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10-04-2020, 07:33
My Springfield Trapdoor is in good shape for its age and I’d like to know if any information exists in the SRS. It’s a model 1873. S/N 302224 indicates that it was made in 1885.

The stock cartouche reads: SWP (Samuel W. Porter) over 1885. There’s a large 1 over 18 stamped on the butt stock which I believe are the rack and position numbers. I read on another forum that this rifle would have most likely been assigned to NG duty because the US regulars didn’t mark their rifles with rack and position numbers. True? There’s also an “A9” stamped on the stock near the top butt plate screw, again on the breech block forward of the trapdoor hinge and again on the tang. Other than the usual proof marks stamped on the barrel, I don’t see any other cartouches or proof marks anywhere.

Any information would be appreciated.

Tom Trevor
10-05-2020, 09:06
No SRS listing for your number. Closest is 302222.

10-06-2020, 04:54

Thanks for looking. Just curious. What information do you have on 302222?

Tom Trevor
10-06-2020, 01:12
302222 04-24-02 FA powder testing. That is what is posted.

10-07-2020, 08:06
The date (4-24-02) is interesting since the Krag Jorgensen was still the standard Army rifle and would be for two more years.

Tom Trevor
10-07-2020, 03:23
Still a LOT of trapdoors in service. State troops here and abroad. Some smokeless rounds loaded as far back as 1898 in 45-70 but a lot of black powder still in use. The 105 rounds I fired day after day 68-69 all had about half pound in the primer tube to ignite the main bags. The only reason GOEX produces it today is the government purchases far exceed the sporting market.

10-29-2021, 05:56
Can anyone confirm the possible NG connection?