View Full Version : New Krag owner, almost and SRS request

01-16-2020, 01:00
Hi all, I'm new to Krags and trying to build my knowledge. But contrary to good sense I made an impulse purchase of an M1899 Carbine this week that may or may not have been the best decision, it's a bit of a project. I haven't received it yet but I'll post pics when I get it in my possession. But while I'm waiting I'm wondering if it shows up in the SRS. Serial number is 287965.

Thanks much
Peter M

01-16-2020, 02:53
No hit in the Mallory second edition list.
We look forward to your pictures!

01-16-2020, 05:49
Nothing on my SRS CD either.

01-18-2020, 02:01
Welcome to the club, Pete!

I hope you take it out and shoot it. The Krag carbine was the best hunting rifle Springfield Arsenal ever made. Why so many rifles have been cut down to that configuration.


01-18-2020, 02:42
Thanks JN

I shoot all my rifles and this is the one that will finally get me started on reloading too. Still waiting to receive it and I’m quite excited about it.

02-09-2020, 09:51
Pete, I have been using the Krag as my main elk hunting rifle for most of my life. It is up to the job, ballistically speaking, and the carbine configuration is just right for the forested mountains I hunt. Crawl over or under deadfalls, clamber up steep slopes, that carbine just hugs your bod and doesn't get in the way. A little on the heavy side, and forget about mounting a scope, but if you are hunting rough country where 65 yards is a long shot, that Krag will serve you well. It will knock down an elk, one shot, or get a bear4 to reconsider...
