View Full Version : WSher to locate a MilSurp, "Chaplin's [R.C.] traveling Mass Altar?

07-04-2020, 08:45
My CHapel has an Outdoor Mass with the good weather and unlimited seating [bring your own chairs],But the
current Altar is a small table [both in siza and height].

The Celebrant Priest has to bow over to read the the parts of the Mass, which hurts his back.

I would like to find a traveling Altar to ease his situation.


07-05-2020, 07:20
scroll down to page 71


Pulpit, Field 9925-01-470-4114 EA
Field Pulpit - light oak with capability for
attachment of seasonal hangings (not
included) size estimated: 22" x 14" x 43"

wondering if a local VFW hall can have one ordered??

also google field pulpit and you get many options,

07-13-2020, 07:20
Just an update, a retired USMC Colonel at my church , will take the above information to his veterens organization to seewhat they can do.

Thanks for assistance.

07-14-2020, 10:46
hope it works out!

07-26-2020, 10:25
Tango Yankee for all assistance. JHR