View Full Version : Interesting Change In Description of "Corona virus"

03-17-2020, 07:53
Back in December and early January, most news outlets were referring to the so-called "corona virus" as the "Wuhan Virus". Of course the ChiComs went ballistic and launched a PR campaign to change the description to "corona virus". Also, there is no more talk about how the disease originated in a "wet market" in Wuhan, where wild and domestic animals (including cats and dogs, koala bears, snakes, and all sorts of other animals) are sold and slaughtered for use as food by the Chinese.
Sad to say, the mainstream media in this country (and in others) have knuckled under to pressure by the Chinese Communist Party, and are now playing down any mention of where the disease originated.
Officials of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, by the way, have stated that the disease was deliberately spread in China by soldiers of the US Army, and have threatened to cut off supplies of medicines and medical devices from China to the US.
In the meantime, US forests are being destroyed by the Asian Longhorn Beetle, and the Emerald Ash Borer, both insects native to China. In addition, states in the mid-Atlantic region continue to be plagued by the Marmorated Stink Bug, also native to China.
Isn't it great what trade with China has brought us?

S.A. Boggs
03-18-2020, 01:09
China just gave the boot to our "news" reporters.

Major Tom
03-18-2020, 02:11
The emerald ash borer has destroyed thousands of trees in our city, 3 of them on my property. The cost to take down those 3 trees came to $5000. And, the 'stink bugs' have been coming here the past 2 years like a locust plaque. We spray every year to kill them, but it doesn't help much. One exterminator said to never crush them because that releases the 'stink' and attracts even more of them.

03-18-2020, 01:20
Is it the fault of the Chinese that American businessmen came to the East looking to get things made more cheaply than back home? I've worn Chuck Taylors for years. I even have one box left of MA-made ones, still brand new. I don't recall getting asked when Converse decided to close that plant and relocate production to China. And yes, the Chinese article is still a little bit inferior in that the glue gives out in spots and has to be reapplied.

The price did not go down either.

Just as this is a bad time to sell stocks, it is also a bad time to pick a fight with the Chinese, who will be restarting their economy right about the time we need raw materials and components from them to keep ours going. Sure, diversify supplier bases going forward, probably pass some laws about that in Congress. But picking a fight with them now out of frustration is exactly the wrong thing to do.

S.A. Boggs
03-18-2020, 01:42
Is it the fault of the Chinese that American businessmen came to the East looking to get things made more cheaply than back home? I've worn Chuck Taylors for years. I even have one box left of MA-made ones, still brand new. I don't recall getting asked when Converse decided to close that plant and relocate production to China. And yes, the Chinese article is still a little bit inferior in that the glue gives out in spots and has to be reapplied.

The price did not go down either.

Just as this is a bad time to sell stocks, it is also a bad time to pick a fight with the Chinese, who will be restarting their economy right about the time we need raw materials and components from them to keep ours going. Sure, diversify supplier bases going forward, probably pass some laws about that in Congress. But picking a fight with them now out of frustration is exactly the wrong thing to do.

Picking a fight is the wrong thing to do with anyone, bring the jobs/work home makes more sense. China can make all the electronics that they want, what good is it if no one buys them at any price? America has one thing people will always need and that is FOOD. What happened in China is a wake up call to our nation. Now if the nation will listen America can benefit from it, if not this will happen again.
This is up to the American People, not the government to solve this problem. This virus can be used to the long range benefit of the Republic not just muddle along hoping for the best.

Gun Smoke
03-18-2020, 01:52
I suppose they would disapprove of my term "Chink Virus" as well. You just can't please some people.

Like Buford Pusser use to say "What's right is right. What's wrong is wrong".

03-18-2020, 08:55
kung flu apparently upset someone,

beer flu seems to be ok,

corona is supposedly (sarcasm) trying to pay off someone to call it the Bud Light Flu,,