View Full Version : Marked Stripper clip question...

07-02-2020, 01:09
G.G.Greene (I know they produced goobillions of p-38 can openers) but it also says "pat. pend. So was G.G.Greene behind the design of the clip?47882

07-03-2020, 07:45
Stripper clip development started in 1944 at Springfield Armory. Production started in late 1945 time frame so none made it to the front before the war ended. This went along with the 30 round magazines made for the M2 carbines although the magazines were well into production by the time the stripper clips were being approved with the final approval in August 1945. The spam cans from WW2 are 800 rounds in boxes but the later 600 round cans of Korean War time are in stripper clips.