View Full Version : The Forgotten War Men And Guns Of Korea 1950

06-27-2020, 02:23
Some good reading and pictures of the men and their guns from the Korean War from June 25 1950 to July 27 1953


Bill E
06-27-2020, 05:49
Excellent, thanks much for posting.

06-27-2020, 06:19
Fine article. Great pictures. Have had numerous veterans of WWII, Korea and Vietnam in the churches I have served. Now have numerous veterans of Gulf I/II, right on up to the present. All speak highly of the weapons they used. It can get very emotional. One day two brothers were working on the gas in the parsonage fireplace. They were talking about Korea. I went into my off down the hall and got one of my Garand rifles out of the gun cabinet and brought it into the den where they were working. You should have heard their response when I showed them the rifle. All of a sudden they were both taking all at once like kids. Sincerely. bruce.