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They're saying it's in Iran now, which has some cities with high population densities and limited public health resources. I read about two weeks ago a quote that "in the next 4-6 weeks we'll know [if it can be controlled]". Lots of Chinese work in Africa too. If it gets there, worldwide aircraft travel might dry up. This one may not be a practice drill.
02-21-2020, 08:34
I've been following this very closely from the first reports from Hong Kong that doctors were treating mainland Chinese for a mystery respiratory illness. Always remember governments only tell you what they want you to know. The CHICOMS have cracked down on information coming from China to control the narrative. Some of my fellow Americans tell me the Flu is killing more people then the Corona Virus but my response is how do we know that? We only know what the CHICOMS are telling us.
Here are some of the facts:
China has locked down around 70 million people. Why would they do that? They have banned public gathering and shut down factories and schools.
The Chinese say that 14 days is a good quarantine period but one doctor said 24 is better but his statement got covered up.
Its been reported that a person can have the virus and spread it without any symptoms for at least 14 days.
The actions China has taken is starting to affect their economy and financial news sites are now saying markets will start to feel the effects of the slowdown in manufacturing, import and export and tourism. This isn't good.
A doctor from the CDC said in a news report today that the US must be prepared for school shut downs and business closures.
I don't know because no one is reporting how long it takes for a person to recover if they have the virus or the real death rate. I know of three Chinese Doctors who have died from it as of today.
I've prepared my family members the ability to self quarantine for at least 30 days with food, surgical masks and gloves. I don't know where this is going but the old boy scout in me says be prepared.
They're saying it's in Iran now, which has some cities with high population densities and limited public health resources.
Who could ask for more?
02-21-2020, 10:49
I'm a certified emergency team (NET) member in Portland. I emailed "command" at the City today to see what the plan was for an outbreak and I got a response "the County takes care of medical stuff" My own thought is when the virus hits thousands of people wil be laid up and need care. I figure us NETs can do most of the caregiving, at lest until we get sick and have to be cared for ourselves. I'm up for it but is the city/county?
02-22-2020, 02:45
Is Captain Trips here yet?
02-22-2020, 08:00
"the County takes care of medical stuff" Not much of an answer, especially to one on the front line. If it hits my area we'll do the best we can, but the worst part is in the beginning we will not know what we a dealing with. The FLU season is in full swing and I am sure many will think that is what they have. Hopefully a vaccine will be available shortly. tony in VA
02-22-2020, 08:31
here's the john Hopkins map
here's the john Hopkins map
Great link, thanks!
China has also said it originated with a rare ant eater. I suspect, with no proof of any kind, that critter escaped from a Chinese Biological Warfare lab. I wouldn't worry about it. Even Doctor Oz says wash your hands often and you'll be fine.
China has also said it originated with a rare ant eater. I suspect, with no proof of any kind, that critter escaped from a Chinese Biological Warfare lab. I wouldn't worry about it. Even Doctor Oz says wash your hands often and you'll be fine.
and alcohol kills it to ,
so bottoms up!!
S.A. Boggs
02-22-2020, 11:06
I'm a certified emergency team (NET) member in Portland. I emailed "command" at the City today to see what the plan was for an outbreak and I got a response "the County takes care of medical stuff" My own thought is when the virus hits thousands of people wil be laid up and need care. I figure us NETs can do most of the caregiving, at lest until we get sick and have to be cared for ourselves. I'm up for it but is the city/county?
In the late 70's I was one of the first EMT'S in our county and did infectious disease control "training" at the clinic. One of our doctors stated that ordinary face masks are only marginal at best. I asked her she would use and her statement was a mask used for painting or similar. Your post gave me food for thought as I keep a stocked crash kit short of prescription meds. Perhaps some sort of better respiratory protection is needed.
02-22-2020, 12:32
I do have a 3M painter's mask I use painting bikes. Maybe I'll get some fresh cartridges
S.A. Boggs
02-22-2020, 02:40
I do have a 3M painter's mask I use painting bikes. Maybe I'll get some fresh cartridges
Are your filters N95?
02-22-2020, 09:02
I'm glad as a group we are talking about this. We can't count on the gov't to help us. Just look at how the gov't responds to natural disasters.
Major Tom
02-22-2020, 09:21
The 'Spanish Flu Epidemic' in 1918. Killed hundreds of thousands and sickened millions. Temporary emergency facilities were set up nation wide, even in our small community of 20,000. Just God's way of thinning the herd. Over populated countries like China and India will suffer badly!
Cases in S. Korea have spiked. undoubtable N. Korea too but they aren't talking yet.
S.A. Boggs
02-23-2020, 02:10
As this plays out in the Republic how can you take care of your family if this virus harms our infrastructure? Food, water, energy for instance is in short supply, what can you do now rather then later? Our daughter today is picking up the 3M respirators with extra filters for the three of us. We are currently using the other dust masks as we remodel our home, especially around saw dust. I wear a mask as I am cutting grass and in addition to that due to my cancer problem I have a weakened immune system. I wear gloves as I go outside my home to avoid germs and keep my hands warm. In the summer I wear driving gloves in place of my winter gloves to protect myself.
02-23-2020, 11:19
Which applies to everything else as well. But I think the suggestion is the oral/respiratory route is not primary. Still, I eat at home during flu season even more than during the summer; then it's usually coffee with someone.
S.A. Boggs
02-23-2020, 12:00
"Happy Birthday" is the song I was taught to sing as I washed my hands with HOT SOAPY WATER. Reason being this was the minimal time frame to eliminate most germs. In my company vehicle I kept hand sanitizer in addition to washing my hands. I wish there was a simple way to keep one safe and I believe one size does not fit all.
02-23-2020, 01:32
sobering link.
Looking forward, this virus could have quite an effect on public life and the economy, if people choose to stay away from sporting events, restaurants, even political rallies. Recession in 2020 seems like a good bet.
S.A. Boggs
02-24-2020, 08:23
Looking forward, this virus could have quite an effect on public life and the economy, if people choose to stay away from sporting events, restaurants, even political rallies. Recession in 2020 seems like a good bet.
On the other hand with China being hit worse this could be an opportunity for America to produce goods here again. I am more optimistic for America and our ability to cope then say China.
02-24-2020, 09:13
Looking forward, this virus could have quite an effect on public life and the economy, if people choose to stay away from sporting events, restaurants, even political rallies. Recession in 2020 seems like a good bet.
Well damn, look at the Dow this morning.
The 'Spanish Flu Epidemic' in 1918. Killed hundreds of thousands and sickened millions. Temporary emergency facilities were set up nation wide, even in our small community of 20,000. Just God's way of thinning the herd. Over populated countries like China and India will suffer badly!
Worldwide 500,000,000 people caught the H1N1 virus during the "Spanish Flu" epidemic and 50,000,000 died. At least 675,000 people died in the United States before it ran its course. That would mean between 6 & 7 million people got real sick here in the good old U.S.A. It was a plague of truly Biblical proportions. Modern medicine would have saved a bunch of those people but the death toll would still have been in the millions.
This could be really bad mojo, not as bad as the Spanish Flu but bad enough. Since stuff like this is hardest on old folks or kids if you're a "geezer" and there are a bunch of us here, it's something to prepare for.
Wash your hands frequently, keep your hands away from your face, and if you haven't stocked up on food enough to "hunker down" for a couple of months it would be a good idea. If you're a hurricane prepper like me you probably have that part covered.
S.A. Boggs
02-24-2020, 02:05
Just watched a special from Australian TV and saw what I was ignorant of regarding the virus. If more Americans saw the reality I shudder as to what people would want/demand of government to protect us. If 1% of Americans died from this virus, what then?
China has also said it originated with a rare ant eater. I suspect, with no proof of any kind, that critter escaped from a Chinese Biological Warfare lab. I wouldn't worry about it. Even Doctor Oz says wash your hands often and you'll be fine.
Chinese live animal markets, which sell exotic animals for food have always been a potential problem. Apparently these scaly anteaters (pangolin) are a delicacy there. I understand there is a strong hypothesis that the AIDS virus originated in monkeys in Africa and originally spread to humans through people eating the monkeys.
S.A. Boggs
02-24-2020, 03:35
Some things to consider to pick up is several bottles of quality whiskey for pain and sterilization. A quantity of local raw honey for food and infection control. A wound that has honey applied to it is a good barrier to infection. The book THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL MEDICINE GUIDE by Dr. Joseph Alton and his wife Amy ARNP. Last but not least put together a home crash kit that is easy to transport and water resistant.
The Cornavirus is no more than another attempt to overthrow Trump by upsetting the worlds economy and blaming him for the collapse. The average death rate for this years flu is 2% the COVID-19 rate is 3%. Bad but not DJT's fault. The price of gold is way up. Stocks are way down, and it is all about politics. togor and cohorts are rooting for a depression. They want people to die and the world economy to collapse. Then, they think they will rebuild a utopian society, much like Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba and the other successful Socialist nations that have embraced the National Socialist Workers Party.
You a glass half-empty guy there Red? I'd think you'd be looking at the coming challenge as a golden opportunity for the Big Fella to display that superb management acumen we hear so much about. Rudy's reputation skyrocketed after 9/11 because he gave NYC exactly what it needed from a mayor. You thinking we got us a fair- weather POTUS?
Shows original Red is. His is a direct comment by Limbaugh (mountain out of a mole hill to cast aspersions on Trump). How about Tony Fauci from NIH speaking instead of Mnuchin or Kelly Ann or some other flak.
Eight words in and I had to see who this nut was. Oh, Red of course. Which I kind of suspected.
Back to the subject of disease. The number of actual cases is small. The number of cases outside China is tiny. The issue is keeping it that way. I understand that there are people coming into the United States right now lying about where they've been because they don't want to be quarantined. There are also still people coming into the U.S. from China and other east Asian countries where the virus is spreading.
Panic can be almost as big a problem as the disease. It seems there is a bump in cases in Italy. The news last night showed grocery stores in Italy and the shelves area as bare there as they would be in Houston the day before a Hurricane landfall.
When I was doing my educator thing I learned the importance of clean hands and to this day I never pass a hand sanitizer dispenser without using it.
02-25-2020, 07:47
A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman starts with the arrival of a trading vessel from the Black Sea to the port of Messina Sicily in 1347, bringing the Black Death to Europe. Book goes on to detail the social changes brought about by the depopulation and subsequent creation of the middle class economy.
So what are the potential changes from Corona in terms of bringing manufacturing out of China; how would a significant decrease in third world overpopulation affect migration and the declining birthrate in the West?
Oh yeah. Isn't Bernie in the prime demographic for being vulnerable to Corona?
S.A. Boggs
02-25-2020, 07:50
Just watched the Australian program on this virus [4 Corners t.v.] and it was scary as people drop in the streets, apartment buildings have some doors welded shut and apartments chained shut!
A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman starts with the arrival of a trading vessel from the Black Sea to the port of Messina Sicily in 1347, bringing the Black Death to Europe. Book goes on to detail the social changes brought about by the depopulation and subsequent creation of the middle class economy.
So what are the potential changes from Corona in terms of bringing manufacturing out of China; how would a significant decrease in third world overpopulation affect migration and the declining birthrate in the West?
Oh yeah. Isn't Bernie in the prime demographic for being vulnerable to Corona?
Many are.
Added: but a disease that takes out a small population slice, disproportionately people past their prime productive and child-rearing years, won't damage a country, and might in fact give it a boost.
S.A. Boggs
02-25-2020, 08:39
Many are.
Added: but a disease that takes out a small population slice, disproportionately people past their prime productive and child-rearing years, won't damage a country, and might in fact give it a boost.
Unless you are the one who it takes out. The pandemic of 1918 took out basically the 25-40 crowd for some strange reason. I an my family are at the top of the food chain and we are planning on staying there.
Unless you are the one who it takes out. The pandemic of 1918 took out basically the 25-40 crowd for some strange reason. I an my family are at the top of the food chain and we are planning on staying there.
Sure no one likes it when their number comes up. But the question was about how it may affect entire countries.
The most logical theory for age selectivity of the 1918 flu is that it bore a resemblance to something that had come around 40 years earlier, so older people had residual resistance. Younger ones usually bounce back from the flu anyways. And of course, during wartime, people in that prime age were most likely to be concentrated due to military service.
They're saying it's in Iran now, which has some cities with high population densities and limited public health resources.
Who could ask for more?
02-25-2020, 05:33
Goo would agree.
My mother had the 1918 flu and just died last June.
02-25-2020, 08:42
Goo would agree.
My mother had the 1918 flu and just died last June.
My Great Uncle had the 1918 flu as a young Army Private and it killed him.
Back to the subject of disease. The number of actual cases is small. The number of cases outside China is tiny. The issue is keeping it that way. I understand that there are people coming into the United States right now lying about where they've been because they don't want to be quarantined. There are also still people coming into the U.S. from China and other east Asian countries where the virus is spreading.
Panic can be almost as big a problem as the disease. It seems there is a bump in cases in Italy. The news last night showed grocery stores in Italy and the shelves area as bare there as they would be in Houston the day before a Hurricane landfall.
When I was doing my educator thing I learned the importance of clean hands and to this day I never pass a hand sanitizer dispenser without using it.
Speaking of panic. I had intended to buy some face masks since they are useful for many things and never did. Well this corona thing inspired me to get some....well.....too late. I looked for quite a while on line and what I wanted was sold out on every site I looked at. I did some grocery shopping today and the pharmacies were sold out as well. This is before, I think. a single known person has caught the disease while in the U.S.
02-26-2020, 02:20
S.A. Boggs
02-26-2020, 02:56
Speaking of panic. I had intended to buy some face masks since they are useful for many things and never did. Well this corona thing inspired me to get some....well.....too late. I looked for quite a while on line and what I wanted was sold out on every site I looked at. I did some grocery shopping today and the pharmacies were sold out as well. This is before, I think. a single known person has caught the disease while in the U.S.
I took Jon's advice and bought 3 3M respirators and extra filters for them @ Lowes rather then masks, which I hate to wear. :icon_redface:
02-28-2020, 07:18
More here: I went to the NET meeting last night - the neighbo5rhood emergency teams. I figured they would be talking about the coronavirus, but they weren't. After they got through the agenda I asked if they had any guidaqnce at all on it. They said No, they were waiting for direction from above. I asked them how many of them would volunteer as caregivers, given that they would be about 100% certain to come down with the virus. They all hemmed and hawed.
I'ma gonna contact County Health and see what they have going.
02-28-2020, 08:02
You will need extra taters.
02-28-2020, 08:51
You will need extra taters.
That and about 100 gallons of clean water. I've got the potatoes, from last year's crop. They are getting a little hairy but are still edible.
02-28-2020, 09:02
Speaking of panic. I had intended to buy some face masks since they are useful for many things and never did. Well this corona thing inspired me to get some....well.....too late. I looked for quite a while on line and what I wanted was sold out on every site I looked at. I did some grocery shopping today and the pharmacies were sold out as well. This is before, I think. a single known person has caught the disease while in the U.S.
Art, I was in Porters Home Depot and Lowes and the shelves were bare on Thursday. The Feds announced that they were going to need more so that's adding to the shortages. My son buys for his unit and Home Depot is one of his authorized suppliers so its logical that local gov't are also buying supplies.
- - - Updated - - -
More here: I went to the NET meeting last night - the neighbo5rhood emergency teams. I figured they would be talking about the coronavirus, but they weren't. After they got through the agenda I asked if they had any guidaqnce at all on it. They said No, they were waiting for direction from above. I asked them how many of them would volunteer as caregivers, given that they would be about 100% certain to come down with the virus. They all hemmed and hawed.
I'ma gonna contact County Health and see what they have going.
You aren't alone. I talked with a Sheriffs Deputy that is at the visitor control desk at the local jail and she said they haven't been told anything about protocol for the virus either. I have zero confidence in all levels of gov't.
What the hell do you expect from the federal government? The states are waiting, rightfully, for advice/info from the feds who are constrained because all information must be filtered through Pence. He must be cautious that nothing said will affect the stock market and Trump's reelection plans. Rember when Mulvaney reamed out out Azar for not being concerned enoughthat data may hurt Trump.
On the bright side. Paper mask manufacturers are making money. Like I've always thought, I'd like to manufacture yellow crime scene tape.
03-04-2020, 09:40
Well, the virus is here. I went to a super tuesday watch party last night and no one was shaking hands or touching each other, just bumping fists or elbows. My guess is that a good percentage of Portlanders have already been exposed and are incubating, and that a similar situation prevails around the country.
So far, some people have been forced into 14-day quarantine in hospitals, and when it was over, they have been presented with giant hospital bills! Needless to say, once word gets out about that, people are not going to report for testing and/or treatment. Supposedly there is legislation coming to cover treatment/quarantine costs, but I don't see the Senate passing it.
Reminds me of Civil Defense advice when I was in grade school: "get under your desk, tuck your head between your legs and kiss you a** goodbye"
S.A. Boggs
03-04-2020, 12:18
L.A. County has declared a virus emergency and they say they are prepared. I don't find this reassuring as they can't take care of their homeless. Local Wal-Mart has a few bottles of cheap bleach, no powdered milk. Plenty of ethanol on the shelves for "other" sanitizing. Thinking of getting a few bottles of Napoleon Brandy "just in case" of snakebite or Makers Mark as a sedative. One must be prepared for anything while supplies last! Jim Beam is great to take fishing to sanitize your hands before handling lures!
Right now the virus is winning in this country. And no, not because of homeless people, or local officials. It's winning because of the very human capacity for denial, and because local agencies and providers are flying blind due to a lack of testing capability. As for decision making competence, let's see what happens with that cruise ship.
03-07-2020, 05:07
[ Jim Beam is great to take fishing to sanitize your hands before handling lures!
Alcohol abuse!:1948:
Right now the virus is winning in this country. And no, not because of homeless people, or local officials. It's winning because of the very human capacity for denial, and because local agencies and providers are flying blind due to a lack of testing capability. As for decision making competence, let's see what happens with that cruise ship.
you think it will get torpedoed?
or cruise missile?
you think it will get torpedoed?
or cruise missile?
Lysol bomb?
What to do with the people is the thing.
What the hell do you expect from the federal government? The states are waiting, rightfully, for advice/info from the feds who are constrained because all information must be filtered through Pence. He must be cautious that nothing said will affect the stock market and Trump's reelection plans. Rember when Mulvaney reamed out out Azar for not being concerned enoughthat data may hurt Trump.
Well oscars aka togor, spoken like a true Trump hater.......
03-07-2020, 07:40
It's not all bad.
03-07-2020, 08:08
[ Jim Beam is great to take fishing to sanitize your hands before handling lures!
Alcohol abuse!:1948:[/QUOTE]
Not nearly enough alcohol content to sterilize. Sam's been watching too many TV Westerns.
S.A. Boggs
03-07-2020, 09:40
Alcohol abuse!:1948:
Not nearly enough alcohol content to sterilize. Sam's been watching too many TV Westerns.[/QUOTE]
Getting better Togey, although your Russian dummy needs a more life like face as the ears are just too large.
03-07-2020, 01:08
Ah, picked up another SA Booger on my shoe.
Ah, picked up another SA Booger on my shoe.
Try not to get Bogged down in them.
Covid-19 comment: headed to store to get replacement car battery this afternoon, surfed to Fox News on SiriusXM. Whoever the heads were talking, basically engaging a "blame China" exercise. Without a shred of discernable irony, the US network that aligns itself with the state authorities more than any other was tutting about how Authoritarian regimes make bad situations worse with their relentless control of information.
Of course they're trying to distract from the fact that our own government has impeded our ability to do a simple measurement: does someone has the disease or not?
My takeaway: don't watch or listen to Fox and you'll be better off.
S.A. Boggs
03-07-2020, 03:26
Try not to get Bogged down in them.
Covid-19 comment: headed to store to get replacement car battery this afternoon, surfed to Fox News on SiriusXM. Whoever the heads were talking, basically engaging a "blame China" exercise. Without a shred of discernable irony, the US network that aligns itself with the state authorities more than any other was tutting about how Authoritarian regimes make bad situations worse with their relentless control of information.
Of course they're trying to distract from the fact that our own government has impeded our ability to do a simple measurement: does someone has the disease or not?
My takeaway: don't watch or listen to Fox and you'll be better off.
Togey, "Shocked! Shocked I say!" I agree with you on Fox News, the truth will fry your children's brain. Better off taking in the Pablum of MSM rather then adult food.
My takeaway: don't watch or listen to any main stream media and you'll be better off.
and surely you would have been happier on CNN or MSNBC???
and surely you would have been happier on CNN or MSNBC???
It's a fallacy to argue that distorted media on one side somehow cancels out the other.
Fox gets dinged because they use press freedom to slavishly parrot the government's line instead of challenging it, which is what I think the founders had in mind with the First Amendment.
it's a fallacy that you think that is what I meant, (the FIFY part)
Fox is MSM,, and got dinged during the past administration for not towing the line,
they all have an agenda,, each and every one of them,
and you seem to fall for it as long as it is OMB, (orange man bad)
slavishly parrot the government's line instead of challenging it,-
What is FIFY? Fox is Fifty? We're supposed to know this stuff.
L.A. County has declared a virus emergency and they say they are prepared. I don't find this reassuring as they can't take care of their homeless.-
Screw the homeless. This is the lastest and greatest news.
The virus is already getting to be old news. Kardashian butts will eclipse this shortly.
S.A. Boggs
03-08-2020, 01:49
CV19 will be replaced by the economy tanking {?} as the virus will be a repeat of news.
03-08-2020, 04:55
Anyone got more of that Coronavirus Hoax?
Thoughts & Prayers
CPAC attendee tests positive for coronavirus
it's a fallacy that you think that is what I meant, (the FIFY part)
Fox is MSM,, and got dinged during the past administration for not towing the line,
they all have an agenda,, each and every one of them,
and you seem to fall for it as long as it is OMB, (orange man bad)
Here you go,
Is this thing on our shores Trump's fault like some claim? I say no, it was going to get here somehow or another and eventually get loose.
Now can you tell me anything Trump has said or done so far with this outbreak that really sets him apart in a good way from how predecessors might have handled it? Seems to me Trump is just blundering through.
Here you go,
Is this thing on our shores Trump's fault like some claim? I say no, it was going to get here somehow or another and eventually get loose.
Now can you tell me anything Trump has said or done so far with this outbreak that really sets him apart in a good way from how predecessors might have handled it? Seems to me Trump is just blundering through.
[I] was amazed at the first part you said... "Trump's fault like some claim?" I say no, .....
Then the 2nd part was you.. "Seems to me Trump is just blundering through." Lol
slavishly parrot the government's line instead of challenging it,-
What is FIFY? Fox is Fifty? We're supposed to know this stuff.
Sir heat,
Fixed It For You,
- - - Updated - - -
compare the number of folks over the past 3 months that have had or passed from the corona virus to those that had and passed from the 'regular flu' and or pneumonia,
then compare those numbers to the other 'media sensationalized outbreaks' in the past dozen years,
what do you see?
- - - Updated - - -
[I] was amazed at the first part you said... "Trump's fault like some claim?" I say no, .....
Then the 2nd part was you.. "Seems to me Trump is just blundering through." Lol
Orange Man Good? Really?
Re: flu comparisons. This was a bad flu year and about 10% of the country got it, at about 0.1% mortality. So the flu will claim about one in 10K Americans this year, almost all of them old and sick or young.
COVID-19 appears to have a higher mortality than flu, but hard to know how much higher because the numbers on actual cases are spotty.
It is however a new disease so we don't know what % of the population it could infect. But if it hits 2X as many people with 2X mortality then over 100K deaths. On the plus side these people won't be alive in coming years to die of flu?
A lot of the clampdown IMO reflects a desire to keep it from wiping out the health care workforce. If those people get it, then there's a shortage of folks to care for the severe cases in the population while the doctors and nurses are out sick. If it gets into a nursing home and makes the staff sick too, then that's also a tricky problem. Already happened in WA, I think.
There are about seven billion seven hundred million people in the world. As of right now there are about 105,000 cases of corona virus 95,000 of whom are in China. In this country (pop about 330,000,000) there are im the neighborhood of 200 known cases with about a dozen deaths most of which are in Washington State and most of those who have unfortunately passed were residents in one nursing home. There is a pretty good chance that things will improve a lot when things warm up because this virus, like the common cold and the flu, likes it cold, or at least cool. China was slow off the mark, that's true, but once they got going they locked down a whole province (being a police state does have some advantages) and that has definitely slowed things down. In this country we were a bit slow in some areas too but President Trump was willing early on to be called a xenophobe and a racist to do the right thing which was to prohibit entry (mostly) from countries most affected and to quarantine ill or at risk resident aliens and United States Citizens when they got back, and if that meant detaining people on military bases and forcing cruise ships to make figure eights in the open ocean until they could get a handle on things he did that too.
To me this whole thing shows panic can truly be much worse than the problem and countries can actually act appropriately when there is a real threat to manage both the disease and the tendency of people to over react.
The 1918 flu first emerged in the spring including among the troops but it was wartime and so none of the powers would admit to a nascent epidemic. It circulated at a reduced rate through the warmer months then came on like gangbusters in the fall. If we're given a summer reprieve it's important to understand it could be temporary and that we should use the time wisely.
If anyone is interested, an interesting story from the CDC web site about the 1918 virus and its laboratory reconstruction and study.
A very interesting article, thanks for posting.
Major Tom
03-09-2020, 04:04
The coronavirus isn't as deadly as the media makes it out to be. It's scare tactics to ruin economies world wide.
The coronavirus isn't as deadly as the media makes it out to be. It's scare tactics to ruin economies world wide.
"...isn't as deadly as..."
Which is a way of saying it is deadly. The Chicoms don't strike me as people who easily flinch yet they locked down a province and shut down chunks of their economy to try to get ahead of this thing. From the sound of it, the virus is serious enough that it is worth trying to slow it down for awhile to buy time to study it and devise counter-measures. Plus there's nothing wrong with the occasional practice run. Like the 1918 flu, sooner or later a real nasty bug could come out of nowhere.
A bit of good news. A lab in Austin, Texas has a vaccine in the testing phase, they're in the rat stage. They believe they'll be able to have it ready by the end of the year, maybe during the fall if the Feds shorten up the trials protocol. That they could come up with a vaccine pretty quickly isn't a huge surprise since the protocols for vaccines are well established and corona virus types cause a bunch of other diseases like the common cold so is well known.
Togor is correct about a "practice run." Nobody wants people dying or even sick but this does show that we can spin up pretty quickly when necessary.
S.A. Boggs
03-09-2020, 10:35
How long before stores/banks will be robbed by a "masked" person?:evil6::icon_scratch:
Trump — a self-professed germaphobe — is "melting down over this." Perhaps not shockingly, he's focused on the media, in particular, one person close to the White House said. That reportedly includes him telling aides last week that he was concerned journalists would purposefully contract COVID-19 in an attempt to infect him on Air Force One.
Togar..You are so funny..
S.A. Boggs
03-09-2020, 02:59
Togar..You are so funny..
Must be hell trying to decide who one is.:evil6::eusa_liar:
03-09-2020, 04:03
Must be hell trying to decide who one is.:evil6::eusa_liar:
You're old enough to have figured yourself out by now.
If you are looking for opinions on who "you" are on this forum, there are a few popular ones. :)
I swear this looks like it is been deliberately spread around the world, if its truly in Iran then how did it get there. its basically everywhere except Africa.
I swear this looks like it is been deliberately spread around the world, if its truly in Iran then how did it get there. its basically everywhere except Africa.
A lot of Russian trolls are spreading that idea around online, along with other misinformation. Trying to fuel paranoia and conspiracy thoughts I guess.
There's no obvious reason for the Chinese to shoot themselves in the foot first then watch the rest of the world get sick.
A lot of Russian trolls are spreading that idea around online, along with other misinformation. Trying to fuel paranoia and conspiracy thoughts I guess.
There's no obvious reason for the Chinese to shoot themselves in the foot first then watch the rest of the world get sick.
since the threat to the young is pretty low, and the aged are harder hit,,,
conspiracy theories are that this was released to get rid of the burden of the old, infirm, etc,
I don't believe that. Does anyone?
I don't believe that. Does anyone?
surely some do 6glBSZDqLaA0K3AFxjA2g
03-10-2020, 07:39
Ope...someone has a cold from CPAC.
President Trump didn’t appear at a White House briefing on the coronavirus outbreak on Tuesday, after promising a day earlier he’d hold a news conference to announce a “major” economic stimulus package
I swear this looks like it is been deliberately spread around the world, if its truly in Iran then how did it get there. its basically everywhere except Africa.
I read an article that it doesn't survive over 70 degrees for what it's worth,,,,
I swear this looks like it is been deliberately spread around the world, if its truly in Iran then how did it get there. its basically everywhere except Africa.
remember, China has trade with Iran,
and re: Africa, not reported and not having are 2 different things, (China has trade in Africa as well
03-11-2020, 05:19
remember, China has trade with Iran,
and re: Africa, not reported and not having are 2 different things, (China has trade in Africa as well
...and South America.
03-11-2020, 09:12
I read an article that it doesn't survive over 70 degrees for what it's worth,,,,
If that's the Case then its Dead in Houston. I just turned the AC on.
They're saying it's in Iran now, which has some cities with high population densities and limited public health resources. I read about two weeks ago a quote that "in the next 4-6 weeks we'll know [if it can be controlled]". Lots of Chinese work in Africa too. If it gets there, worldwide aircraft travel might dry up. This one may not be a practice drill.
The consensus answer to whether or not it can be controlled seems to be: doubtful, but if so it will take a major effort.
I guess Tom Hanks and his wife are the first celebrity couple to have it, down in Oz.
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