View Full Version : Krag Collectors Association Down?

07-14-2020, 08:14
Does anyone know what is going on with the Krag Collectors Association Forum?

Today, 07-14-2020, attempts to reach the KCA Forum are met with a page announcing a software error.

Are others experiencing this?

07-14-2020, 09:43
Yes, having same problem. Can get in to the site, but message appears when trying to access the "forum".

Dick Hosmer
07-14-2020, 11:18
Tom (Butts) is working on it!

I contacted him directly since the contact info on the error announcement page is corrupt, as in linkee no workee.

Ned Butts
07-15-2020, 04:03
Server is doing an upgrade so we are waiting for them to get it together

07-15-2020, 07:04
Thank you for the explanation and effort, Ned.

07-15-2020, 08:12
Wow ! Did not realize it still worked!

07-15-2020, 08:39
'Kragrifle' - The KCA Forum is normally the most active website on Krag rifles, carbines, and related items. (It has been for years).

Suddenly, on July 14th and 15th, 2020, it is inaccessible, hence the concern.

07-16-2020, 05:19
As a charter member, I should have known that!

07-16-2020, 12:58
Thursday, 07/16/2020, @3:45 p.m., the Krag Collectors Association website 'opens' now, but, you cannot open threads or post.

Ned Butts
07-16-2020, 05:29
One step at a time I suppose happens with tech too:icon_scratch:

07-20-2020, 11:09
Monday, 07/20/2020, KCA Forum still 'kaput'.


07-22-2020, 06:56
FWIW - 07/22/2020 - Attempts to open anything on KCA Forum just gives "Untrapped Error" response.

Sad loss of a fine resource, community and archive, for over a week!

(I suspect the "Server" thinks they have fixed the problem, but, they have not).

Dick Hosmer
07-22-2020, 08:25
It'll get fixed Chuck, I'm sure! Just have faith, and remember the old one about what to do if stranded in a small town (masturbate and pray for bus fare).

07-22-2020, 12:04
I haven't heard that one before. It must be a Left Coast thing!

BTW - I like small towns; I'm a Mayberry kind of guy.

Think I'll go talk guns with Floyd, the Barber! :evil6:

Ned Butts
07-22-2020, 02:50
We are still struggling with this issue. Out tech guy is bugging the servers people as much as possible but still to no avail.

07-22-2020, 08:48
Thanks for the update , Ned.

Suffice it to say, my interest in Krag rifles is decreasing. :evil6:


07-24-2020, 11:49
Well, apparently, someone is working on the KCA Forum 'Server' problem, today.

Attempts to reach the Forum through Xfinity, Google Chrome, and Firefox, gives a slightly different look. A revised error page appears, immediately, and I am no longer 'Logged On'. (It is currently not possible to 'Log On').

Hopefully this is a good sign!


Ned Butts
07-24-2020, 05:28
We are running again but in maintenance mode for now. We will be working out the bugs this weekend (hopefully all of them). Viewing the forum should be possible for most but no new posts for now. Keep trying we are getting there.

07-24-2020, 11:05
Thanks for the update, Ned.

07-30-2020, 11:19
It's still all jacked up.

Ned Butts
07-31-2020, 02:53
We decided to utilize the already down time to make some changes/improvements and are hoping to be back up very soon

Dick Hosmer
08-03-2020, 09:04
Is the problem worse than you thought/ I hope not - hang in there!!

Ned Butts
08-03-2020, 05:37
We are changing format a little. There will be some bugs to work out when we are up again but we are trying to get as many as we can now. Shouldn't be much longer!

Dick Hosmer
08-14-2020, 09:23
Ned, How are things going? Seems to be taking longer than you expected. We miss you!

08-14-2020, 10:18
I miss the KCA "community"; it has been one month, since it went down !!!

Dick Hosmer
08-14-2020, 12:12
I'm sure the reincarnation will be even better. Actually, now that the initial shock has worn off, they should take as much time as they need to make it purr!

08-16-2020, 10:44
I was able to get on the KCA site, tonight.

I had to google search and select 'Krag Collector's Association - index page', sign-in, and reset my password.

It has a 'New Look'.

Dick Hosmer
08-17-2020, 08:01
My browser (Safari) keeps dropping the connection. I'll try resetting.

Ned Butts
08-17-2020, 06:05
That page is sort of a prototype we are still fine tuning a few things like stickies and will likely go back to the old address. The biggest down side to this change over is the fact that we all have families (some with fairly young children) and lives outside of the internet so "getting together" some times takes awhile.

08-17-2020, 08:43
That page is sort of a prototype we are still fine tuning a few things like stickies and will likely go back to the old address.

Posting the correct link here, when it's ready, would prevent unnecessary aggravation.

Ned Butts
08-18-2020, 02:52
And we will when ready, life has been uncommonly chaotic these days!

Dick Hosmer
08-18-2020, 08:22
And we will when ready, life has been uncommonly chaotic these days!

Ned, take as long as you need - and don't neglect your families. We can be patient.

08-18-2020, 10:12
With the temporary set-up and things being tweaked, it is best if we treat the KCA site as 'read only' and not post or start threads at this time.

Dick Hosmer
08-24-2020, 06:35
With the temporary set-up and things being tweaked, it is best if we treat the KCA site as 'read only' and not post or start threads at this time.

Chuck, how are you getting in? It recognizes me just fine, but won't allow log-in - "only admin - in maintenance mode"

08-24-2020, 09:15
I used this link, Dick. http://www.kragcollectorsassociation.com/index.php

To log in there, I had to reset my password. My understanding from Ned's posts is that this is a developmental version of the site and users shouldn't add anything yet.

Dick Hosmer
08-24-2020, 10:41
Thanks Parashooter - but you know, after a little thought, I think I'm just going to let it wait until they are finished.

08-24-2020, 10:29
From the movie - "The Agony and the Ecstasy", concerning painting the ceiling of The Sistine Chapel:

Pope Julius II - When will it be done?

Michelangelo - When I'm finished!

Dick, are you 'holding out' OK in California? Heart surgery, Covid19, no KCA, Massive Fires & Murder Hornets ... Oh My!

Dick Hosmer
08-25-2020, 12:00
Doing just fine, thank you. Have completely recovered from the heart surgery - back to normal. I am still building my strength and endurance. Lost 65 pounds and have kept them off. Was just tested negative for COVID, KCA will come, fires are not really close though our air is smoky, and nary a hornet on the radar. And, since being discharged have written another book, this one on prewar American Flyer trains - expect to finish proofing and get it "live" on Amazon next week at the latest.

A question - since I'm going to be severely thinning my collection, and since color printing has come WAY down, I'm considering a soft-cover "coffee-table" book, all in color, of my entire collection before it is dispersed. MANY pictures, VERY little text. Think such would have any public appeal? Others please feel free to chime in, please. I already have a lot of the pictures since everything in my books was shot in color anyhow.

Cheers - hang in there!

Ned Butts
08-25-2020, 04:17
Sounds interesting to me!!!!

08-25-2020, 05:22
Hi Dick
Sounds interesting. Maybe you could walk us through the project. Still trying to get started on the Lee Navy book, but stuck in not knowing where to start.

08-25-2020, 08:12
Boy, I would like to lose 65 pounds, but, I don't know what I would do with the extra skin!

I would buy an autographed copy of "The Hosmer Gun Collection" and I don't even own a Coffee Table.

But, then again FWIW, I like pictures, books, toy trains, historic guns, and Dick Hosmer.

Dick Hosmer
08-25-2020, 09:09
Hi Dick
Sounds interesting. Maybe you could walk us through the project. Still trying to get started on the Lee Navy book, but stuck in not knowing where to start.

Just jump in! For my first book - done by North Cape - I was kind of overwhelmed by Joe Poyer's "special editing software" and his "fussy" picture process. When he decided to retire and essentially close down NCP, he chose not to do my second book. I was initially dismayed, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Ed Hull helped me out quite a bit by noting that he had done his books on a Mac, using only "Pages" and "Preview". Since I have the same equipment, things worked well. I would, of course, suggest organizing your text first, as that will tell you what you need to show in the way of pictures (I've taken the liberty of assuming you are contemplating something like Gene Myskowski's or mine - if you were after something like Dusan Farrington's massive [and VERY well-done] tome the process is similar but more complicated.

What kind of computer/software do you have? Any modern word-proccesor will do what you want. As to pics, you need to be able to crop, resize, and sometimes enhance them, but buying an expensive program such as Photoshop would be massive overkill. I used a 5mp Olympus (state of the art at the time) with tripod, etc. For my current train book I used my iPhone, handheld, and the pictures turned out great. There are some tricks to shooting long guns without shadows, and you will probably want rig a simple holding fixture to act as a third hand for closeups. Don't put it off, and don't be afraid to start. You can do it! I'll be glad to help you, via email.

08-25-2020, 07:17
Hi Dick
Laptop is Windows based. Purchased a good Nikon camera and will buy a good macro lens. Have started on the text, but just started. I have almost all I need to photograph. I have spoken with Gene and he had sent me most of his data. There are still a lot of holes in the development history, but not sure they can be filled.
Is the Apple based computer and software a must? I know Ed and actually supplied him with photos of my Robert’s conversion muskets for one of his previous books.

Dick Hosmer
08-25-2020, 09:30
No, a Mac is absolutely NOT required, it just happens to be what Ed and I both use.

Word will a fine job for the text - I don't know the name of the Windoze equivalent to Preview, but I'm sure there is one.

Tom Trevor
08-26-2020, 05:18
Dick I would like to have copy of your collection book.I still go back to the Peck collection auction catalog.

Dick Hosmer
08-26-2020, 10:55
Dick I would like to have copy of your collection book.I still go back to the Peck collection auction catalog.

Well, while I thank you for your support, you probably won't be too impressed with mine, then! Mr. Peck clearly had plenty of discretionary money, while my collection was based on a lot of skipped lunches and vacations not taken. I'm still juggling the layout in my mind. I've considered that, while it is not the primary reason for doing it, if properly laid out, it COULD serve as a sort of catalog. That would require giving each item an individual number, which would definitely need to be WELL organized before assigning them. I'd thought of giving each arm a whole page, but that might get unwieldy.

The whole thing which put this idea in my head, is the drastic decrease in the cost of color printing - my forthcoming train book (am expecting last proof in a couple of days) will cost but $10.16 to print. The collection book will be 25-50% larger, so it is still doable.

Amazon gives authors a 60% royalty, based on whatever the retail price is.

For "self-fulfilled" orders, such as autographed copies, or those for friends, you just buy the books at the low printing cost plus shipping, and sell them for whatever you want (but it wouldn't be wise to ask more than Amazon's retail price!)

For Amazon-fulfilled" orders, you just sit back and bank the (lesser amount of) money, with NO work whatsoever.

I'll reiterate, for Kragrifle and any other budding authors, that you can put a good-looking book on the market for ZERO up-front expenditure (other than a LOT of time).

08-28-2020, 10:42
A question - since I'm going to be severely thinning my collection...

When you start doing that, please don't forget I'm STILL looking for a pre-'99 rifle (any model) with a 1901 sight.

08-30-2020, 10:49
KCA Forum still in process of "BUILDING BACK BETTER ... WHATEVER".

Old stuff can be accessed and read, but, I miss the Community of nice guys!

I felt the need, a couple of times, to violate the Administrators' polite request to abstain from new postings while site is being worked on.

I thought it necessary to acknowledge a 'New Guy', so he didn't feel 'shunned', and to caution a Re-loader on a potential danger .... It felt good!

Dick Hosmer
08-30-2020, 11:05
I have stayed TOTALLY off the site, but miss it.

Ned Butts
09-04-2020, 09:56
We are finally back up. Previously registered members will need to reset your log in info

09-04-2020, 10:29
Ned, is this going to be the 'New Look' or will we get back to the old format? Thanks All for your hard work!

Dick Hosmer
09-04-2020, 05:03

Not doing well here - the small page saying only moderator can log in now is still active. Next I googled KCA, and found a way, I thought, to log in, with a new password, which I did but was then told I had to "register", fine, again with the same new password, but did that, but received a "that name in use" error. Apparently it doesn't like my email either (not going to change that!) but I guess I need to change my "name" AND my password! Could you please advise the proper path to follow? Thanks!! Confused in Colusa CA.

09-04-2020, 05:25
FWIW - I was 'logged-on' the KCA this afternoon, almost finished with typing a post. Suddenly things headed 'south'.

When I pressed 'post', a prompt came up, that "I had to be logged-on". My work disappeared.

Now, I can no longer 'log-on'. A prompt states my pass-word is in error.

Ned Butts
09-04-2020, 05:51
Sorry gents I have passed this along.

09-04-2020, 09:34
Similar problem for me. Went whacko late this afternoon after initial success.

09-05-2020, 10:17
Parashooter, Dick Hosmer, and 'gents': I finally got on the KCA Forum late last night and have been able to post typing and pictures.

I went to the new KCA site and just entered my 'screen name' to start "Log In", but, then selected the "I forgot my password" route. The KCA site asked for my email address, which I entered.

I quickly received a response, via email, on my email page. I followed instructions which allowed me to enter and confirm a new password.

I went back to the KCA site and was able to "Log In", using my screen name and New Password. Life's Good!

Dick Hosmer
09-05-2020, 12:09
Didn't try to tell you your screen name was already used?

09-05-2020, 03:32
Dick Hosmer: I didn't need to alter my 'screen name', just a new password.

I don't pretend to understand voodoo magic.

I guess the new 'permanent' setup needed something different than what was recognized by the temporary/transitional/interim/jury-rigged/patched together/adhoc thingy.

09-08-2020, 09:04
I just registered, & SURPRISE, SURPRISE, I wasn't told that the password I wished to use was "unsafe," or otherwise unacceptable, as usually happens on other sites. Don't you love FAHs telling you "what's good for you"?

Dick Hosmer
09-08-2020, 09:07
FAH is a new one to me?

Dick Hosmer
09-08-2020, 09:23
Ned, I give up - I have now seen every @#@$#%@$$ endless loop and BS rejection notice known to man.

(1) Please email me whether I may continue to use "Dick Hosmer" as my name - yes, or no?

(2) Please pick a password that YOU would like me to use, and at the same time one that will make all the #Q@@#$@# gremlins happy as well. I trust you implicitly and do not give a FF whether you know my password or not.

(3) This is NOT urgent - take care of more important stuff first, but I'm tired of :eusa_wall:


09-09-2020, 10:00
Dick - What worked for me:

I went to the new KCA site. I 'Signed Off'.

I 'clicked' the Sign On button.

I entered my Screen Name.

I 'back spaced' to eliminate the remembered password.

I 'clicked' on the prompt "I forgot my password".

I was requested to provide my email address, which I did.

I turned off the KCA site and went to my email page.

I received an email from the KCA, which instructed me to enter a new password two times.

I went back to the new KCA site and 'Signed On', using my old Screen Name and New Password.

Presto ... it worked.

09-09-2020, 10:22
FAH is a new one to me?

The world is overflowing with them, so it's impossible you haven't encountered many...though known by other names.

Dick Hosmer
09-10-2020, 11:57
The world is overflowing with them, so it's impossible you haven't encountered many...though known by other names.

Well, that wasn't a lot of help. Usually, I'm pretty good at figuring them out, but this one is escaping me. Fat assed hooker?

09-10-2020, 02:32
A Hole... now you got it?

John in SC

Dick Hosmer
09-10-2020, 02:38
Makes perfect sense now, and, there ARE a lot of them!! Thanks.

09-10-2020, 10:32
Was the first word "Flaming" or that other "F Word"?

Dick Hosmer
09-11-2020, 06:42
Ignorance and apathy - but I am ashamed of having to have it explained to me!

09-11-2020, 01:37
Well Richard, I doubt you have often been addressed by that title.

Having worked with criminal youth and incorrigible youngsters for 30 years, in the 'JUVY', I often was the one who said "No".

I came to regard "FAH" as my job title.

09-12-2020, 07:42
I can’t even get on in order to find out what my User Name is that I forgot.

Dick Hosmer
09-12-2020, 09:32
I can’t even get on in order to find out what my User Name is that I forgot.

Try what Chuck (butlersrangers) said. Worked for me.

Ned Butts
09-12-2020, 03:55
I can’t even get on in order to find out what my User Name is that I forgot.
Fred do not use an old bookmark, go to the web site, www.kragcollectorsassociation.org , go to the forum from there. Put in your user name and click on "forgot my password" you should get an email to the address you registered with and enter a new password. That should work

09-13-2020, 05:46
Fred do not use an old bookmark, go to the web site, www.kragcollectorsassociation.org , go to the forum from there. Put in your user name and click on "forgot my password" you should get an email to the address you registered with and enter a new password. That should work

your username on KCA is FredC

09-13-2020, 08:04
your username on KCA is FredC

Thanks pickax!
Actually my username turned out to be Fred G.
But I got on!!

09-14-2020, 11:24
"FredC" is our Texas Machinist/Farmer member.

09-14-2020, 06:44
Sorry I mixed you guys up, but so glad you got back on Fred.
I remember your great Pics of the "faux rod bayonet" 1903 here on jouster.
Thanks B.R. for the clarification.

09-14-2020, 07:08
I came to regard "FAH" as my job title.

Must have been a relatively mild mannered bunch you were dealing with...otherwise it would have been something or other MF.