01-13-2020, 10:19
I am not a carbine collector but have collected or picked-up a lot of carbine parts
and wood over the years. I have a nice Quality Hardware 1.6 mil carb which appears
to be complete with QH parts and with a Underwood 7-43 dated barrel. This QH
carbine was in a hi wood IMB stock and an advanced collector offered to buy this
IBM stock, which I sold. Now I need a carbine stock and remembered that I had
bought a NOS Inland IO marked M1A1 fore-end with pistol grip years ago. Also I
had bought (really cheap) a very badly damaged M1A1 stock but the metal was
nice. I put the M1A1 stock together using the two stocks and the QH carbine
for my M1A1 build. Of course using a Inland would be better but its all still WW2
period. I may sell this during the summer months and any help concerning a
value would be appreciated.46911469124691346914
and wood over the years. I have a nice Quality Hardware 1.6 mil carb which appears
to be complete with QH parts and with a Underwood 7-43 dated barrel. This QH
carbine was in a hi wood IMB stock and an advanced collector offered to buy this
IBM stock, which I sold. Now I need a carbine stock and remembered that I had
bought a NOS Inland IO marked M1A1 fore-end with pistol grip years ago. Also I
had bought (really cheap) a very badly damaged M1A1 stock but the metal was
nice. I put the M1A1 stock together using the two stocks and the QH carbine
for my M1A1 build. Of course using a Inland would be better but its all still WW2
period. I may sell this during the summer months and any help concerning a
value would be appreciated.46911469124691346914