View Full Version : Wants and needs

09-27-2020, 03:23
Wants and needs … it seems that one day soon they will be one and the same .

I’m a little grumpy right now as most men are when their wants and needs go unfulfilled . And like most men my wants are greater than my needs meaning the only thing as bad as having no money is finding nothing to buy .

Lately many of the products we usually purchase on our weekly foray to the shops are unavailable…. for weeks at a time.

” It’s the pandemic ” explains the employees at the store…. “we can’t get it delivered”

Today my “wants” were to grill a slab of meat I’d thawed . My “need” was some charcoal lighter fluid and so I pulled into the local MalWart store to discover it was now unavailable . The entire garden center where it is normally found was taken over by Christmas decorations and fake Christmas trees .

It’s September 26 and ninety days from Christmas and they haven’t even stocked out all the Halloween candy yet, or even started to sell that horrible Thanksgiving Day Pumpkin Beer . I don’t really need a fake Christmas tree right now. It’s 86 degrees and I just need to grill a frigging steak .

Malwart is starting to irritate me almost as much as the asshole down the street who hasn’t taken his Christmas lights down in two years.....pandemic my ass.

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09-27-2020, 03:48
Totally agree. They are stacking piles of some kind of noxious pumpkin decor outside of the local grocery(the big one). I can hardly stand to walk past it. Some human rights/civil liberties lawyers need to get a case going against it.

Gun Smoke
09-27-2020, 05:01
Local hardware stores and other grocery stores also sell the charcoal if there are any left in your area but yeah, I went to WM nearly a week ago to get some chainsaw acc. and the shelves were bare except for Christmas dec. I asked one of the sales ladies where everything had been moved to and she gave me that look of a deer in the headlights. She didn't have a clue as to what I was asking.

I went all through the store---nothing.

09-27-2020, 08:50
Wants and needs … it seems that one day soon they will be one and the same .

I’m a little grumpy right now as most men are when their wants and needs go unfulfilled . And like most men my wants are greater than my needs meaning the only thing as bad as having no money is finding nothing to buy .

Lately many of the products we usually purchase on our weekly foray to the shops are unavailable…. for weeks at a time.

” It’s the pandemic ” explains the employees at the store…. “we can’t get it delivered”

Today my “wants” were to grill a slab of meat I’d thawed . My “need” was some charcoal lighter fluid and so I pulled into the local MalWart store to discover it was now unavailable . The entire garden center where it is normally found was taken over by Christmas decorations and fake Christmas trees .

It’s September 26 and ninety days from Christmas and they haven’t even stocked out all the Halloween candy yet, or even started to sell that horrible Thanksgiving Day Pumpkin Beer . I don’t really need a fake Christmas tree right now. It’s 86 degrees and I just need to grill a frigging steak .

Malwart is starting to irritate me almost as much as the asshole down the street who hasn’t taken his Christmas lights down in two years.....pandemic my ass.

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For once you have swerved into an important factor.

YOU and all the other ignorant liberal idiots agree that if you don't need it, it should be illegal for you to own it. If you don't ever haul anything, you should be prohibited from owning a pick-up truck because you don't need it. If you have a 3,300 square foot home but don't need it, then it should be confiscated and given to 24 illegal immigrants. Oh, yes, you haven't ever been attacked by a cave lion, so you don't need that old H&R single shot 12 gauge that your great grandpa owned. And if you just want to have a Black Rifle because it is fun to shoot, you really don't need it.

All you need to survive is food, shelter. and water.. That's what these brainwashed, radical, idiots think.

There have always been winners and losers, and that will never change. There has always been kings, emperors, and peons and jesters. And those that opposed slavery and and oppression are called Jousters,

09-27-2020, 10:11
-and in other news; I went to the little sporting goods store to pick up two different kinds of canned gas for camping. The big green bottle for the Coleman and the little European kind of thing for the little coffee maker. No can do. The guy told me that "you can't find that". I went to the hardware store -nada. So I drove Wally which is five miles away. I had to go in the complete opposite door I wanted to and walk about 100 yrds to Sporting goods. Getting more and more pi**ed(I've never understood how saying pi**ed off is OK). I found the last to bottles and took them. It's and Easter egg hunt these day and I actually kind of think it's fun.

09-28-2020, 10:22
"...they haven’t even stocked out all the Halloween candy yet..." Been on the shelves in the Dollar Store since August here.
"...as most men are when..." That'd be 'wants' not needs.
The ignorant liberal idiots think there is and should be one law for them and one for everybody else. Our Socialist Rat Offspring of unmarried parents Prime Minister believes he is above the law and has committed several, what you call felonies(they're criminal offences here), and has said, "I'm the Prime Minister." as his excuse. He got it from a former PM who actually said "If the Prime Minister does it, it's not illegal." An outright lie. And you think you're grumpy. snicker.
Lotsa Coleman LPG cans up here. At $20 per 3. Used to be $3 or so each.

09-28-2020, 11:11
For once you have swerved into an important factor.

YOU and all the other ignorant liberal idiots agree that if you don't need it, it should be illegal for you to own it. If you don't ever haul anything, you should be prohibited from owning a pick-up truck because you don't need it. If you have a 3,300 square foot home but don't need it, then it should be confiscated and given to 24 illegal immigrants. Oh, yes, you haven't ever been attacked by a cave lion, so you don't need that old H&R single shot 12 gauge that your great grandpa owned. And if you just want to have a Black Rifle because it is fun to shoot, you really don't need it.

All you need to survive is food, shelter. and water.. That's what these brainwashed, radical, idiots think.

There have always been winners and losers, and that will never change. There has always been kings, emperors, and peons and jesters. And those that opposed slavery and and oppression are called Jousters,

No one else here concerned that maniacs like this posses firearms ? .... this man is a bit spooky

09-28-2020, 01:43
Iodized salt and distilled spirits if the SHTF. They keep indefinitely, have a range of uses, and can easily be bartered for other needs, or wants. I actually have some pre Y2K bottles on hand. Glass, don't trust plastic. In normal times, don't have use for it....still have wedding booze around.

- - - Updated - - -

As for Red, if the SHTF, he won't be around long, but might take a few with him.

09-28-2020, 03:39

charcoal lighter fluid??


get a chimney,

a few scraps of paper, and a match, and you are good to go in about the same time it takes for the fluid to burn off,

I've not used charcoal lighter fluid in 30+ yrs



Gun Smoke
09-28-2020, 04:50
To prevent the taste of lighter fluid I bought an electric charcoal lighter 25 years ago. Still works like new and only takes about 15 minutes (or less) for all the charcoal touching it to glow orange. Then you pull the lighter out and let the charcoal do it's thing. I'll never use anything else again unless I need to cook during a power outage.

09-28-2020, 06:18
Frito-Lay products can get a charcoal grill up and running too.

09-28-2020, 07:23
Always take Freetos with me to the woods. Flint & steel, matches. Sometimes, matches are 3rd chooce to start just for grins & giggles.

09-29-2020, 04:03
Where are the Fritoes? What! you ate them all? You burro!

S.A. Boggs
09-30-2020, 04:38
Wants and needs … it seems that one day soon they will be one and the same .

I’m a little grumpy right now as most men are when their wants and needs go unfulfilled . And like most men my wants are greater than my needs meaning the only thing as bad as having no money is finding nothing to buy .

Lately many of the products we usually purchase on our weekly foray to the shops are unavailable…. for weeks at a time.

” It’s the pandemic ” explains the employees at the store…. “we can’t get it delivered”

Today my “wants” were to grill a slab of meat I’d thawed . My “need” was some charcoal lighter fluid and so I pulled into the local MalWart store to discover it was now unavailable . The entire garden center where it is normally found was taken over by Christmas decorations and fake Christmas trees .

It’s September 26 and ninety days from Christmas and they haven’t even stocked out all the Halloween candy yet, or even started to sell that horrible Thanksgiving Day Pumpkin Beer . I don’t really need a fake Christmas tree right now. It’s 86 degrees and I just need to grill a frigging steak .

Malwart is starting to irritate me almost as much as the asshole down the street who hasn’t taken his Christmas lights down in two years.....pandemic my ass.

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IMHO a cheaper and better tasting option that we use is saved bacon grease. Use one or two spoonful's on your wood and close the lid to let the fat melt...light as usual.

Major Tom
09-30-2020, 09:00
To prevent the taste of lighter fluid I bought an electric charcoal lighter 25 years ago. Still works like new and only takes about 15 minutes (or less) for all the charcoal touching it to glow orange. Then you pull the lighter out and let the charcoal do it's thing. I'll never use anything else again unless I need to cook during a power outage.

#1 with that....no lighter fluid taste.

- - - Updated - - -

Always take Freetos with me to the woods. Flint & steel, matches. Sometimes, matches are 3rd chooce to start just for grins & giggles.

It's all grins and giggles until someone sh!ts and giggles!