View Full Version : Just a thought..

10-08-2020, 01:44
Some of are old enough to remember Ni. Khrushchev who was in office late 1950s and 1960s. If you recall he made a statement and pointed his finger at an USA diplomat and I think his statement maybe becoming true to some extent. He said, “ we will bury you and never fire a shot”. FWIW

John in SC

k arga
10-08-2020, 01:54
I remember him banging his shoe on the cabinet, he said they would take the US from within without a shot fired.

S.A. Boggs
10-08-2020, 02:14
Not Communism but the Democratic form of National Socialism for today...much more sinister in this manner

10-08-2020, 04:19
Some of are old enough to remember Ni. Khrushchev who was in office late 1950s and 1960s. If you recall he made a statement and pointed his finger at an USA diplomat and I think his statement maybe becoming true to some extent. He said, “ we will bury you and never fire a shot”. FWIW

John in SC

I don't believe the "Cold War" ever ended . The present Russian leader spent his whole life as a KGB agent.

Sorry to get political here, but if Putin favors Trump to be our President.... it's because he believes him to be the most detrimental to the United States . As KGB...that is still his goal .

Putin will never be our friend ..... kind o a shame we have pushed our friendly nations leaders away from us over the past four years.

10-08-2020, 05:48
I remember!

10-08-2020, 06:25
Sandpebble is right....Trump shows every indication of being Putin's willing pawn.

Gun Smoke
10-08-2020, 06:39
It was John Kerry just a few short years ago when he was secretary of the state who tried to strong arm a nuclear disarmament with the U.S. and Russia knowing Russia would not hold up their end of the deal. His exact words were "it's not if it's going to happen, it's when".

Then, of course later when hillary got into the same position she sold them our uranium.

10-08-2020, 07:04
Yeah, I remember seeing him on Huntly-Brinkly News, banging his shoe on the desk at the UN. He said we will bury you from within thru your children.

You can not trust a communist (socialist) to be anything but a communist (socialist). Look how rich Bernie has gotten in the very system he avows to destroy.

10-09-2020, 01:50
Sandpebble is right....Trump shows every indication of being Putin's willing pawn.

Above response paid for by the Democratic committee...

10-09-2020, 10:32
"...banging his shoe on the cabinet..." The lectern at the Third World Debating Club house. Mind you, Nicky was speaking of the USSR burying the West. Not Russian Organized Crime.
"...his whole life as a KGB agent..." Yep. Russian Organized Crime is primarily run by "Ex" KGB types.
"...sold them our uranium..." Long after the USSR was allowed to buy IBM main frame computers.

10-09-2020, 01:06
How did organized crime get in on the subject ?

John in SC

Major Tom
10-10-2020, 04:50
I think communist China is our greatest threat! Biden said in one of his speeches that "We don't have to worry about China." Of course, that was after he and his son accepted millions od dollars from China. So you know damn well Biden isn't going to challenge any Chinese move against us. China is raising heck all over the Far East and Australia. They released covid-19 to the world. But first, they released it in China to observe how it would reek havoc. China does not care about their own people. They will sacrifice their own people by the thousands.

10-10-2020, 09:11
How did organized crime get in on the subject ?

John in SC

Because Putin and his buddies own Russia. How did they do it.......organized crime. Read "Fallout" by John Saloman.

10-10-2020, 10:03
Putin and his buddies own Russia and are the so called Russian Mafia.
"...communist China is our greatest threat..." Not likely. They hold too much of the U.S. national debt. 34.55% of American debt is held by China and Japan.
Communism is just a cover for their brand of gang banger. The ChiCom's chased the assorted Hong Kong tongs to Canada in 1999 because they didn't want the competition. They would have just killed 'em all,
"...They released covid-19..." More that they failed to warn anybody quick enough and failed to close their borders. Mind you, with the latter, nobody else did either. I do notice that nobody says anything about biological warfare that has crippled, at the very least, the entire Western economy.

10-10-2020, 04:42
But are the russians getting a good return of thier investment?

10-10-2020, 05:15
Some of you need to wake up and realize, Trump is the best shot for our national survival.

Of course if you like the Democrat view of things, then kiss off the Constitution and its too late when
you realize what a fool you've been.

S.A. Boggs
10-20-2020, 09:08
I think communist China is our greatest threat! Biden said in one of his speeches that "We don't have to worry about China." Of course, that was after he and his son accepted millions od dollars from China. So you know damn well Biden isn't going to challenge any Chinese move against us. China is raising heck all over the Far East and Australia. They released covid-19 to the world. But first, they released it in China to observe how it would reek havoc. China does not care about their own people. They will sacrifice their own people by the thousands.
