View Full Version : Cockpit 360

01-07-2020, 09:50
Nice site at the Air Force Museum. Lots of planes, hi-res photos


01-07-2020, 05:40
Very nice togor, thank you.

01-07-2020, 08:35
Togor- thanks for this trip down memory lane.

Wish I had a nickel for every mile I've flown in KC-97, C-123,
C-124 ole shakey, C-130 all models, C-141, KC-135, and not so far in helos H-19, H-21, H-34, Hueys, all models. F-100, O-1's, U-6's. Those I remember without ckecking my logbooks.

01-07-2020, 08:56
I was a bit amazed by the interior of the B29,

I have done walk thru's of a couple B17's and a B24,
they seemed neater, as in all the cables, plumbing etc were not in as big a mess, or seemed that way,

just for giggles, look at the cockpit of the Spad, vs the B52 or a more modern plane,

what a long way we have come

01-07-2020, 10:07
Ever look at a walk through of the ISS? People are floating around upside down and I wonder how they don't snag some important wire.

01-07-2020, 11:55
Spad vs B-52, apples and oranges; single vs multi engine. Try Spad vs Piper J3

01-13-2020, 11:34
Hey Togor, I spent many hours in the seats of the F-102A and the A-7D doing maintenance on their Radar systems in my younger days. Some things about both of 'em I'd forgotten about.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.