View Full Version : Need help with a powder load...

06-15-2020, 09:19
2 1/2 years ago I moved and hadn't unpacked my reloading equipment. It has been sitting in a non temperature controlled sealed building where the summer temps exceed 100F and the teens in winter. I had several containers of smokeless powder sitting in those totes. I smelled some and to me they smelled the same as always. except one 5 lb. container of 4895 that is 2/3 full. It smelled stronger than I remember. I am tempted to use it as fertilizer.

How much 4895 is a good load for a tomato plant? I have several but is the right load for a Cherry tomato also ok for a Big Boy?

S.A. Boggs
06-16-2020, 01:47
Treat it as you would any other nitrogen fertilizer, start in small doses say a teaspoon spread around several inches and then water. If not just shake it out on the lawn to dispose of it. Had a similar problem 10 years ago with 8lbs of Red Dot so I applied it to the lawn and got a greener lawn...expensive fertilizer!

06-16-2020, 03:26
It can't be a potent as ammonium nitrate. I got a bucket full of that one time and dumped a cup full on my forty ft. pine tree. The needles curled up and I thought I was going to lose it.

06-16-2020, 11:11
sprinkle like Sam mentioned,

I had some VV540 and VV140 go south on me in a temp controlled garage,

however it was maybe 10yrs old,

tossed it out in the yard w/ no issues