View Full Version : The post human world-the future

08-19-2020, 02:45
www.weforum.org , et al

Globalist elite world vision. The Future. Contactless world-"Untact"

4th industrial revolution with: Robots,automation, digitalization, universal basic income, no contact with other people, no need for people, people as a drain to the state. People were needed for the economy, for wars, for workers, as consumers. No more. The post virus future. The govt, the elites don't need people- so jobs, benefits, govt support , health care dwindle and disappear.

So??? Riots, overthrow govts,institutions,...??? I didn't read much at all on this subject and conclusions. If you do, comment so that I might know also.

That is all I know. go to that web site, go to web and look up post human world etc. IMDB has a short scifi film re Post-Human.

Edit: More thoughts: Educate and gene modify elites. Others: house, feed,amuse. So, no uprisings. Life is fine. Withhold basics unless can sterilize them. Introduce disease or illness to cut the numbers.Available food contains meds or.... Also, there is climate change, drought, famine, disease,over population, refugees, resource wars within and without countries. As Germany, others have shown, people are capable of anything. I have probably veered away from www.weforum.org main points. Not sure what those are.

08-19-2020, 03:27
-post human world-

?? It's a pretty rock in space. But 3 or 4 billion less people might be what they are talking about. A sweet spot in population, if the can be such a thing. The quick look I gave the link seemed to be all about Inequality. Poor people don't get this, poor people don't get that. They're poor people, that's how it works.

08-19-2020, 06:21
This scenario reminds me of a science fiction story I read when I was about 19 years old.

One of the issues with the current economy is that it is first derivative (growth) based. It's not designed for steady-state sustainable operation. If people have money, they want more of it. So growth, crash, growth, crash, etc.

Tom Trevor
08-19-2020, 07:12
Soylent green is the answer.

08-20-2020, 07:03
Oh God I hope not. Just thinking of having a piece of Togor for dinner is well....NOT NATURAL!!!!

Griff Murphey
08-20-2020, 10:35
Yes humans bad, animals good and pure...we must turn it back to the animals... that is the ultimate vision of many in the left.

As the Bible says “... and God gave man dominion over the earth...” well the Bible is being replaced by modern “experts” such as Stephen Hawking. But I believe He is still watching us.

08-20-2020, 12:42
Oh God I hope not. Just thinking of having a piece of Togor for dinner is well....NOT NATURAL!!!!

I'd be tough old meat, need a lot of time in the slo-cooker.

08-27-2020, 08:18
I'd be tough old meat, need a lot of time in the slo-cooker.

toss you to the hogs, and have some bacon later,,,,,

