View Full Version : custom earplugs to be worn under my earmuffs
09-22-2020, 08:42
Hello, I have a hearing condition called hyperacusis and I've been looking for the best earplugs I can get. I avoid going out this time because I am a bit of a paranoid when it comes to getting COVD19 because 2 of my friends was said to have died from it. So... I just want to know if anyone here tried buying from this website ( They are called Big Ear and they offer home service for molding your ears for custom hearing protection and then they'll mail the product within a few weeks. They also do have instructions for DIY molding where they'll send a molding kit then you'll mold your ears and send back the kit with the molds. Some of their products are really intriguing and of course, I'd love to know if anyone here tried their products yet.
Any other recommendations?
I'm at a loss here. COVID is not transmitted because you have the wrong ear plugs.
09-23-2020, 09:47
custom earplugs to be worn under my earmuffs
RED, he was stating that he had some reservations about getting out in public. I didn’t read anywhere he was concerned about earplugs causing COVID.. Read his post again.
FWIW I had the guy that made my hearing aids make me a set of plugs for shooting. They make a soft mound and then send them off for the hard or permanent mound. I had a second soft mound Made and they are great. Of course they charged me..
John in SC
Gun Smoke
09-23-2020, 09:57
The soft foam type work well too.
They're about the size of a gumdrop. You roll them between your thumb and forefinger/index finger till they're about the diameter of a pencil. Place one in each ear canal and they quickly expand back to size sealing the ear. You can still hear conversations but not well unless the others speak louder.
They are disposible and don't cost much.
Custom hearing protection plugs don't work any better than the cheap industrial foam plugs found in a dollar store(Not E-Bay. They want to take your firearms away from you. Using E-Bay at all funds that.). Plus you won't be inviting somebody you don't know or where they've been into your home.
Hyperacusis is highly debilitating and rare hearing disorder characterized by an increased sensitivity to certain frequencies and volume ranges of sound. Didn't know so I looked.
I'd be thinking electronic muffs for that, if your audiologist says its OK. More expensive, but not stupidly so and you control the amount of sound that gets through 'em. Cabela's has a decent selection at reasonable prices.
I got a set of custom ear plugs made at Camp Perry years ago. They were uncomfortable, weren't any better than the store bought cheapies, I never learned to like them.
I use a combination of foam ear plugs and quality noise reducing head sets. I can still hear conversations but wow! When a 30'06 ejected shell hits that plastic, it makes one hek of a noise down the ear canal!
I hate those foam things. I hate marshmellos to. They hand them out to visiting folks. Get some regular earplugs. The plastic/rubber ones with the ridges. I have to buy a lg size and a sm size because one ear canal is smaller than the other. You end up with two sets. Put them everywhere. You never know when you'll need them. Then some flight line muffs. That's as good as you can do, or give up shooting. I actually had some custom earplugs made. I hated them. I still have the fancy wood box they came in.
If you're a Vet ask your audiologist to make imptessions/casts for you. I use hearing aides and also use the casts with my muffs. Nice a d quiet, but still hear the range PA system.
Gun Smoke
09-24-2020, 10:35
I hate those foam things. I hate marshmellos to. They hand them out to visiting folks. Get some regular earplugs. The plastic/rubber ones with the ridges. I have to buy a lg size and a sm size because one ear canal is smaller than the other. You end up with two sets. Put them everywhere. You never know when you'll need them. Then some flight line muffs. That's as good as you can do, or give up shooting. I actually had some custom earplugs made. I hated them. I still have the fancy wood box they came in.
I hate that fancy wood box.
09-24-2020, 01:27
If you're a Vet ask your audiologist to make imptessions/casts for you. I use hearing aides and also use the casts with my muffs. Nice a d quiet, but still hear the range PA system.
PWC, that what I was trying to say in my post... I think they work really good...
John in SC
Sorry John, I was skimming the thread and missed part of your post. Great minds, deep channels, a d all that...
09-24-2020, 02:03
No problem, I misspelled moulds and may have missed the point....
John in SC
I use a combination of foam ear plugs and quality noise reducing head sets. I can still hear conversations but wow! When a 30'06 ejected shell hits that plastic, it makes one hek of a noise down the ear canal!
but still better than have it go down the back of your jacket
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