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View Full Version : Boot Knife Imformation Help

03-27-2010, 06:38
I'm new to posting on the knife & bayonet forum, and I hope some of you could help me ID this , I call a boot knife, I've had for at least 35 years. It looks hand made; with hand or primitive etching on the blade. I hope my pictures can describe it better than me babbleing on, and expose my lack of knife knowledge. Thanks

03-27-2010, 09:17
alb03- The blade design, and definitely the handle look to be of Filipino origin. Just my guess. SKIP

03-28-2010, 07:20
SKIPH- Thanks for the imfo; after an hour of Googleing, Ebay about Filipino knives, I believe your guess is exactly right. I wish I knew what the markings on the blade mean. Anyway, thanks again, alb03

desert guy
03-29-2010, 05:17
alb03: try finding yourself a Fillippino Association at your location or on-line and ask them if they can decipher the meaning of the hyragliphics(?) on the blade.

03-30-2010, 07:57
P.I. means Phillipine islands. A common abbreviation when the US ruled them.