View Full Version : Is the dummy for real
04-23-2020, 05:50
The heel spur hero has called for testing injections of UV rays and Disinfectants to kill Coronavirus....He is just digging his grave deeper....
04-23-2020, 06:07
Forging his chain.
“I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” C. Dickens.
I'd like a cite on that.
I did see in the press conference today information, not surprising, that summer is almost surely going to be real bad for the corona virus. Research was presented today at the daily pandemic presser (yes real scientific research) that hot humid weather is real bad for the corona virus. Not a surprise since it is a relative of the common cold virus and cold and flu virus tend to die out in hot weather which is why we have a cold and flu season and that season is fall and winter. The scientist being interviewed also said that UV light is real bad for this virus in conjunction with the above mentioned hot humid weather....
It has been hot in some parts of the world for some time now. Yet the virus continues to give trouble.
It has been described as an indoor disease. In those places where it's person to person contact, indoors, in air conditioning, the season may make little difference. For example, in any factory or food plant.
As for Trump, the attitude is that if he finally hits on a miracle treatment, no one will care how many duds he hawked first. "Always Be Selling".
The fact is right now the corona virus is retreating. Spain, one of the hottest hot spots has seen a 10,000 bed decline in cases. Italy is talking about opening up Lombardy which is its hottest hot spot. New York Metro is seeing a real drop in cases and fatalities and those trends seem to be the rule rather than the exception. The hottest parts of the world, by and large have the fewest cases. I will admit that most of the countries in the hottest areas temperature wise have very poor reporting so its a bit hard to tell. I do find it a bit incredible that India only has had 721 deaths and Myanmar only 5 but reporting there is not what it is in the Netherlands. then there are places like Iran and China along with (probably) Russia who are flat out lying.
We're barely a month into Spring. Lets see what happens over the next few months. The real problem is how prepared and what we'll have learned if this pops back up in November or December...what will we have learned?
If you're really interested in numbers, you can check daily on this stuff on Real Clear Politics which has a count on every country in the world and the NY times which graphs deaths and new cases in every state updated every day.
04-23-2020, 08:14
The real problem is how prepared and what we'll have learned if this pops back up in November or December...what will we have learned?
What I doubt we will have learned is the risk of depending upon foreign sources for crucial emergency supplies--such as masks & the critical chemical needed to make the virus test, & hundreds of other necessities. But it's irrational to blame those "foreign sources" for accepting orders from greedy US manufacturers looking all over the world for the lowest costs; it isn't the Chinks who have let us down (though they are our mortal enemies), it's our own domestic industries.
-it isn't the Chinks who have let us down (though they are our mortal enemies), it's our own domestic industries.- So, you can't trust anybody. Not your own domestic industries or even your mortal enemies. Saints preserve us.
-The heel spur hero has called for testing injections of UV rays and Disinfectants to kill Coronavirus.- Uh,huh. That might be something you saw in Sci-fi in 1952. Injections of UV rays. Wow, just wow.
“I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” C. Dickens.
I can't deride Dickens but I don't think Trump recommended injecting UV rays. Trump is guilty of saying some goofy stuff. At this point, I wonder about some of these numbers. Hey, you want a crazy theory? You know you do. -there might be various versions of the virus(I'm going to write that down). The Asian part(la,CA) is a little weaker. The European version(NY) is way stronger. Here's a tip: Winter is coming.
S.A. Boggs
04-23-2020, 11:56
We are all at fault on this virus, not just any leaders. Americans have basically become a lazy, demanding child over the last 70 years forgetting the lessons of the past. Looking for the cheapest of anything, it's the other's fault, not me, and so on. Now some have paid for this attitude with their life other's with their fortune. More ill wind is to come our way unless we change our nation's ways and that starts with us.
What are you going to do to make the situation better or just pass the buck as usual?
04-24-2020, 04:31
If UV rays kill this virus, will UV lights placed in work areas help eliminate the spread of the virus?:1948:
Boggs I read your post as a critique of those who would wish this virus and the restrictions away, because they are not easy burdens to bear. If that's your angle then I agree with you. If you had something else in mind then I don't follow you.
Years ago, UV light was used to disinfect public restrooms.
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The count on time usage during the five o’clock follies shows that Trump appears 65% of the time, Birx 10% and Fauci 5%.
It has been hot in some parts of the world for some time now. Yet the virus continues to give trouble.
It has been described as an indoor disease. In those places where it's person to person contact, indoors, in air conditioning, the season may make little difference. For example, in any factory or food plant.
As for Trump, the attitude is that if he finally hits on a miracle treatment, no one will care how many duds he hawked first. "Always Be Selling".
you know that is also the attitude for medical testing, R&D etc etc,
and has been since Man has been around,
so basically, we Humans have always been selling,
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Years ago, UV light was used to disinfect public restrooms.
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The count on time usage during the five o’clock follies shows that Trump appears 65% of the time, Birx 10% and Fauci 5%.
know a guy that works as an EMT/Firefigher in a local county,
he told me the new Ambulances have UV lights in them,
after a call, if a patient is picked up, they spray out the Ambulance, the close up the doors and flick a switch,
UV lights in the body burn out any bacteria or virus present,
he said they have done swab tests to verify and nothing survives
Sure folk medicine and herbal cures and bottles of whatever passed off as miracle cures. Then we decided as a country to cut the crap and scientifically evaluate things. Contrast Trump's pitch on hydoxychloroquine ("what have you got to lose?") to any serious medical professional (so excluding Drs Phil, Oz, and Giuliani). Like night and day. Trump is a salesman. His product has been the Trump mystique. Then a stock market bubble. Now it's whatever quick-fix treatment is trending on the internet. Whether a product is good for the long run or not is irrelevant. All that matters is that it's a hot idea now. It's a genuine wonder he isn't hawking a mix of CBD oil, vitamin E, and Finesteride for Covid. After all, what have you got to lose? And who knows, you sleep better and have some hair regrow.
Meanwhile we have the makers of Lysol putting out a press release stating "um, please don't inject this anybody". Why would they feel the need to do that? People talk about the other guy having cognitive issues?
S.A. Boggs
04-24-2020, 07:47
Boggs I read your post as a critique of those who would wish this virus and the restrictions away, because they are not easy burdens to bear. If that's your angle then I agree with you. If you had something else in mind then I don't follow you.
To wish anything away is a fool's errand! As an individual I do not have to do business with a nation that has hurt my country/people and has the desire to place my country under their thumb. I am just one small person and I can write letter's to CEO's all day asking them to go elsewhere to buy. I am not naïve in that they will listen to me. They will listen if the stuff is not sold as the bottom dollar is what they look at. Can I make a difference?...maybe. I can vote for those who will listen to me and if enough of us do this then the corporations will start to listen as well.
If not then I will continue to prepare my family for what will happen as best as we can. What we had is gone, what is ahead is an uncertain one at best.
If UV rays kill this virus, will UV lights placed in work areas help eliminate the spread of the virus?:1948:The The harmful effects of UV light are well documented. If UV lights were used when people were present, they would need protective equipment like UV resistant glasses (sunglasses) and UV resistant clothing to minimize the contact of the rays to the body. This technology is used in some outdoor sporting clothing.
Using UV in an empty area could be effective.
Depending on the amount and form of the radiation, as well as on the skin type of the individual exposed, ultraviolet radiation causes erythema, sunburn, photodamage (photoaging), photocarcinogenesis, damage to the eyes, alteration of the immune system of the skin, and chemical hypersensitivity. Skin cancers most commonly produced by ultraviolet radiation are basal and squamous cell carcinomas.
Ozone generators could also be used, but high concentrations of Ozone is dangerous to humans and other living things. Ozone drops the extra oxygen molecule to oxidize everything. It will damage the lungs quickly.
1. I was incorrect about Trump and his statement that disinfectants could possibly be used directly into the lungs. He did say that. The clear proof that he messed up on that one is his staff saying he was "taken out of context." Often when a spokes person says you were taken out of context you weren't.
2. On UV light. It is used as a disinfectant. It is also a two edged sword. The body cannot make vitamin D without U.V. light which is why WWII submariners were periodically exposed to UV lamps. The harmful effect of UV light has caused people to slather on sunscreen which does retard skin cancer and wear better quality sunglasses to prevent cataracts, but The use of sunscreen and more clothing coverage in direct sun, (which retards vitamin D synthisis) to prevent skin issues is also the reason doctors test for vitamin D on routine blood work and regularly recommend vitamin D supplements.
Gun Smoke
04-24-2020, 09:37
If UV lights work this well you would think in the "new world" (life after COVID-19) that they would not only be used in the work place but at any commercial kitchens and baths along with usage at hospitals, schools, prisons, hospice, daycare and rest homes where possible. Perhaps they could be used during the nights when no human contact would occur like the ambulance service mentioned above. We may be hearing more about this.
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1. I was incorrect about Trump and his statement that disinfectants could possibly be used directly into the lungs. He did say that. The clear proof that he messed up on that one is his staff saying he was "taken out of context." Often when a spokes person says you were taken out of context you weren't.
I assume he meant antibiotics but of course that's not what he said.
04-24-2020, 10:39
So much for UV lights!:1948:
Gun Smoke
04-24-2020, 02:35
As it turns out the comment about disinfectants was a sarcastic remark to the reporters.
As it turns out the comment about disinfectants was a sarcastic remark to the reporters.
Didn't look that way at the time. Sarcasm isn't retroactive. And even if it was, what's the gain of Trump sarcastically free-associating about Covid-19 to the American public on live TV? This is just another cleanup on aisle 45.
S.A. Boggs
04-24-2020, 02:46
As it turns out the comment about disinfectants was a sarcastic remark to the reporters.
Regardless of what President Trump states, it will be turned their way to suit them. Unlike politicians President Trump DOES what he promised, not promise and don't deliver.
04-24-2020, 03:56
As it turns out the comment about disinfectants was a sarcastic remark to the reporters.
The fact that the cover story has to be invented, is proof alone, he was dead serious. Hopefully his disciples know the difference.
04-24-2020, 04:07
Regardless of what President Trump states, it will be turned their way to suit them. Unlike politicians President Trump DOES what he promised, not promise and don't deliver.
He promised to put Hillary in prison, I'm waiting.:1948:
Gun Smoke
04-24-2020, 04:08
I wonder if Trump was referring to people in all 57 states.
Johnny P
04-24-2020, 04:11
Boy how things are changing. Going from not believing anything Trump says to believing him when he is pulling your leg.
Boy how things are changing. Going from not believing anything Trump says to believing him when he is pulling your leg.
It was clearly nonsense. Why not admit what is obvious to everyone?
It just seems that the media and the left would rather see people die than this President seen in a favorable light and that's just plain stupid. Only showing they are trying so hard to discredit Trump. I can't believe any one would think he was serious...
It just seems that the media and the left would rather see people die than this President seen in a favorable light and that's just plain stupid. Only showing they are trying so hard to discredit Trump. I can't believe any one would think he was serious...
So he's either way out there or Covid is one big joke to him. Which one works for you? My answer: both are true.
Added: go watch the clip then post here describing where he gives the tell, that he's joking. Because I've watched the clip and I do not see it.
04-24-2020, 05:35
It just seems that the media and the left would rather see people die than this President seen in a favorable light and that's just plain stupid. Only showing they are trying so hard to discredit Trump. I can't believe any one would think he was serious...
Johnny P
04-24-2020, 07:39
It was clearly nonsense. Why not admit what is obvious to everyone?
Admit what? That the liberal news media made an ass of themselves? In their quest for a "gotcha" they were all sucked in. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"
04-24-2020, 08:00
Jonny P, It seems the Lysol injection did not work for you.....You should move on the bleach....
A non adult remark..Kid's stuff..Grow up!...
Johnny P
04-25-2020, 06:41
Jonny P, It seems the Lysol injection did not work for you.....You should move on the bleach....
Didn't they tell you that Ritalin and alcohol don't mix? Gives you childlike behavioral problems.
S.A. Boggs
04-25-2020, 11:59
Didn't they tell you that Ritalin and alcohol don't mix? Gives you childlike behavioral problems.
Worked on him! The more he says the more it shows. About 14 years old is apparently his congruent ability.:banana100::eusa_shhh:
04-25-2020, 05:57
S.A. Boggs perhaps you should try of the Quackers remedies, the UV light.....
S.A. Boggs perhaps you should try of the Quackers remedies, the UV light.....
I hear that a black and tan made from Bleach and Lysol tastes just scrummy,
try one and let us know
Poison control reports calls are up. Nice huh? Thanks, Prez for helping out.
S.A. Boggs
04-26-2020, 07:11
S.A. Boggs perhaps you should try of the Quackers remedies, the UV light.....
One see's what it did for you, correct?:icon_scratch:
Poison control reports calls are up. Nice huh? Thanks, Prez for helping out.
you should give thanks to the media for the spin on an apparent joke, and of course blowing it completely out of proportion
You just knew someone was going to try it. Heck, Jim Jones told a whole bunch of people to drink poison and they marched right up to the kool-aid stand.
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04-26-2020, 11:58
Remember, a guy committed suicide just a few weeks ago for listening to the last round of poor unqualified medical advice.
You just knew someone was going to try it. Heck, Jim Jones told a whole bunch of people to drink poison and they marched right up to the kool-aid stand.FROM:
“People think they willingly died,” she says, “but Jones gave them no choice. They were surrounded by a row of guards with crossbows, and then behind them there was another line of guards pointing guns. Meanwhile, Jones is exhorting them to come up and drink this potion to take them to the other side. So, living was never an alternative on that last night. Most people chose to die with their families, and if they didn’t drink it, there were many who were injected with the poison.”
Remember, a guy committed suicide just a few weeks ago for listening to the last round of poor unqualified medical advice.
you should give thanks to the media for the spin on an apparent joke, and of course blowing it completely out of proportion
You mean retroactive joke. Watch the tape. The gaze avoidance of Birx tells it all.
04-26-2020, 02:16
You mean retroactive joke. Watch the tape. The gaze avoidance of Birx tells it all.
The same people that admire his ability to speak his mind, and saying what he means...are now suggesting he doesn't mean what he says? :icon_scratch:
He's losing his support one logic fail at a time.
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Kinda. The idiot took chloroquine phosphate, after hearing about it from the daily briefing.
The same people that admire his ability to speak his mind, and saying what he means...are now suggesting he doesn't mean what he says? :icon_scratch:
He's losing his support one logic fail at a time.
Well that's how it is. If you take him straight up and it goes south, it's on you, always.
Seems safe to say that every household calling Poison Control now will not be filling the oval for Trump in the fall.
04-26-2020, 07:30
We should all chill....Have a hamberger and a diet coke and read Obama's Noble prize....Where is Melania in all of this....different bedroom perhaps.....
You mean retroactive joke. Watch the tape. The gaze avoidance of Birx tells it all.
I suppose these lib's will be talking about this all the way to the election..It's really a biggie to them. Even though this has been rehashed over and over! Did he, or didn't he mean it? Did he misspeak or not. For Pete sake's. It's old news now.......In my opinion, they are only making fools of themselves by keeping this stupid thing going...I suppose they go to bed and dream about it...Lol
04-27-2020, 05:03
Narcissist's Prayer
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, it is not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did.
You deserved it. (<---- The President is now here, and apparently Ray is as well. :)) How unfortunate.
It's also a liberals prayer..
S.A. Boggs
04-27-2020, 05:38
One thing no one has mentioned is something some of us have seen/experienced is seep depervation. Previously it was reported that President Trump functions on about 4 hours of sleep per day. For some this is adequate under their "normal" situation and what we are experiencing is not normal now is it? Trump has already stated that other's on the team are working hard as well, perhaps with less sleep as well.
The other situation is that regardless of what Trump states the abnormal hostile press will "fact" check this and 100% disagree with the man. If the President has Russian dressing on his salad the press will report that the President was seen in the company of some "mysterious" Russian and took in everything the Russian gave. Just look at all of the left wingers and how anything said is spun to their liking regardless of "fact".
Trump will lose and gain some supports as this "emergency" plays out over the next few months. His detractors will continue to detract and the rest will stand by him, some reluctantly. If Biden is stupid enough to open debate more will see what the Democrats have to offer. Watching the left with their syndrome amuses are reminds me that all the crazies are not locked up in mental hospitals. Coming to this forum some days with our left is like walking the corridors of the mental hospital again with ill people showing off their delusions to all and then proclaiming sane.
I do remember Biden's "AR-14" remark getting some repetition. That would seem to fit the description of a common slip of the tongue, and yet it was held up as evidence of senility. I have friends who are plenty sharp who use the wrong (sometimes opposite) word here or there in conversation.
The now-famous disinfectant clip was certainly not a slip of the tongue. The delivery was as clear as the speaker could have wanted it.
Will we hear about it until the election? Maybe. On the one hand newer utterances will come along pushing this one over the horizon. On the other, given the understood gravity of the context, it reveals a mind completely outmatched by the moment. A big slip of the orange curtain, one might say. "Bleach guy" or similar might just stick.
S.A. Boggs
04-27-2020, 08:40
I do remember Biden's "AR-14" remark getting some repetition. That would seem to fit the description of a common slip of the tongue, and yet it was held up as evidence of senility. I have friends who are plenty sharp who use the wrong (sometimes opposite) word here or there in conversation.
The now-famous disinfectant clip was certainly not a slip of the tongue. The delivery was as clear as the speaker could have wanted it.
Will we hear about it until the election? Maybe. On the one hand newer utterances will come along pushing this one over the horizon. On the other, given the understood gravity of the context, it reveals a mind completely outmatched by the moment. A big slip of the orange curtain, one might say. "Bleach guy" or similar might just stick.
If so as you state, what can one explain about Joe Biden and his numerous "Freudian" slips? Care to explain to the benefit of all?
If so as you state, what can one explain about Joe Biden and his numerous "Freudian" slips? Care to explain to the benefit of all?
you never knew anyone who mixed up their words when speaking, had 2 or three trains of thought active at the same time?
Biden undoubtedly showing signs of getting older. No different than some members here, one might say.
Let's see how he campaigns, or holds it together in a 90 minute debate with Trump.
S.A. Boggs
04-27-2020, 12:44
you never knew anyone who mixed up their words when speaking, had 2 or three trains of thought active at the same time?
Biden undoubtedly showing signs of getting older. No different than some members here, one might say.
Let's see how he campaigns, or holds it together in a 90 minute debate with Trump.
I don't think I could last that long listening to Biden for that long. My side will give out laughing for any length of time! Biden is a joy to watch and listen to, almost as good as the Three xxxxxxx.:banana100::eusa_wall:
04-27-2020, 12:51
I suppose these lib's will be talking about this all the way to the election..It's really a biggie to them. Even though this has been rehashed over and over! Did he, or didn't he mean it? Did he misspeak or not. For Pete sake's. It's old news now.......In my opinion, they are only making fools of themselves by keeping this stupid thing going...I suppose they go to bed and dream about it...Lol
How long did Trump push the birther thing Ray ?.... that's right, quite some time. And all the while just making a fool of himself....and us.
Then in Trumps presence Obama told us all that we need to move on to more important things did we fake the moon landing .....
S.A. Boggs
04-27-2020, 03:01
How long did Trump push the birther thing Ray ?.... that's right, quite some time. And all the while just making a fool of himself....and us.
Then in Trumps presence Obama told us all that we need to move on to more important things did we fake the moon landing .....
Did we?
How long did Trump push the birther thing Ray ?.... that's right, quite some time. And all the while just making a fool of himself....and us.
Then in Trumps presence Obama told us all that we need to move on to more important things did we fake the moon landing .....
Who cares, again like the drinking thing, ....Both old and way wore out and past history...
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