View Full Version : The Quack

04-09-2020, 05:36
The Quacker says mail in voting is corrupt....Yet he did the mail in vote last month....what a loser....Due as I say, not what I due....

04-09-2020, 06:29
Good point BH! I kept wondering last night where have I heard such lying and boomshakalaka before. Theme it came to me. It was Saigon, 1970 at the Rex Hotel. It was the “five o’clock follies.”

04-09-2020, 07:50
I heard he used 4 squares this morning instead of 2,

the horrors, considering the run on TP in the world

04-09-2020, 08:14
Did Trump bring evidence or just throw a rhetorical stink bomb lyman? Undermining America's faith in their election processes, without substance to the allegations, seems like a pretty irresponsible thing for an elected official to do. Agree? Disagree?

S.A. Boggs
04-09-2020, 08:33
I heard he used 4 squares this morning instead of 2,

the horrors, considering the run on TP in the world

That's not all "sources" are telling that "GASP!" RUSSIAN dressing is still being used in the White House!!!

04-09-2020, 08:37
Russian dressing is low brow anyway.

04-09-2020, 09:32
Conservatives generally believe that universal mail in voting which is mandated for all elections in Oregon, and "ballot harvesting," recently legalized in California are invitations to voter fraud. I don't believe that is an unfounded position. Mail in voting for an individual who requests and receives an absentee ballot is another issue. It is my, and the general conservative view, that a person should submit a reason other than convenience to vote absentee, especially considering the generous early voting laws in most states including mine.

Both sides, if they are honest, propose voting measures that advantage their own side. That is why Democrats want to allow felons to vote, if you're Bernie Sanders (who is not alone on this on the left) to allow capital prisoners to vote from prison, or to change the voting age to 16. 125 Democrat house members are on the record in favor of the 16 voting age.

The Republicans do not believe they are advantaged by any of that stuff. they feel they are advantaged by in person voting and verification of voting status at the time of the vote, and minimal absentee voting. They also wouldn't mind raising the voting age back to 21 but figure they'll never get that one.

Voting opinion often come to a fusion of principle and expediency.

Once again, where you stand depends on where you sit.

04-09-2020, 09:45
Voting is right, as is owning a gun. So let me buy and Take Possession of a gun by mail, w/o any background check or identification, just my word.

Or apply the same laws to voting which apply to my getting a gun. Equal Protection under the law.

04-09-2020, 10:15
Jesus H Christ, now Pence is preventing Dr’s Birx and Fauci from appearing on CNN unless the entirety of the follies are broadcast. It such a relief to hear/see our governor Larry Hogan with his no nonsense BS free news conferences.

04-09-2020, 10:24
Voting is right, as is owning a gun. So let me buy and Take Possession of a gun by mail, w/o any background check or identification, just my word.

Or apply the same laws to voting which apply to my getting a gun. Equal Protection under the law.

this is an interesting point. I was listening to Tucker Carlson talking to a guy who favored restoring constitutional rights, not just voting rights to felons who had completed their sentence including probation. Carlson then said, paraphrasing here,
"then you support the restoration of firearms rights" to these people. The other guy's face took on a aspect of utter confusion. After collecting himself for a while he said that allowing previously convicted felons to own a gun was too dangerous. Carlson told him that a person who has been given trust in helping shape the future of The Republic by serving on a jury, voting, or holding a government job should also be trusted to own a gun. At this point the guest resumed his flummoxed expression before stating again that allowing a person with a felony conviction to own a gun was too dangerous. He (the guest) obviously hadn't prepared for that one!!!

I'm not the biggest Carlson fan but I did enjoy this exchange immensely.

04-09-2020, 10:30
I have posted on the linkage between gun and voting rights since the 2016 election. Glad to see others are seeing the connection.


Added: the rebuttal was that voting is like having a drivers license. I find that unconvincing as I still believe that leaders should be chosen by the people through elections, that any other method of choosing leaders (such as heredity or numbers of loyal and armed troops) will prove inferior.

04-09-2020, 10:30
Jesus H Christ, now Pence is preventing Dr’s Birx and Fauci from appearing on CNN unless the entirety of the follies are broadcast. It such a relief to hear/see our governor Larry Hogan with his no nonsense BS free news conferences.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with insisting that Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauchi's interviews be presented unedited, especially considering the adversarial position CNN has taken.

Congratulations on you're governor's press conferences.

04-09-2020, 10:47
I have posted on the linkage between gun and voting rights since the 2016 election. Glad to see others are seeing the connection.


Added: the rebuttal was that voting is like having a drivers license. I find that unconvincing as I still believe that leaders should be chosen by the people through elections, that any other method of choosing leaders (such as heredity or numbers of loyal and armed troops) will prove inferior.

Correct in my view, the constitution does not give a right to private transportation but does mandate certain elections. Some would disagree even today but in my opinion, taking the selection of Senators away from state legislatures and making it by direct vote was the right thing to do.

We better watch it, we're agreeing too much, we could both get in trouble. :icon_e_surprised:

04-09-2020, 11:36
Did Trump bring evidence or just throw a rhetorical stink bomb lyman? Undermining America's faith in their election processes, without substance to the allegations, seems like a pretty irresponsible thing for an elected official to do. Agree? Disagree?

how many more threads do we need on voter fraud?

seems one pops up every month or so,

as far as his comments, had he flown to his home state and voted in person, the cries of taxpayer waste would be loud,, as in all caps, from you , and miserableinmyerstown

- - - Updated - - -

Jesus H Christ, now Pence is preventing Dr’s Birx and Fauci from appearing on CNN unless the entirety of the follies are broadcast. It such a relief to hear/see our governor Larry Hogan with his no nonsense BS free news conferences.

CNN,, where even the word Hello is taken out of context....

- - - Updated - - -

I have posted on the linkage between gun and voting rights since the 2016 election. Glad to see others are seeing the connection.


Added: the rebuttal was that voting is like having a drivers license. I find that unconvincing as I still believe that leaders should be chosen by the people through elections, that any other method of choosing leaders (such as heredity or numbers of loyal and armed troops) will prove inferior.

let's see,

your posts usually go along the lines that any ID needed to vote is voter suppression, and that folks of color, folks that are poor, etc will not get to vote,,

and your gun rights thoughts have already been proven to be,, well, like a Fudd, or worse,,,

04-09-2020, 11:38
Well Lyman, a major political figure brought it up in a way intended to put it back in the news. Take it up with his office, I guess.

04-09-2020, 11:59
Well Lyman, a major political figure brought it up in a way intended to put it back in the news. Take it up with his office, I guess.

I'm not worried, I'm glad he is voting,,

04-09-2020, 06:38
The Quacker says mail in voting is corrupt....Yet he did the mail in vote last month....what a loser....Due as I say, not what I due....


is this the tweet you are referring to??

Absentee Ballots are a great way to vote for the many senior citizens, military, and others who can’t get to the polls on Election Day. These ballots are very different from 100% Mail-In Voting, which is “RIPE for FRAUD,” and shouldn’t be allowed!

or was it this one??

Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to state wide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it. Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason, doesn’t work out well for Republicans.

so, did Trump do absentee or mail in?

04-10-2020, 08:40
Lyman, the last thing I would due is listen to anyone tweet's....In the Quacker's own words, he did a mail in vote....

S.A. Boggs
04-10-2020, 09:18
Lyman, the last thing I would due is listen to anyone tweet's....In the Quacker's own words, he did a mail in vote....

"Children say the darnedest things!":hello:

04-10-2020, 09:33
Lyman, the last thing I would due is listen to anyone tweet's....In the Quacker's own words, he did a mail in vote....



Florida has a rep of voter fraud,

wondering how many times he voted, :icon_lol:

Former Cav
04-11-2020, 02:00
well, in AZ you can get a mail in ballot, then mail it off, or carry it to the local polls and stick it in the box. I noticed that the box was NOT locked, it was just a plastic tub.
I did that two election cycles...
I filled it out, carried it in because the mail out here where I live is very questionable!! (meaning stuff goes MISSING)
So, I went to check on line, and I've VOTED in EVERY election in my whole lifetime, and wouldn't you know, those two c cycles they showed me as NOT voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I called them up and gave them an earful. About 2 months later I checked again and they had "corrected their records". Yeah right... but did they ever count my vote???
BTW.... I was not voting for Hillary or Barrack....
after that experience, I go to the poll and vote in person. And they ask me for TWO I.D.'s... I am WHITE !!