View Full Version : Sp 101 .22

08-14-2020, 05:50
I have a very good friend who ordered one of these in .22 through a major retailer and took delivery a few weeks ago. He took it to the range for the first time yesterday. He said physically it was a beautiful thing BUT, his description of its performance was so bad I have trouble believing it was test fired at the factory. Heavy trigger pull was the least of the problem. There were failures to fire (light firing pin strike) with multiple types of ammunition, the trigger sometimes wouldn't reset after a double action pull. Some cartridges had to be punched out of the cylinder with a thin screwdriver when the extractor slipped over the rim. He told me a giveaway should have been the metal shavings in the box. I looked on line and accounts of people who have had one or all of these problems with this revolver are not uncommon.


08-14-2020, 07:56
Just a quick look found lots of complaints about the trigger pull. One guy estimated it at 15#.

08-14-2020, 08:46
I can't offer any feedback on the SP101 in 22 LR, only my experience with one in .327 Federal Magnum.

I purchased a Ruger SP101 about 5 years ago. It's a 4.25 inch barrel with adjustable sights in .327 Federal Magnum. It was the first double action Ruger I've ever owned.

I bought it to use as a range gun, as I was interested in the .327 Federal Magnum. Ruger was the only company that made a double action, adjustable sight mid length barrel revolver in .327.

I had the local gun shop order it for me. When I was checking it out I noticed that when cocking it in single action mode that the action would sometimes tightened. I attributed that to the gun being new, and I assumed that with some use it would smooth out.

With use it didn't smooth out. It got tighter and would sometimes lock up when cocking in single action. I called Ruger and explained the problem. They sent me a return shipping label. Ruger repaired the gun at no cost to me and had it back to me in about 10 days.

According to the repair ticket Ruger replaced several parts in the action. It was still somewhat tight, but it no longer locked up. With use over the last couple of years the action has smoothed out in both double and single action and isn't too bad. To me, at least, there is something in the geometry of the SP101 action that just doesn't feel right to me. Maybe it's because I'm just so used to S&Ws and Colts.

The double action pull seems long and is about 11 pounds. The single action trigger is clean at a touch over 4 pounds on my trigger gauge. Since I typically shoot single action, the double action pull doesn't cause me any concern.

The action still isn't as smooth as my S&W K and N frames or as my original Colt Trooper or even my Taurus model 85. The only redeeming value this Ruger has is that it shoots .327 very well. I reload and the .327 is very versatile if you reload. I can load as light as .32 S&W long or up to full power .327. However, I seldom load the 327 to it's full potential. I usually load it to mid-range levels. The Ruger is very accurate and shows no sign of leading, even when cast bullets are pushed hard. I shoot a fair number of cast bullets in as it makes for inexpensive shooting.

In short, Ruger made the revolver functional. Mechanically the revolver is not one of my favorites, and if it wasn't chambered for an enjoyable cartridge and very accurate it probably would have been traded for something else.

08-17-2020, 07:12
I bought a used one to shoot .32 mags in. At first the cylinder was hard turning. Took it apart and cleaned it all up and it has worked well since.