View Full Version : Officer killed by cockfighting rooster's blade while breaking up match

10-28-2020, 04:09
A police officer jobs is dangerous and not only from people..

A police officer in the Philippines was killed by a rooster’s blade while raiding a cockfight, an official reported Tuesday, according to a report.

"This is the first time in my 25 years as a policeman that I lost a man due to a fighting cock's spur," the provincial police chief said


10-28-2020, 05:35
sorry for the cop's family

odds of that happening got to be one in a million,

10-30-2020, 09:59
I been to a number of cock fights an can tell you the 2" knives they use are as sharp as any surgical blades made. Injuries to the cock handlers are common and sometimes serious.
They also use a 2.5" gaff that is so pointed that dragging it on you skin will cut like a razor and a roster can drive deep into a handlers bone.

Gun Smoke
10-30-2020, 10:40
My son use to work at our local zoo. He got a deep puncture wound from a swan this way.