View Full Version : Luckygunner.com, lucky gunner lounge, Chris Baker

08-22-2020, 08:30
An Excellent Site: Gel tests on cartridges, great articles, videos, many topics
Chris Baker does most videos w text transcript-does wonderful job. There are many topics that go back years. Listing of topics is poor. I asked and chris said will try to correct this in 2020

Chris used to use s&w m&p, now uses da/sa hammer pistols in 9mm. Personal ccw was beretta w mods. Lot of articles on. Also , many articles on ccw use of s&w m66 3 inch round butt w some mods.

I recommend that you go to this site, also check out web content of Greg Ellifritz/

And possibly, Grant Cunningham, the Revolver Guy ,....

If you have an excellent site, or author tell us.