View Full Version : Navarro called it

04-07-2020, 06:01
And the dummy didn't listen....29 Jan warned 500,000 would die....23 Feb warned 2million Americans would die....His first brief was 3 Jan, and he didn't care....Now he makes a fool out of himself every night at 5.....

04-07-2020, 06:52
and yet this morning Fauci and his trusty sidekick were saying we (the nation) would likely come in well below any numbers previously given,

maybe you should turn off the TV, go outside, and breath in some fresh air??

or take a drive if myerstown is that miserable a place to be

04-07-2020, 07:56
Navarro guessing correctly falls under the category of "blind squirrel finding acorn" IMO.

Everyone agrees that the "nobody saw this coming" line doesn't wash. Old news, really. Just gotta play the cards we have as best we can for now, crappy though they may be.

04-07-2020, 07:57
The Social Scientist?

04-07-2020, 08:22
And the dummy didn't listen....29 Jan warned 500,000 would die....23 Feb warned 2million Americans would die....His first brief was 3 Jan, and he didn't care....Now he makes a fool out of himself every night at 5.....

"The dummy" didn't listen! Oh please! You Lib's and the juvenile name calling..it only shows your maturity, grow up! ..

04-07-2020, 09:00
The biggest reasons no body, or not enough people saw this pandemic coming, or at least didn't get the magnitude is simple. The ChiComs lied about it for months, the other and bigger reason is the World Health Organization perpetuated the ChiCom lie and that's a documented fact that there's no denying. it's also why it isn't just a mess here but a much bigger mess in Europe where people fell for both lies hook line and sinker.

Hey, the left is always telling us how much smarter the Euros are than us and how much better their medicine is, well look at them now.

I would also remind those who have forgotten that when Pres. Trump cut off travel from China over two months ago both Biden and Sanders screamed RACISM as loud as they could, they've changed their tune now. It wouldn't surprise me if Biden forgot he ever said that....sheesh.

S.A. Boggs
04-07-2020, 09:22
The biggest reasons no body, or not enough people saw this pandemic coming, or at least didn't get the magnitude is simple. The ChiComs lied about it for months, the other and bigger reason is the World Health Organization perpetuated the ChiCom lie and that's a documented fact that there's no denying. it's also why it isn't just a mess here but a much bigger mess in Europe where people fell for both lies hook line and sinker.

Hey, the left is always telling us how much smarter the Euros are than us and how much better their medicine is, well look at them now.

Now the ChComs are saying 0 deaths!!! This illness not need to turn into a mental health syndrome unless one is willing to accept it. America got thru 7 Dec and 9/11 as a nation and we will do it again. The nervous Nellies will continue to have "someone" save them, do their thinking for them and relies on some type of government. Government is a human made institution to serve the nation, not the other way around.
If there is any blame then it is the person in the mirror and not anyone else. "We" elect people to lead the Republic, not to take advantage of every situation for the sake of their political party as Pelosi did with the last money bill.

04-07-2020, 09:31
Now the ChComs are saying 0 deaths!!! This illness not need to turn into a mental health syndrome unless one is willing to accept it. America got thru 7 Dec and 9/11 as a nation and we will do it again. The nervous Nellies will continue to have "someone" save them, do their thinking for them and relies on some type of government. Government is a human made institution to serve the nation, not the other way around.
If there is any blame then it is the person in the mirror and not anyone else. "We" elect people to lead the Republic, not to take advantage of every situation for the sake of their political party as Pelosi did with the last money bill.

Trump signed it. Your argument is invalid.

Johnny P
04-07-2020, 09:45
Comical how Trump brings out the childishness in his detractors.

04-07-2020, 09:49

The claims of "racism" out of Biden are somewhat overstated. Calling Trump xenophobic, which Biden did do, is not really an insult, in the sense that distrust of foreigners is one of the things many people like about him.


I wouldn't go woofing too much yet about the triumph of American medicine over it's European counterparts, as it's still the first quarter. Also fair to point out that public health in a pandemic is an emergency situation which is somewhat different from normal health care delivery. We could also point out that if Americans pay ~2X for the health care they get versus the Euros, with life expectancy metrics that are not better, then we really ought to see a payoff somewhere. Will we see 2X better performance in this one? I doubt it, but again, first quarter.

04-07-2020, 09:55

People are still coming in around the cracks in the China travel ban, 40,000 since it was put in place, and are not exactly being met with an organized plan when they get here. So victory laps on the China travel ban, especially given our US Covid caseload, seem ill placed.


04-07-2020, 10:03

People are still coming in around the cracks in the China travel ban, 40,000 since it was put in place, and are not exactly being met with an organized plan when they get here. So victory laps on the China travel ban, especially given our US Covid caseload, seem ill placed.


Unfortunately NYT doesn't work for me since I don't have an account with them and am not willing to create a password. Does the article say how many of the 40,000 are US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents and does it mention how they are handled when they get here????

04-07-2020, 10:25
Just read an interview with the head of the CDC. He said deaths will come in far below what the models predicted because Americans are following the guidelines better then the models predicted. The models assumed that 50% of our nation wouldn't follow them.

04-07-2020, 10:53
Funny as even the Iranians KNOW the Chinese lied to them and the whole world. When the people say in texts and such that 80% of the people in Iran know they have done nothing but lie from the start. Of course the clerics are trying to get them to shut up as they don't want to offend the Chinks as they buy the Iranian oil when no one else will.

04-07-2020, 11:25
Unfortunately NYT doesn't work for me since I don't have an account with them and am not willing to create a password. Does the article say how many of the 40,000 are US Citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents and does it mention how they are handled when they get here????

I'll put a few excerpts here in an attempt to answer your questions, without reposting the whole article. Will also try to capture the editorial slant accurately, for whatever it is.

"Flights continued this past week, the data show, with passengers traveling from Beijing to Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, under rules that exempt Americans and some others from the clampdown that took effect on Feb. 2. In all, 279 flights from China have arrived in the United States since then, and screening procedures have been uneven, interviews show."

So 40K through the exemptions in the order.

"But the analysis of the flight and other data by The New York Times shows the travel measures, however effective, may have come too late to have “kept China out,” particularly in light of recent statements from health officials that as many as 25 percent of people infected with the virus may never show symptoms. Many infectious-disease experts suspect that the virus had been spreading undetected for weeks after the first American case was confirmed, in Washington State, on Jan. 20, and that it had continued to be introduced. In fact, no one knows when the virus first arrived in the United States.

During the first half of January, when Chinese officials were underplaying the severity of the outbreak, no travelers from China were screened for potential exposure to the virus. Health screening began in mid-January, but only for a number of travelers who had been in Wuhan and only at the airports in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. By that time, about 4,000 people had already entered the United States directly from Wuhan, according to VariFlight, an aviation data company based in China. The measures were expanded to all passengers from China two weeks later."

A lot of the damage done in January, before the ban, when the Chinese were downplaying the outbreak.

"In interviews, multiple travelers who arrived after the screening was expanded said they received only passing scrutiny, with minimal follow-up.

“I was surprised at how lax the whole process was,” said Andrew Wu, 31, who landed at Los Angeles International Airport on a flight from Beijing on March 10. “The guy I spoke to read down a list of questions, and he didn’t seem interested in checking out anything.”

“Besides looking at our passports, they didn’t question us like we normally are questioned,” said Ms. Fitch, who had been teaching English in China. “So it was kind of weird, because everyone expected the opposite, where you get a lot of questions. But once we filled out the little health form, no one really cared.”

Inconsistent CPB policies, which has unfortunately been a recurring theme. Even in February, full airplanes from Europe had passengers stacked in crowded halls with long lines (including in Texas, as I recall).

“We cannot stop all introductions,” the C.D.C. added, noting that the coronavirus pandemic was “especially challenging due to asymptomatic and presymptomatic infections and an incubation period of up to two weeks.”

Separately, on Friday, the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that the administration’s measures were “unprecedented” and allowed “the U.S. to stay ahead of the outbreak as it developed.”

Some *ss-covering quotes from Federal bureaucrats which are not all that convincing.

Anyways, that's the gist of it. Not an obvious Trump bash, just explaining the policy, the exceptions, the timing of it, with respect to developments in China, and some traveler experiences. Seems clear to me that it was put in place too late, that we were just going to get wet no matter what. A better policy, sooner, might have helped, but then again, once it got here, mistakes statesite (eg NYC) allowed it to bloom.

I guess the question for people is whether or not they're awarding points for effort or points for success. I suppose effort, or lack of it, is all that can be measured right now.

04-07-2020, 11:40
I have been living in Portland Oregon last few years. I saw it coming soon as it hit the news during the holidays. We talked about it, my wife went out to the Asian grocery and laid in some supplies including a couple big bags of rice. Good thing I like rice!

I am a member of the city's volunteer neighborhood emergency response team (NET) and did raise a concern up the chain of command. First week in march we saw the virus hit Washington State so we knew it was coming here. The city, county and state convened an emergency response on 3/12 and I volunteered during the setup of the command center. At that time there were fewer than ten cases in the state. They all took it pretty seriously city, county and state, and there was not a lot of politics involved (surprisingly). I took notes in meetings and typed them up - everything is being recorded. On the 13th we all watched the President's pre4ss conference where he first admitted there might be a problem. Everyone was waiting for some kind of leadership, but all we got was a dog-and-pony show where he introduced all these CEOs and said the situation was under control. With that we all knew we were on our own. The governor declared a state of emergency and closed the schools and parks right away, plus large gatherings of people. Then they decided to send the over-60 volunteers home. Oh well.

The next week the quarantine got tighter and by week two all non-essential businesses were locked down. People have been pretty much complying, at least in Portland. As of now the disease is manageable, with around 1100 cases statewide and 30 deaths. The whole idea was to slow down the rate of infection so everyone did not get sick at the same time. The state was able to lend 140 ventilators to New York City last week because we had some to spare.

So far it seems to be working. You can still buy groceries, utility service is uninterrupted, some people are driving. On the rare sunny days people have come out on the street, whole families. They all stay clear of each other. All the bars, restaurants, clubs, movie theaters, bookstores, etc are closed down except for take-out service. I ride down to the Laurelwood pub, wave at someone through the window. They come out and sell me a 32 oz. can of their IPA for $7.00. (They can it on the spot)

My wife is staying inside, writing her memoirs she says. I've been doing the errands also getting the garden in shape for the summer, playing the trumpet, writing, making bicycles a little. Supposedly the next 10 days will show us whether we have dodged the bullet.

If we had waited another week it would have been different I think. It was that week, March 8-13, that was make-or-break.

S.A. Boggs
04-07-2020, 11:52
Ohio is doing O.K. at this time as our governor was spot on. Only problem locally has been with idiot college students who are getting arrested for "parties" or gathering. Their standard answer is "we thought this was alright." Ohio has $750.00 fine and 6 months in jail. This regulation is codified in the Ohio Revised Code [ORC] and is being used across all Ohio. One of the local grocery stores got nailed for not following the code for customers coming in.

04-07-2020, 12:45

Thanks for the synopsis.

Former Cav
04-11-2020, 03:13
if you believe the NYT and the chicoms, I got a bridge to sell you !

04-12-2020, 04:30
Agree, the NYT is so far left, it almost anti American.....

Former Cav
04-12-2020, 08:51
Agree, the NYT is so far left, it almost anti American.....

almost he11, they want to see America and Americans FAIL so they can get the demcom buddies back in.