View Full Version : Need Help 1870 ejector
Entry Level
09-22-2020, 01:25
Hello, it seems the ejector works correctly but won’t return from extended position. When I place a cartridge in the breech the trap binds when closing. If I tilt the rifle 90 degrees to right cartridge fits. When closing ejector retracts then works properly after firing. Is this a broken extractor spring? Don’t want to take apart but will if necessary. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks for looking. Will post photos if that will help.
Tom Trevor
09-22-2020, 09:20
Did the rifle work perfectly for you and suddenly start to give trouble or has this been the way it has worked all along? I do not see how you are going to find the problem with out taking the block out and inspecting the extractor, spring and spindle pin.
Entry Level
09-22-2020, 10:21
It worked for 30 or so rounds then stopped working. I ordered spring and post. I have been looking at disassembly video so not so scary. Will try and clean from outside for now. Thanks for reply.
Dick Hosmer
09-22-2020, 04:43
Remember to take the metal out of the wood before whacking the pin! The two most common stock disasters (both preventable but other is a bit more obtuse than yours) are what you have and failing to at least half-cock the hammer before carefully removing the lock plate.
Entry Level
09-23-2020, 08:36
OK, I looked it over best I could. Upon opening extractor functions properly. Problem is it remains in the eject position. I can push it in and load a round and it chambers correctly. If I chamber a round without pushing ejector in the round binds against protruding extractor. I can feel spring tension when pushing extractor into position. Do these symptoms indicate a specific problem? Thanks
Dick Hosmer
09-24-2020, 12:12
Well, "staying in the eject position" when open, after throwing out the empty, IS correct. The face of the block should easily seat the new cartridge, and compress the extractor spring and return it to position, without any extra hand manipulation, whatsoever. Are you pushing down hard enough on the block? I think you should take it apart and clean and check everything. Perhaps you have a very slightly bent extractor - but you need to know what is going on inside. That hole is a magnet for dirt and crap, or there could be a remnant of broken spindle in there. In any event, it's time to open 'er up!
Entry Level
09-24-2020, 09:05
Thank you. Now I know I should open it up. Will wait till New spring and spindle arrive and will proceed. Our range in Los Padres remains closed by order so not urgent. Thanks again, Jon B
Tom Trevor
09-24-2020, 11:21
Rose valley , Hi Desert and place to shoot . Closed by forest service order and Burro Canyon off 38 may be toast. Forgot you live in Ventura. could have had you bring the rifle out to Piru and we could have gone thru the parts box and worked on it there. and the October Rondy is cancelled as well I see. Bunch of our guys were ready to go.
09-27-2020, 07:36
There is a difference between a 45-70 and 50-70 extractors. You may have the wrong one.
Entry Level
09-28-2020, 12:49
Not being able to leave well enough alone I opened up the bolt and found a broken spring. Spindle ok, also found 1/2 a spring coil in breech. Put back together, while waiting for parts, and now works. My question now is what purpose does spindle and spring serve? Seems like eject would work without those parts. Just a question. Thanks all. Does Burbank muzzle group still meet on Saturday? Thanks again.
Tom Trevor
09-28-2020, 01:13
It will extract the shell half way out of the chamber without the spring and spindle. You can then pick it out with your fingers. The spring and spindle press on the extractor and when closed go over center when the breech block is opened they suddenly go over center throwing the shell back onto the post in the receiver and usually throws the shell out of the rifle. Public is invited on Sundays and Wednesday mornings. Members use range whenever they like. Property is closed on Mondays for work.
Dick Hosmer
09-28-2020, 01:45
What Tom said.
The spring is not really "necessary", but that sudden release sure flips 'em out when working properly!
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