View Full Version : Cost of cigarettes: Avg $6.10 for pack of 20 in Ohio, also............
08-22-2020, 08:55
Cost is $20 usd in Australia. $1 in Pakistan.
Big profits to mfg co. and big tax revenue to the usa states.
I am not sure, but, possibly, Health Care costs are a fraction of the profits to the states via taxes.
Knew a wv man who had a tobacco allotment- he bought ready made and when he had a possible cancer scare, and it wasn't , he went right back to smoking. Always wondered if you could make a decent cig or cigar, if grew own tobacco.
In law smoked, 60, copd, on oxygen, died in hospital.
Neighbors rebel son smokes-will not quit
State run grass is very expensive. Very profitable for state. (Gambling is profitable for state also). Could raise your own in limited amts in some states. In others, will just seize your house and property, if catch you. I have read that police like to seize property and assets in many situations, and is very difficult to get prop and assets back-doesn't matter if cause does not exist. Profitable for police and communities and state. Courts, judges and lawyers like these situations.
Am just curious on these issues. I don't smoke tobacco or other. Am fortunate and unfortunate to have severe tobacco smoke allergy.
Edit: About 17 % of adults smoke in OH and 16 % of high school students in ohio during 2016.
Edit: Coal miners black lung disease is caused by cigarette smoke paralyzing the cilia in lungs, so particulates are not slowly expelled from lung. Another hard way to die.
How many people have you seen riding an electric wheelchair with a plastic tube up their nose and smoking a cigarette?
My wife quit smoking Pall Mall red in 1967 when it was 35 cents a pack...couldn't afford it. Two years later her lungs were clear, and are still healthy at 78.
A good friend of mine died of lung cancer in 1973 from smoking i watched him go from 175lbs to 65lbs in a hospital bed last time i saw him i walked out of his room through my cigarettes in the garbage can never smoked again i will be 70 in November i have clear lungs and feel good 175lbs good weight
08-22-2020, 01:25
Never took it up myself, decided 60 years ago it was a stupid idea.
I recall my Econ 101 instructor in college commenting on the lack of logic-the hypocrisy, he said-of legalizing something, taxing it heavily to discourage consumption-but expecting the tax revenue to be there and the wondering why it isn't.
I have found smokers to be the most consistently inconsiderate people I have ever met.
08-22-2020, 02:09
Mother had a friend on oxygen, smoking in the car. You know how this ends. Still smokes.
Major Tom
08-22-2020, 02:42
I'm 75, smoked since I was 12. As of last January my lungs are clear, no cigarrette hacking or lack of breathing well. I smoke my own cigs using pipe tobacco which does not have the chemicals in factory cigs. No cancer at all in my family. I smoke about 1 1/2 packs per day. Not all lung cancer is caused by cigs or the smoke from them. The people in those anti smoking TV ads who have deformities and such are suffering from other things besides cigs. BTW, making my own cigs cost about $0.70 per pack or $7.00 per carton.
I'm 75, smoked since I was 12. As of last January my lungs are clear, no cigarrette hacking or lack of breathing well. I smoke my own cigs using pipe tobacco which does not have the chemicals in factory cigs. No cancer at all in my family. I smoke about 1 1/2 packs per day. Not all lung cancer is caused by cigs or the smoke from them. The people in those anti smoking TV ads who have deformities and such are suffering from other things besides cigs. BTW, making my own cigs cost about $0.70 per pack or $7.00 per carton.
I had a very good and close friend die from lung cancer. He was 56 years old and had never smoked. He was a truck driver and had a wreck. His company policy required him to have a physical and the Dr's diagnosed the cancer. He was dead within 3 months.
No you don't have to smoke to have lung cancer. But smoking is a hazard and you have been lucky the genes you were gifted with have kept you safe. I don't climb bluffs, I don't have pictures of me hanging over a 1,000' canyon holding on with just one hand, I don't jump out of perfectly good airplanes and dare the chute to not open. Smoking is just another daredevil stunt where you are risking your life for no reason. Yes, I smoked from 16 years old till was 43. You can quit, and you and yours will be better off.
Major Tom
08-23-2020, 01:31
I did jump out of perfectly good airplanes when I was in the Army at Ft. Bragg, NC.
08-23-2020, 02:07
The internet has many threads on rolling your own cigs, using bought pipe tobacco (threads on how to specially process the pipe tobacco so will work in a cig roller machine, diff between cig and pipe tobacco, taste,.... I did not read any article, but there they were.
My Mother said when she was young , she was foolish, and rolled cigs for her husband on a machine roller of some sort. We had a copper lined humidor-a little box on legs.
In the movie, Paper Moon, the 8 year old girl, played by Tatum O'Neal, rolled her own by hand.Ryan O'neal was in the movie also.Tatum ,in real life had a rough deal-dad and mom were/are neglectful,jealous narcissists. A very good movie, con man ryan turns tatum into a con artist , depression era . Worth watching.
Indonesia is a lucrative tobacco market. They smoke like crazy there and there are few if any regs, even for kids.
JB White
08-24-2020, 06:43
Like Major Tom, I've been a smoker for well over half a century. Like him my lungs are still clear. Xray techs on different occasions said smiling "I see you're a non-smoker which is great." Huh?
Docs have told me when asked that some.....SOME people for some reason do not retain tar and those people tend not to trigger the cancer genes. However, it doesn't mean the nicotine isn't having some effect somewhere. There are only suspicions which have been turned to blame because that supports the goal.
They can't say that smoking research is flawed and there are exceptions to the 'rule'. It isn't beneficial to the public interest at large.
08-24-2020, 12:19
Started smoking as a 17 year old Navy Gunner's Mate in 1956. Cigarettes (Sea Stores) were $0.10/pack outside the 12 mile limit! Quit smoking at age 40, and very glad I did. 82 now and pretty healthy overall.
In the early sixties, I, a minor at the time, could walk into a High's store and buy my mom cigarettes (Taryton) for 25 cents a pack.
$.25 in 1963 is worth $2.11 in today’s dollars.
I smoked as a teen because all my friends smoked but gave it up when the Surgeon General said there was a link between smoking and lung cancer. I’ve been anti smoking every since and struggled to get my wife to quit. Morning sickness from when she was pregnant with our first child did the trick. Keeping both kids off cigs was also a challenge. I actually know very few people who still smoke. Those few that still smoke are in poor health and they spend enough each month on cigs to buy a new car.
I was in the Navy in the 1960s and we were given cigarette ration chits that I used to give to my friends who were smokers. Ten cents a pack was reality. A few would risk prosecution by selling their rationed cigs to locals on the black market for huge profits. I remember how bad the foreign made cigs smelled. No wonder the US made cigs were so popular.
I’ve seen several relatives and a few friends die of lung cancer. Believe it when I say that it is near the top of the list as one of the most horrific ways to die. Both lungs typically fill with fluid and blood and must be pumped out every few days with a huge hypodermic needle.
My wife and I lived in an apartment when we were first married and our next door neighbor suffered from a severe case of emphysema. He said it was like trying to breath through a straw. He was dead within a year after it was discovered that he had lung cancer.
There’s a particularly nasty fungus infection of the lungs that I caught in Arizona in 2014. It’s known as Valley Fever. The fungus spores live in the soil and become active in the spring and fall. I was cleaning horse stalls and obviously stirred up some dust that I breathed. I was back home in Pittsburgh when the symptoms started to become apparent. My family doctor diagnosed it and sent me to an infectious disease doctor who successfully treated me for nine months with Diflucan.
Edit: My grand daughter just returned home after spending two months in Baltimore, MD while serving an internship at a hospital and stayed in two separate apartments. The smell of marijuana was nearly everywhere in public places.
08-24-2020, 09:05
Approximate statement by an American tobacco executive: " I don't smoke that sh#t. That stuff will kill you." Yeah,he knew and the companies knew.
When BIL was in the us army, break time was announced by " If you got em, smoke em." And, everybody had them.
Major Tom
08-25-2020, 04:31
There is an assortment of chemicals that are put in cigs. Nicotine is the least toxic of the bunch. Now cigs go out by themselves when not constantly puffed. Making my own cigs using pipe tobacco means a lot less chemicals. Certain cancers are hereditary. Some people get cancers while still living a 'clean' life.
Viping is no better than smoking the real thing!
Gun Smoke
08-25-2020, 09:20
Maybe non-smokers can get in on the bandwagon and DEMAND reparations for being exposed to cigarette smoke.
08-26-2020, 04:20
Yes, it was always a source of resentment in my Army days when we heard "POLICE CALL! " and we non-smokers had to pick cigarette butts that had been in someone's filthy mouth. Or trying to run a range and constantly repeating "NO SMOKING ON THE RANGE !" And I wonder how many accidents involving POL or munitions were caused by someone trying to sneak a smoke.
Johnny P
08-26-2020, 07:20
As a kid both my parents smoked. Can still remember during the winter months choking in the rear seat of the car while both parents smoked. Never had any desire to smoke.
Gun Smoke
08-26-2020, 10:42
It's amazing how strong a grip the tobacco industry had on the world. All cars once had cigarette lighters and ashtrays (many still do). All motels and restaurants had complementary matches and ashtrays. Everybody had to breath that s**t that was being exhaled by someone else. Those of us who had office jobs were pretty much screwed unless we had a desk near a door or window that could be opened. I remember women complaining that they had to wash their long hair every day because it stunk of smoke from office smokers.
Most movies had actors who smoked during filming. Magazines and TV were full of advertisement and commercials. It was taught to be a way of life, an essential to life like eating and drinking. The message was "implied" that teenagers smoking at school was cool. While no one forced us to smoke we all had to breath someone else's smoke.
Even after all the evidence came out on the dangers of smoking the tobacco industry is still glorified. Yet the lawyers chase after lawsuits against asbestos, pesticides and weed killers that never claimed their products were safe to consume.
08-26-2020, 04:05
I am pleased that there has been enough of a crackdown on selling to minors so that lazy parents can't use their children as errand boys. One man told me one time his father put some things for the kids at the grocery back because he didn't have enough cash to pay for them and his smokes.
JB White
08-27-2020, 08:00
I have no problem with most of the restrictions on smoking these days. Shameful that laws needed to be passed to enforce what should have been "good manners" though.
What I find appalling is the social attitude of most anti smokers. Not non smokers, but anti smokers. Demands for Draconian style regulations in some areas. Attitudes of persecution akin to banishment and death wishes towards lepers. The constant loud ramblings of the drama queens...
Many of these same people are the ones promoting the legalization and public acceptance of marijuana. They'll preach acceptance of sexual perversions, and instant immediate love for those of any race, color, or creed without ever having gotten to know them. Tolerance of those rioting and looting because they "understand" why they need to do what they do.
Let them see a puff of tobacco smoke and some react with straight up hatred and the ferocity of a lynch mob.
Two faced hypocrisy if you ask me.
08-27-2020, 10:39
Smoking has gone out of fashion, I read that in 1950 60% of adults smoked, in 2000 28%, I note that in the apartment complex I live in I can't remember the last time I saw someone smoking. Basic Training in the military has been smoke free since the 1980s.
When people show no consideration for others laws and regulations are necessary. Inconsiderate shooters are not welcome at the range, why should inconsiderate people be welcomed anywhere else?
08-27-2020, 10:58
My office was contiguous with office of health care professional. He smoked in his office and smoke leaked into mine. I asked if he would smoke outside because I had a severe tobacco smoke allergy. No, and there was nothing I could do about it, he said. So, I taped up doors, bought HEPA filters, and ion generators, and managed to get by. Despite this , he expected us to have a friendly relationship.
Founder and president of gun club was a smoker. I asked if club could go smoke free. No, he said, and you do not have the support to make it smoke free. He did have his supporters. Some years later, legislation was passed, and the club went non-smoking. He may have been deceased at that point.
I have heard smokers railing that they have rights also. None seemed to care that they were abusing others. Not sure what the most current attitudes are.
Gun Smoke
08-27-2020, 12:31
Smoking has gone out of fashion, I read that in 1950 60% of adults smoked, in 2000 28%, I note that in the apartment complex I live in I can't remember the last time I saw someone smoking. Basic Training in the military has been smoke free since the 1980s.
When people show no consideration for others laws and regulations are necessary. Inconsiderate shooters are not welcome at the range, why should inconsiderate people be welcomed anywhere else?
Go sit in a used car for sale.
A smoker absolutely can not and will not drive unless they can smoke when their butt hits the seat of a car. It is IMPOSSIBLE for them to drive w/o smoking. I live beside a state hwy, people throw out all of their litter including glass bottles, fast food wrappers and the like. What I see most is cigarette butts and wrappers.
There may be a fewer % of people smoking now but there are so many more people now that it has more than made up for it.
When a used car comes up for sale "non-smoker" is one of the most important features. Few can be listed as such though. The cigarette odor can not be eliminated. The dealership gimicks work only for a couple of days--when you turn on the a/c: there it is. Reason enough to buy new.
The last time I went to a casino you practically couldn't see your hand in front of your face and after about 30 minutes I felt I had been breathing a lit torch and had to leave.
Overall people do seem to be refraining from smoking in public but I feel it is mostly because of the surroundings around them such as no ash trays for their convenience, restaurants prohibiting them and so forth.
08-27-2020, 04:22
I worked part time for a large limousine company for years, it was a running gag that if a passenger complained of cigarette smell the nicotine fiend driver would blame it on a previous passenger. The head of the detail department had enough clout that eventually several cars were designated as smoking cars, quite a few passengers had a no smoking/no tobacco smell in their profiles.
Most people who smoke seem to be young women.
08-27-2020, 07:04
I worked part time for a large limousine company for years, it was a running gag that if a passenger complained of cigarette smell the nicotine fiend driver would blame it on a previous passenger. The head of the detail department had enough clout that eventually several cars were designated as smoking cars, quite a few passengers had a no smoking/no tobacco smell in their profiles.
Parents bought a car and didn't realize previous was a pipe smoker. Very bad. Took it to a fire damage company and they ran an industrial ion generator inside it. This actually worked.
Gun Smoke
08-28-2020, 06:35
Parents bought a car and didn't realize previous was a pipe smoker. Very bad. Took it to a fire damage company and they ran an industrial ion generator inside it. This actually worked.
Good to know info.
Cigarette odor gets into everything. Carpet can be shampoo'd or replaced but how many would replace the carpet pad underneath? Seats can be replaced or re-upolstered but the foam is molded so replacement there is usally not doable unless the whole seat is trashed. The headliner is difficult to clean and is glued to cardboard so steaming it or getting it wet may not be feasible.
Whenever I take one of my cars in for service at an unfamilar place I am blunt with them. I tell them up front "if you smoke in it you bought it."
Most people who smoke seem to be young women.
And bikers. Every once in a while I will see the old grey beard riding with a lit cigarette in his mouth. So cool.
08-30-2020, 12:01
During my Army days we non-smokers made it clear that the cigarettes we got in our C rations were for trading only. Got tired of the smokers and their sense of entitlement. I read about the Marine snipers course in Vietnam, the OIC rejected smokers for their lack of self discipline.
One woman I knew, said her father was a smoker and not much of a provider, they were pretty sore when it caught up with him and they had to take care of him, they made him go cold turkey.
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