View Full Version : Upcoming Renewal

10-19-2020, 07:45
Hey guys! The webhosting renewal is coming up on December 1st. It's $250 and I don't have it. Any chance you can all chip in enough to cover it? There are two alternatives if I can't raise the money: I can either let the site die or see if one of you would be interested in taking it over. Before handing it over to someone else, I would like the site members to approve the new owner by vote.

Please let me know. If you decide to try to raise the money, please make pledges before sending anything so we know that enough can be raised to do it as I wouldn't want to accept half the money, not get there and end up having to drop it anyway. If someone wants it, please let me know.


Addendum: I put it below but will add my mailing address here as well:

Patricia Hampton
815 Bodie Canyon Road
Priest River, Idaho 83856
PayPal: jaliisah@hotmail.com

10-20-2020, 02:39
I Will pledge $20 dollars.

k arga
10-20-2020, 05:11
I'm in for 25.00

10-20-2020, 05:36
I’ll do $25.

10-20-2020, 06:26
I'll gladly help. $25 pledge here.


Gun Smoke
10-20-2020, 06:47
Ditto on the $25 pledge.

10-20-2020, 06:53
kj47 guilted me to pledge $20..Being retired on a mall fixed income made me hold off at first but the site is worth it...It's a lot of fun

10-20-2020, 06:54
kj47 guilted me to pledge $20..Being retired on a mall fixed income made me hold off at first but the site is worth it...It's a lot of fun

if she charged you a quarter a post, the site would be paid up for decades,,,,,:grommit:

al in oregon
10-20-2020, 08:42
I’m in for $25 too. Al

S.A. Boggs
10-20-2020, 09:01

10-20-2020, 09:19
if she charged you a quarter a post, the site would be paid up for decades,,,,,:grommit:

funny enough for me to pledge 25.00 also.

10-20-2020, 11:47
I have been guiltyed to up mine to $25.

10-20-2020, 02:09
I’m in for $25.00. How do we pay? PayPal , check, money order, and who do we make it out to.

John in SC

10-20-2020, 02:23
Someone who exchanges post with the xxxxxxx needs to advise them to get off there butt and kick in. I have then on ignore and have NO desire to communicate with them..

John in SC

10-20-2020, 03:35

The money is there. Let us know where you want the money sent. I assume personal checks are ok.


10-20-2020, 03:48
Add $25 for me.

10-20-2020, 03:55

10-20-2020, 06:00

$250 to take over the site?? as in full control?

10-20-2020, 06:45
$250 to take over the site?? as in full control?

I think her request for funds or take over indicates approval by members!!!

John in SC

10-20-2020, 07:06
I'll pledge $100 out of my meager SS check to see Togor BANNED. Risky, since since this snake can no doubt figure out a way to sneak back in under a pseudonym.

10-21-2020, 03:43
if she charged you a quarter a post, the site would be paid up for decades,,,,,:grommit:

My posts help keep the forum active...and if you check, my posts get a lot of lookers and replies. They help keep the forum active.. What's wrong with that.. .:banana100:

Gun Smoke
10-21-2020, 03:50

$250 to take over the site?? as in full control?

I had thought many times about contacting Pat to ask about buying her out but figured she wouldn't sell. Many of you probably thought the same way. Now, it looks like the site is available.

Everytime I thought about it though I realized I didn't particularly want the headaches and don't have the resources available to deal with hackers/site crashes and such.

The whole purpose for me to buy would be to preserve the major's legacy but what if I sudenly died or became too sick to carry on? My son and daughter would probably have no interest in continuing on. That being the case if this forum is owned by just one person and something happens to him/her then everything is lost.

My thoughts are that 2--5 of us should offer to buy this site. If something were to happen to one the others could continue and possibly replace him/her (like a board of directors). Meanwhile, the cost and problems would be shared and decided upon where just one person wouldn't have total say-so.

For right now, time is short, we have a gun rights election facing us and Pat needs the money right now but perhaps this "new ownership" is something to think about in the upcoming year.

Regardless of who wins the election more political emphasis is going to occur here. With new ownership the bickering could come an end once and for all.

10-21-2020, 05:11
I'll pledge $100 out of my meager SS check to see Togor BANNED. Risky, since since this snake can no doubt figure out a way to sneak back in under a pseudonym.

if we really wanted to raise money we could ban him and then charge other members a fine every time they mention his name.

10-21-2020, 05:15
Funny how donations turned into Lord of the Flies.

10-21-2020, 05:20
My posts help keep the forum active...and if you check, my posts get a lot of lookers and replies. They help keep the forum active.. What's wrong with that.. .:banana100:

wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE:headbang:

10-21-2020, 05:23
perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.

Gun Smoke
10-21-2020, 06:02
perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.

Is that really what you want though?

With new ownership and changes made this forum could be made "great again" not that Pat hasn't tried and we appreciate her efforts on keeping this forum up despite all the negativity intruders.

10-21-2020, 06:09
wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE:headbang:

NEVER makes jokes on any internet forum--they will ALWAYS be misunderstood!

However, my offer of $100 to be rid of our chief antagonist was no joke.

10-21-2020, 06:14
wasn't criticism ray, it's called a JOKE:headbang:

Got it now.. Lol..

10-21-2020, 06:22
perhaps as suggested in the OP that we let it just die.

That's one way of sparing ourselves the taunts of Biden's chief advocate, who could then devote himself full-time to supporting the Dems.

10-21-2020, 07:25
Got it now.. Lol..


10-21-2020, 09:20
Enough has been pledged. You can send it to my PayPal account at jaliisah@hotmail.com or mail it to me at 815 Bodie Canyon Road, Priest River, Idaho 83856. That will pay us up for another three years. Many thanks.


Hey guys! The webhosting renewal is coming up on December 1st. It's $250 and I don't have it. Any chance you can all chip in enough to cover it? There are two alternatives if I can't raise the money: I can either let the site die or see if one of you would be interested in taking it over. Before handing it over to someone else, I would like the site members to approve the new owner by vote.

Please let me know. If you decide to try to raise the money, please make pledges before sending anything so we know that enough can be raised to do it as I wouldn't want to accept half the money, not get there and end up having to drop it anyway. If someone wants it, please let me know.


S.A. Boggs
10-21-2020, 12:13
Is that really what you want though?

With new ownership and changes made this forum could be made "great again" not that Pat hasn't tried and we appreciate her efforts on keeping this forum up despite all the negativity intruders.

Not a bad idea, this way could get rid of the "problem" children and return to some type of normalcy. Anyone else interested in kicking in more dough?

10-21-2020, 01:20
Who should we make the check out to? Ray

Mark in Ottawa
10-21-2020, 01:27
I can send you $25 (US dollars even, since I have a bank account in Florida). I will need a mailing address.

Mark in Ottawa (Canada)

10-21-2020, 01:46
Patricia Hampton

Gun Smoke
10-21-2020, 01:47
I can send you $25 (US dollars even, since I have a bank account in Florida). I will need a mailing address.

Mark in Ottawa (Canada)

Click on "support this site" top of page, olive green rectangle or tool bar.

Gun Smoke
10-21-2020, 01:53
Pat, I used the PP account info above to pay. Just wanted you to know that the address you list under "Support This Site" is a little different. I assume either will work?

10-21-2020, 02:41
I really haven't put in the time and effort needed to make the site as good at it should be. When the Major was alive, he was always posting wonderful gun information and stories and I am here to tell you, they made pretty good money on ads. I am gun owner and strong believer in the Second Amendment but I just don't have the expertise to generate that great content. If the right person came along, the site really could be made a lot better and I am willing to relinquish to the right person. It would have to be someone who really understands the site, what it was, and what it could be again and that person would have to be acceptable to members.


10-21-2020, 02:44
[QUOTE][Not a bad idea, this way could get rid of the "problem" children and return to some type of normalcy. Anyone else interested in kicking in more dough?

Sam, you can get rid of them, as Vern & I have said many times IGNORE ...Many times you cut and paste and differ with the so called xxxxxxx. Apparently you want to do away with them yet you argue with them...

John in SC

10-21-2020, 02:47
You are right, I wouldn't sell the site but I would gift it to the right person or group. For me, it has never been about money, and I VERY much appreciate the donations that have let me keep it alive. It has always been about keeping the Major's site and memory alive. I truly don't have the time or expertise to make it great like Dick did. Furthermore, though I am in good health, I am 73 and if I drop dead, no one will have the access or knowledge to keep the site running. All food for thought.


10-21-2020, 04:12
Yikes! That's my old address. I forgot to update it. It's fixed now. Both addresses are still in my PayPal account, I checked and both still work. (Whew! That was really dumb of me!)

10-21-2020, 04:54
Sent my pledge via PAYPAL hour ago. First time sending money. It was pretty simple. Hope I did it right. Give me a squak if I failed..
John in SC

10-21-2020, 06:03
set up a trust, of sorts,

as in , if you get hit by that train (movie quote**) and become a grease spot on the L&M.. someone will have , from a trust, will, etc, the tools to access, and possibly a note as to what to do with it,

surely there is someone of like mind you can trust to leave it too, or instruct your heirs what to do if there is not,

*** paraphrased from O Brother Where Art Thou,

Gun Smoke
10-21-2020, 06:32
Or co-own it now so if an untimely event happens (splat) the "changing of the guards" would be bumperless?

10-22-2020, 02:43
Someone who exchanges post with the xxxxxxx needs to advise them to get off there butt and kick in. I have then on ignore and have NO desire to communicate with them..

John in SC

No need John , you just might find some of the "xxxxxxx" kicked in long before you did and for more than your measly $25 ... go ahead and ask her .

Get your facts together before you make your accusations .... ignore that.

10-22-2020, 05:47
Sent my pledge via PAYPAL hour ago. First time sending money. It was pretty simple. Hope I did it right. Give me a squak if I failed..
John in SC

I use PP every wk, but they (owned by Ebay) aren't in business for their health--somebody PAYS for the privilege, either sender or receiver. If possible I'd prefer sending a check, but on ebay purchases, that isn't possible, because ebay collects both for the sale & for payment by PP. Rigged system? You bet!

10-22-2020, 05:54
Patricia Hampton

Woa! Just sent a check made out to Jouster/Pat Culver! Hope you can cash it! If not, I'll send another.

10-26-2020, 07:45
Nop, the bank wouldn't take it. I was going to send it back tomorrow.

10-27-2020, 07:55
Pat - I just saw this today, will get a check out to you snail mail NLT tomorrow. Thanks!


10-28-2020, 12:35
I would like to post a thank you here to those of you who are contributing to site. I plan to post it Saturday using names, not handles as I often cannot connect them. If you have contributed or are contributing and don't want your name posted or prefer I use your handle, please PM me. So far almost half the amount needed has arrived. It will pay us up for three years.

Many thanks,


10-28-2020, 02:08
Frankly Pat, I'd prefer you didn't bother one way or the other

Gun Smoke
10-28-2020, 05:05
Frankly Pat, I'd prefer you didn't bother one way or the other


All that matters is you got or will get the $. For those of us who use a handle we probably can't connect to a name either.

We should be thanking you instead.

10-29-2020, 07:21
All that matters is you got or will get the $. For those of us who use a handle we probably can't connect to a name either.

We should be thanking you instead

I agree...

John in SC

10-29-2020, 09:45
Since you prefer it that way, that is what I will do. Thank you all for your support, I'm getting close to enough. Hopefully the other who pledged will come through too.

11-05-2020, 03:54
Thanks again! Jouster is paid up for three years!

Gun Smoke
11-05-2020, 05:14
Thanks for keeping the site up for us.

11-07-2020, 03:11
Thanks Pat, and thanks to all who fulfilled their pledge..

John in SC

11-21-2023, 08:50
we are good to go now thru Dec 2026,


we also need to decide if we need to go past that,

01-02-2024, 04:18
Since my version of J2 is whacky I'm not sure what year I am responding to. But, if a contribution is needed I'm ready to pitch in. Oh, never mind.
By the way, what would it cost to make the site "protected"?

01-09-2024, 01:23
Since my version of J2 is whacky I'm not sure what year I am responding to. But, if a contribution is needed I'm ready to pitch in. Oh, never mind.
By the way, what would it cost to make the site "protected"?


I'll reach back out to Pat next month (tied up a bit this month) and see what she meant, and I will also reach out to the site host company and see what if anything can be done

05-27-2024, 07:47
New here, but I wouldn't be offended if there were some banner ads across the top that could make the site self sustaining. Has that been considered?


05-27-2024, 10:03
Pat, I've been a member since 1982 and I remember the Maj. and Swede, and you and the hard work thru the hacks and the mil surps trouble. You've done a great job. I'm 79 and I know it takes a lot more time and motivation to do things. Maybe you could be the chairman of the board and let some of the techies help.

I know Lyman and Allen have been great.

05-27-2024, 03:42
New here, but I wouldn't be offended if there were some banner ads across the top that could make the site self sustaining. Has that been considered?


We use to have such. They sponsored this forum and had small banners or ads across the top. Nothing moving, annoying or blocking your view like typical ads. One by one these sponsors dropped off. Now there are none. One or two of them complained that members here did not support (buy) them but still, it was cheap advertisements that reached many more of us than just the members. Also, it's tax deductible. Our volume is so low now it would be hard to get someone to list here now I feel.

05-28-2024, 06:51
Well, this is a nice site, and maybe it will grow at a manageable rate under the current conditions. Thanks for keeping it going.


05-28-2024, 08:00
Well, this is a nice site, and maybe it will grow at a manageable rate under the current conditions. Thanks for keeping it going.


Lyman gets the credit for that.

05-28-2024, 04:03
Lyman gets the credit for that.

Yeah, and don't sell yourself short Allen. For me, passwording the 2nd A went a look good way toward corraling the site problems