bet shot like a dream
03-21-2010, 12:31
This project sounds really interesting Hal O'peridol!
I always like to follow DIY projects like this, there's a ton of information in it.
and besides that, who doesn't like to see the old wood and steel being used for a nice project?
I'm completely against bubba-ing a C&R rifle, but since your not chopping the barrel, or "sporterizing" it, I'm going to let you have your way :icon_lol: (your rifle = do with it what you please)
Good luck with your project,
03-22-2010, 06:40
A photo diary plus a wee writeup is in order.
I did the same when I modded my Jeep.
Hal O'Peridol
03-23-2010, 06:03
Sure, a photo essay will be easy!
It was finding the Lyman Alaskan scope at the last gun show that made my mind up for me. It has the post and crosswire reticule and I paid the lowly sum of 24 dollars for it. I am really bummed because I missed the other one next to it, and that one had the leather lens covers! Also for 25 dollars! Sometimes the best deals at small gunshows are not guns....
Hal O'Peridol
03-31-2010, 10:43
Ak, a little photo essay starting........
I'll start with the barreled action.
I got this rifle at a local gunshow for 150 dollars, it was a drill rifle, but done with small welds and no signs of excessive heat. All there and had a real nice stock. I then picked up a nice Remington 2 groove NOS barrel for 75 dollars. Last show I picked up the real nice Lyman Alaskan for 24 dollars. Rifle is now stripped, and these pictures were taken prior to going to the gunsmiths. The gunsmith is the one I bought both the rifle and barrel from.
here is the end of the old barrel (12/43):
End of new barrel (5/44):
I went to the shop to drop off the parts, and he said he had a new base for the project, and he was sure he had the rings too somewhere in the back. :):icon_pirat:
04-03-2010, 01:46
Very nice pictures,
Let us know how she comes along as you progress.
I would love to see this rifle finished and doing what it does best, shooting.
Lets see the scope and mount??
I was going to let this RIA go but might hack it up with a scope.
My next fixer upper a 1945 M47 #4T
04-05-2010, 05:02
I like the Springfield MJ1, I have had the opportunity to shoot an m1903 with a diopter sight numerous times, I really like it.
I have an 91/30 with a PU scope on it. and to be honest, if I had an 1903a3 that looks as good as yours, I wouldn't hack it up with anything.
Kind regards, Louis
It can be yours then for $550 OBO.
04-05-2010, 11:09
Thanks for the offer MJ1, but no thanks.
Unfortunately gun laws are very strict here. I already bought the Mosin Nagant I have now about half a year back, that means I cant buy another firearm for at least another half year to come. That includes any part for a firearm I don't own too. It takes at least one and a half year to get a firearms license here. and when you buy one, you have to wait for at least a year before you can buy another one. and you can only own a maximum of five firearms.
Hal O'Peridol
04-29-2010, 08:10
Couple more pics here of the scope.....through the lens, nice post and crosshair reticule, and an over all view of the scope, lloks better than the pic actually. Not bad for 24 bux....
04-29-2010, 10:32
Looking good!....
For 24 dollars, that's a very, very nice find! I wish things like that would pop up over here once in a while.
I am looking forward to seeing it mounted!
Alaskan looks good. I have boxes of little 03 parts I can look through for you.
This one is a little dirty but for $200 I'm happy. Everything works and the glass is clear and sharp.
Hal O'Peridol
08-27-2010, 01:41
Well, the new barrell is mounted, and scope mount is on. Still at 'smith's getting chaber reamed, should have it back next week, will post some update ics when I get it. Got a bent bolt from a local gunsmith. Ordered a "C" stock from Dupage, it will ship on Monday. Project is finally coming together.
08-28-2010, 12:31
That is good to hear, I had almost forgot about this thread, luckily I have it under my favorites.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but I have always had a weak spot for the 1903. :)
Sounds like a very interesting rifle coming together, show us the pictures when you are finished.
I haven't done much to my mosin in the past months but I have bought dies to start reloading in some time.
Hal O'Peridol
09-01-2010, 10:34
OK, got the barreled receiver back, I am going to try a few pics. a0DsPUnI_L-W0i7jLHAclpSY0tpmnEVf-6qFuV3cu7yhwbbyQEXU9fpoA,pwpimages-%5E-o3a3a.jpg,pictures,96430,1283405145,JPEG%20image,Y es,all/
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Well, doing good on the project, the Dupage stock came today, looks real nice and just drops in. Now to find small ancillary parts!
Hal O'Peridol
06-05-2013, 12:24
After a long time it is finished. Too dark for good pictures.
Just a quick recap:
Started with a barely demilled drill rifle. Then I found a Lyman Alaskan scope at a local gun show for 24 dollars, has the post and crosshair reticule. I had planed on using the Springfield for static display in the jeep, but I decided to do this instead.
The local gunsmith I bought the drill rifle from had new GI barrels, for 150 dollars I got a new barrel put on and headspaced, Redfield mount and Lyman horizontal split 7/8" rings put on the rifle.
I bought a "gunsmith special" "C" stock from Dupage, several holes were drilled off, or too large, but was able to fix those.
The bolt came from another local gunsmith. Got it all put together.
Had a local guy, highly recommended, do the bolt handle relief. Which looked like total dog turds. Was able to rescue that somewhat, so at least looks like buried cat turds instead.
Put on a nice checkered buttplate too. I also have a nice Weaver K 2.5 scope to mount also......
Now for pics......
Hal O'Peridol
06-05-2013, 12:26
Here's how it looks with the Lyman Alaskan........
Hal O'Peridol
06-05-2013, 08:52
I went with the Lyman Alaskan. Optics were a little better, I think the Weaver needs to be disassembled and cleaned.
Took it to the range today, Sighted it in at 25 yds, showing very nice tight groups. So I headed out to the 100 yd range and set up. First three shots were upper left, so I adjusted 1 click right and 4 clicks down. Next two went right in the center, and then I pulled the third round, sending it about 3 inches down and two to the right.
This is from a recovered drill rifle, in a reject stock, put together by me with no real training but what I read, using 1975 dated Korean 30-06 ammo. This rifle SHOULD pattern like a shotgun, but the time I took to get it right apparently paid off. Total cost:
$150.................drill rifle.
-$30..................sold drill rifle stock
$24...................Lyman scope
$150.................NIW 2 groove barrel, installed, headspaced, D&T, mount and rings
$75...................Dupage "Handyman Special" C stock
$20...................bent handle bolt from local gunsmith's junk box
3 years of my tinker time..........priceless. Total monetary outlay 389 dollars. I'z a happy camper~ (
Rick the Librarian
06-05-2013, 09:33
Excellent job - you should be justifiably proud!
Nice job, Hal! Looks like you have a real shooter! Nice looking rifle, too!
Hal O'Peridol
06-06-2013, 08:20
Thanks! I was worried about the clearance inlet for the bolt handle. The guy I had do it pretty much just chiseled out a straight line trench in the stock, nothing close to the pictures I provided. I worked on it some, and got it looking a little better I think.
06-08-2013, 03:06
Great job and new life for an old rifle. I've done a few and it's always fun to work slow on them and finally print to paper.
Had gun smith do a remake on my 1903A3 to an A4. Put about $800 into it. '44 barreled action C stock. Bent bolt Lyman All weather scope with redfield base. Shoots well, but that was last year
Fred Pillot
06-08-2013, 10:20
I love it when things come together. It's like on a smaller scale, when you go the store and the bill comes to $8.58. and you just happen to have $0.58 in coin in your pocket. You get to go home with no jingle in your pants or coins falling out of your pocket landing under the car seat. You just feel good.
Hal O'Peridol
06-09-2013, 05:04
Had gun smith do a remake on my 1903A3 to an A4. Put about $800 into it. '44 barreled action C stock. Bent bolt Lyman All weather scope with redfield base. Shoots well, but that was last year
0440, nice looking rifle. I was surprised by how nice the optics were on the Lyman Alaskan. Regarding your last sentence, did yours stop shooting well?
didn't stop shooting just not got back out to range since last year. At 82, I don't do anything fast any more............
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