View Full Version : USMC Nylon shotgun pouch
Has any one seen one of these shotgun shell pouches?
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Tom Doniphon
09-09-2020, 12:35
Who is the maker? Is it London Bridge?
Yes it is. Sorry for the upside down pictures
Tom Doniphon
09-10-2020, 10:46
I've seen the London Bridge pouches before. Not sure if they are military contract pouches. Usually military pouches have a National Sock Number (DSA or DLA number) and lift-the-dot fasteners. These have neither of those features. I think these are one of the few, if only, pouches I have seen with snap fasteners. But apparently London Bridge did make stuff for the military including shotgun pouches as there is a NSN for London Bridge shotgun pouches. Just not sure if it was for these particular ones. Maybe someone else has more info on these.
Yes I have there are actually two variations of this pouch a small one and a larger one, but both pouches hold 11 rounds instead of the customary 12 rounds also the USMC on the flap is also a different size but both pouches have the same markings on the inside of the flap and it is marked as follows
XM 7653
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Hope this helps you out Harold
Are these military? If not, what do you think the pouches were used for?
I do believe so, they have a item number XM7653 and a contract number M67230-87-M-0222
XM would be for a prototype and the contract number shows it was given in 1987 so all said and done probably were produced in a limited number
"...used for?..." Probably for carrying ammo while chasing birds off air fields. Shotguns being illegal for use in combat.
London Bridge makes nylon pouches, bags and other assorted load bearing kit. One of the auction sites had a VN era 11 round pouch supposedly used by the USN Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team. They thought the thing was worth $200 to $400USD. Didn't sell. And, according to their web site, there was no London Bridge Co. until 1985.
"...used for?..." Probably for carrying ammo while chasing birds off air fields. Shotguns being illegal for use in combat.
London Bridge makes nylon pouches, bags and other assorted load bearing kit. One of the auction sites had a VN era 11 round pouch supposedly used by the USN Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team. They thought the thing was worth $200 to $400USD. Didn't sell. And, according to their web site, there was no London Bridge Co. until 1985.
Umm. NO. Shotguns are NOT illegal for combat. In fact used extensively in WWI, used extensively in the Pacific theatre in WWII, Used extensively in Vietnam. Wherever you got that info, send it back.
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"...used for?..." Probably for carrying ammo while chasing birds off air fields. Shotguns being illegal for use in combat.
London Bridge makes nylon pouches, bags and other assorted load bearing kit. One of the auction sites had a VN era 11 round pouch supposedly used by the USN Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team. They thought the thing was worth $200 to $400USD. Didn't sell. And, according to their web site, there was no London Bridge Co. until 1985.
Maybe they are illegal for use in combat in Canada. We will keep that in mind when we invade Quebec.
Using a shotgun in combat is a war crime according to the Hague Convention of 1907. It was signed by the U.S. of A. after W.W. II. The Hague Convention is about the rules of Land Warfare. One of which bans the use of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering. Shotguns do that. Read the Hague Regulations, Art. 23, sub-para. (e).
Vietnam does not count as a 'war', even though the participants would correctly, heartily disagree. It was not sanctioned by anybody. Including the U.S Congress.
"...when we invade Quebec..." Other than it's been tried several times, last one during Madison's War, known as the War of 1812, having Quebec would cause ya'll no end of problems. You're welcome to 'em though. Wouldn't advise invading through the Lake Champlain corridor and absolutely not through Ontario.
Using a shotgun in combat is a war crime according to the Hague Convention of 1907. It was signed by the U.S. of A. after W.W. II. The Hague Convention is about the rules of Land Warfare. One of which bans the use of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering. Shotguns do that. Read the Hague Regulations, Art. 23, sub-para. (e).
Vietnam does not count as a 'war', even though the participants would correctly, heartily disagree. It was not sanctioned by anybody. Including the U.S Congress.
"...when we invade Quebec..." Other than it's been tried several times, last one during Madison's War, known as the War of 1812, having Quebec would cause ya'll no end of problems. You're welcome to 'em though. Wouldn't advise invading through the Lake Champlain corridor and absolutely not through Ontario.
Give it a rest. Shotguns have been used in war since 1917.
They are still in inventory as COMBAT WEAPONS.
Tom Doniphon
09-26-2020, 12:52
Shotguns in and of themselves are not prohibited under the Hague Convention. However, there are prohibitions on the kinds of ammo that can be used in shotguns against enemy combatants. I don't believe shotgun slugs can be used, but 00 buck is not prohibited.
"...Shotguns have been used in war since 1917..." And? You need to do some research that doesn't involve Wikipedia. Go here.
"...Shotguns have been used in war since 1917..." And? You need to do some research that doesn't involve Wikipedia. Go here.
You need to worry about Canada. Leave the combat shotguns to us.
From what information I have they were made for Embassy Guards
let's not get into a 'who's is bigger' match over shotguns,
fact is US has had them in inventory for a long while,
AA training,
door breeching
and I am likely forgetting some use,
as far as London Bridge, yep, they started in the early 80's as a small shop working mil contracts and gunshows,
knew a few of the guys that worked there back in the day, good group of folks
Are these military? If not, what do you think the pouches were used for?
We used these pouches when I went to USMC Security Force Battalion Schools. The School was located at the time on Camp Pendleton, Va. at Virginia Beach Va. This was for classroom study. We shot some handgun (M1911A1's) at NS Dam Neck, Va. I can not remember the name, but there was a training area on the Va./N.C. line that we used for shotgun training and other things. We used the pouches during shotgun training We learned a Combat Shotgun Course there that was three training days and we shot up over 350 rounds of 00Buck and slug. The training days were about 12 hours long. We were using Mossberg 500 shotguns.
Charlie Flick
03-04-2021, 08:14
Marines in the sandbox with USGI Mossberg M500 series riot guns.
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