View Full Version : Some scary information about germs in the car
Some scary information about germs in the car research by car leasing company Leasing Options revealed some icky findings
Found germs began to breed on everyday items left in cars after just five days
Items such as sunglasses, loose change and carrier bags had dangerous germs
Stomach-churning images reveal how germs breed on items left in your car, including toxic mould on carrier bags - while sunglasses have more bacteria than a toilet seat
08-31-2020, 05:58
Toilets, if lid not down,when flush, a fountain of e coli bacteria ,in a mist,rises up into the air. Always put the lid down. Sh#t is always bad.
Dental offices: The ultra sonic cleaner and the high speed drill create a cloud of aerosols with saliva, debris, bacteria and viruses. Contaminated surfaces. Not sure what the real solution is here: for starters: rubber dam, high speed evacuation, da#m good protective masks,of course , gloves. Pre op clearances for pts. Testing, temperature, vaccination. Refusal: No tx.
Bad enough with hepatitis, hiv, tb, flu, colds, herpes, cov2.
Just my thoughts, don't know what will be done.
Pandemics predicted for years, mini break outs of various every year. No body was prepared and a bad show all around. Lot of dead people. I am told some deny there is a problem.
Dental hygienists back to hand tools only, no water cleanings.
Gun Smoke
08-31-2020, 09:15
Don't forget about the steering wheel, shifter and door handles.
Those that smoke in their cars have an added feature of a layer of tar on everything that can house germs.
That is some scary stuff!
But somehow we all manage to survive, right CH?
09-01-2020, 09:09
But somehow we all manage to survive, right CH?
ABSOLUTELY! Do you deny it? Yet the overwhelming mountain of everyday experience that "it doesn't matter" is irrelevant to the hysterics & fear-mongers who rant "the sky is falling," & if you can't see it, you must be blind.
09-01-2020, 09:37
That is some scary stuff!
The absurd fear-mongering is what's scary.
09-01-2020, 09:51
Don't forget about the steering wheel, shifter and door handles.
Or the private parts of female ladies. But that's what Clorox is for, right?
Gun Smoke
09-01-2020, 10:17
Or the private parts of female ladies. But that's what Clorox is for, right?
I don't think females want to use Clorox on their private parts.
09-02-2020, 06:56
I don't think females want to use Clorox on their private parts.
That explains why I haven't been getting anywhere! But at least I'm not risking contamination with those frightening germs--they're everywhere, everywhere, no escape!
Toilets, if lid not down,when flush, a fountain of e coli bacteria ,in a mist,rises up into the air. Always put the lid down. Sh#t is always bad.
Dental offices: The ultra sonic cleaner and the high speed drill create a cloud of aerosols with saliva, debris, bacteria and viruses. Contaminated surfaces. Not sure what the real solution is here: for starters: rubber dam, high speed evacuation, da#m good protective masks,of course , gloves. Pre op clearances for pts. Testing, temperature, vaccination. Refusal: No tx.
Bad enough with hepatitis, hiv, tb, flu, colds, herpes, cov2.
Just my thoughts, don't know what will be done.
Pandemics predicted for years, mini break outs of various every year. No body was prepared and a bad show all around. Lot of dead people. I am told some deny there is a problem.
atomization , or some such
same happens with you pee in a urinal,
you may not think there is splash back, but there is,
grocery store shopping carts, and carry baskets,
door knobs
anything people touch, as in public places , is filthy,
don't forget vegetable recalls,
did that salad get recalled for ecoli because of the poor sanitation of the water it was washed with? or the irrigation water? (did Jose crap in a drainage ditch that lead to the irrigation pond?) or was something else in the processing chain not clean??
09-02-2020, 08:21
atomization , or some such
same happens with you pee in a urinal,
you may not think there is splash back, but there is,
grocery store shopping carts, and carry baskets,
door knobs
anything people touch, as in public places , is filthy,
don't forget vegetable recalls,
did that salad get recalled for ecoli because of the poor sanitation of the water it was washed with? or the irrigation water? (did Jose crap in a drainage ditch that lead to the irrigation pond?) or was something else in the processing chain not clean??
That does it! I'm NOT getting out of my Hazmat suit for anything...except to put on a clean one, & even that's risky!
I don't think females want to use Clorox on their private parts.
If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.
-Boost their immune system
Research shows that playing in (or even eating) the dirt can strengthen young immune systems. "Without exposure to everyday germs, which can be found in mud, children miss out on building a stronger, more robust immunity to sickness,” Dr Ryan Harvey from House Call Doctor explains.-
There are plenty of articles on this. One of the reasons more people have asthma these days is a lack of playing in dirt as kids. That's dirt not...other stuff.
09-02-2020, 09:36
There are plenty of articles on this.
Yes, plenty, it's not subject to scientific dispute. But that doesn't matter in a cry-baby, bed-wetter, culture such as has taken root in this country, & has now mushroomed into grotesque proportions thanks to Wuhan.
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