View Full Version : SARS-2 infected cases and deaths by age

09-17-2020, 06:20
As per the Lancet Infectious Diseases:

Total of actual no. of infected cases (All cases, those at home -reported and unreported) and deaths.

Age The % of deaths

50 to 60 0.6

60 to 70 1.9

70 to 80 4.3

80 plus 7.8

09-17-2020, 09:16
That looks like the % mortality by age group, not a fraction of total Covid deaths. Nursing home deaths in the US are a huge slice of the pie, especially from the early months of the outbreak.

09-17-2020, 01:00
Case Fatality Rate (diagnosed cases) is 1.4%

Infection Fatality Rate is 0.6%

Infection Fatality Rate by Age is:

50 to 60 0.6 %
60 to 70 1.9
70 to 80 4.3
80 plus 7.8

09-17-2020, 01:05
It's funny. If you tell someone they have a 1:160 chance of dying if they go to the ballpark, they might find something else to do. Except at some point they get tired of missing ballgames and decide that 1:160 isn't that big a deal. Until their buddy dies at a ballpark, then oh sh*t it's a big deal again.

09-17-2020, 02:04
Some polls show that some will refuse vaccines. One poll said 30%.

Possibly some vaccines will be an inhaled mist. Some say will need two injections and that immunity will not completely protect for a full year. And others say.........

09-18-2020, 11:27
Nursing home deaths are because it's sickly people living in a closed environment. Same as a cruise boat.
The 1919 to 1920ish Flu Pandemic killed 50 million world wide. Covid to date is 953,805 with 22,245,139 fully recovered out of 30.5 cases.
All causes of deaths, at home or not, are looked into by the local coroner. There's no "unreported" deaths.

Mark in Ottawa
09-19-2020, 07:09
A rather sad statistic is that in Canada, over 80% of COVID deaths have occurred in Long Term Care facilities. The majority of these deaths appear to have happened in facilities built before there was a change in the building standards. The older standard allowed people to be housed in rooms that had 4 beds so that as soon as one person got COVID, they all did and then, given their age and physical state, most of them died.

Here in Ottawa there is one facility that was a total disaster zone in the first wave with, as I recall, about 40 deaths. We are now in the second wave and in the last couple of weeks, there has been 9 deaths in the same facility.

Things will likely get worse before they get better since it appears that they can't get staff for these facilities. Nobody is prepared to take the risk. In the first wave, the government sent in the army to help out and while the various homes were happy for the help, I don't think that they were too happy with the aftermath. The army, being a bureucratic organization, kept good records of what they saw and did and then issued a report that was so damning that I suspect that the operators of some of the facilities could get charged with criminal negligence.

09-19-2020, 11:14
A rather sad statistic is that in Canada, over 80% of COVID deaths have occurred in Long Term Care facilities. The majority of these deaths appear to have happened in facilities built before there was a change in the building standards. The older standard allowed people to be housed in rooms that had 4 beds so that as soon as one person got COVID, they all did and then, given their age and physical state, most of them died.

Here in Ottawa there is one facility that was a total disaster zone in the first wave with, as I recall, about 40 deaths. We are now in the second wave and in the last couple of weeks, there has been 9 deaths in the same facility.

Things will likely get worse before they get better since it appears that they can't get staff for these facilities. Nobody is prepared to take the risk. In the first wave, the government sent in the army to help out and while the various homes were happy for the help, I don't think that they were too happy with the aftermath. The army, being a bureucratic organization, kept good records of what they saw and did and then issued a report that was so damning that I suspect that the operators of some of the facilities could get charged with criminal negligence.

we had the same here in RVA ,

one facility was in the top 3 in the nation for deaths,

seems to have improved a bit,

but you have to wonder what will happen , if anything, to the admins at that facility,

10-22-2020, 05:19
Fatality rate for Covid 19 is stated above per age group.

EDIT: from business insider.com 6 23 20 :

Flu fatalities: 0.1% The average in usa death rate:
Covid 19 fatalities: 5.2 %

Flu, if infected , fatalities are 0.83% if over 65

Covid 19, if infected, fatalities are 10.49% if 65 to 74

20.8% if 75 to 84

30.1% if over 85

The above is what businessinsider.com states. These are big numbers for the elders of the usa population.

10-22-2020, 11:49
It's funny. If you tell someone they have a 1:160 chance of dying if they go to the ballpark, they might find something else to do. Except at some point they get tired of missing ballgames and decide that 1:160 isn't that big a deal. Until their buddy dies at a ballpark, then oh sh*t it's a big deal again.

Dying at the ball park is one in a million. Everybody knows that.