View Full Version : What is a can of LC72 going for these days?

09-20-2020, 04:48
auction coming up near me and they have over 80 cans of it. (280 rnds/can)

09-20-2020, 04:50
linked, enblocs, or 5 round clips?

was running 60-75 cents a round, may get crazy now,

09-20-2020, 06:23
280 is 35 enblocs per can, stacked 5 flat per layer, 7 layers high.

So think about the value of those clips.

LC72 will be a little mild compared to HXP or 50's USGI. But if it's arsenal packed in clips, not Talon delinked, then chance of single lots/can, which makes for better groups.

As Lyman suggests, south of $200/can is unlikely. But local sale, you save $20/can on shipping, if that helps you set your max.

This is a great time to sell. Glad I bought my .30-06 milsurp, and components, when I did.

09-24-2020, 05:11
thanks... goin to an auction Sunday they have 81cans! hopefully I'll be able to get a couple

09-24-2020, 05:23
thanks... goin to an auction Sunday they have 81cans! hopefully I'll be able to get a couple

Check the stenciling on the cans, see if it's factory packed or repacked somehow. Good luck! Hopefully some jerk doesn't try to buy it all. (Thinking back to the CMP ammo sales where they had to institute per customer limits. But not on the 2010 AP blowout. Man that was really something.)

09-28-2020, 09:43
There were 81 cans of LC72 in enbloc clips. 280 rounds/can. they went for on average, are you ready for this? $275 a can

There was about a dozen boxes of the brown box m2. and they went for about the same. Lots of CMP stuff at the auction, so i'm guessing thats where it came from.

I was talking to the guy that bought up most of it, he was from the Harrisburg area about 2.5 hrs away... He said that around Ephreta, (i think his range is there) it was going for $500 a can... he said most of what he bought would be sold @ 400 a can before he got home..

I'm freakin shocked and amazed.... and for once... glad I'm a pack rat!

Oh yeah, and I did not buy any!!

09-28-2020, 02:50
That's sounds about right. $1 per en bloc, $5 for the can itself, $235 for 280 rounds, 83ยข/rd pandemic pricing. I would not buy either at those prices.

That Talon delinked boxes go at the same price....yeah not normal times. If I had to liquidate everything, I'm sure the bulk of my profits would be on ammo, and components.

09-28-2020, 04:26
depending on who made those enblocs,
I've sold some for as much as $5 each,