View Full Version : Has anyone noticed ...
11-02-2020, 08:55
I was running low on canning lids last week so I thought I would pick up some more. Parkrose Hardware in NE Portland (local-owned!) is the place for jars, lids and canning supplies. They were completely out of lids and almost out of jars, nothing left but 1-pint narrow mouths. Crap! I went to a couple grocery stores before finding the last 10-pack of wide-mouth lids at an Albertson's. Something is going on .... it's like the great primer shortage of 1992. I think a lot of people are taking up home canning, "just in case." Anyone else seeing this?
Last time there was a shortage of lids was in the mid-'70s, when a LOT of people were going off-grid. I remember my neighbor, big, red-haired Mary, ranting about it, hinting there was a conspiracy.
Johnny P
11-02-2020, 09:55
All someone has to do is mention something being in short supply. The wife and I were going to Wally World and our neighbor told us there was a shortage of Ro-Tel tomatoes and pick her up some if they had it. Sure enough there was not a single can on the shelf. About two weeks later we were in another store, and the shelves were fully stocked with Ro-Tel, and a week sfter that Wally World also.
That seemed to sweep through much of Arkansas 6-7 months ago.
I glanced at the shelves last time I bought groceries, and they carried cans, lids and rings, quite a bit in stock here-bouts.
All someone has to do is mention something being in short supply. .......
You are spot-on there! I have seen such runs with TP (of course), black pepper, bottled water, beef and pork, and... canned pumpkin. Yes, there was a 'canned pumpkin shortage' when we lived in SE Texas around '03 or so. And yeah, I bought 6 cans! LMBO!
Tommy...... who got tired of pumpkin once upon a time.....
C'est le Chinois virus(same word as in The Queen's English. snicker.) Everybody and his brother plus all their cousins are looking for things to do. Canning is currently "in season" as well.
Primers are supposedly scarce too.
"...canned pumpkin shortage..." Lots of real fresh pumpkins around. Maybe not so much in SE Texas though.
C'est le Chinois virus(same word as in The Queen's English. snicker.)......
That was 20 or so years ago now. I loved it, family didn't.... pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, pumplkin butter....... ummmmmm!
Primers.... Honestly, I don't know but suspect they are scarce..
11-02-2020, 11:47
Russians will tell you 'in the Soviet Union when you saw a line, get in it, even if you don't need whatever is available'.
Russians will tell you 'in the Soviet Union when you saw a line, get in it, even if you don't need whatever is available'.
I thought that was for enlisted folks in the USN! LOL!!!!!!!!!
when I was in the grocery biz, canning supplies were a seasonal buy,
surely the manufacturers made them year round, but we bought a big supply mid summer, and rarely bought any more until the next year,
the warehouse stocked the basics to keep the section full, but not any in biq quantities' like the seasonal purchase
jon, canning supply's are seasonal but this year is a lot different and honestly something I thought I would never see. Like the box of 9mm Luger or .45acp if you find it and you want or need it you better not drag your heels because the next one wont. I know a "LOT" of people converting from paper to hard assets and canning supply's are a hard asset. Here in my area/state we see the occasional case of jars for sale but no lids or other supply's of any kind. My sources tell me the same thing about canning supply;s as other sources tell me about ammo and reloading supply's, it wont be any time in the near future. Good luck
11-06-2020, 10:08
Bud! Good to hear from you. I have found that if you are careful prying off the lids, you can reuse them and they work. I might call in all the jars I have given people, like blackberry jam, kim chi, elk meat, chili, etc. etc. You never get the jars back!
I have a late season elk tag in eastern Oregon, Thanksgiving week. My brother in Lane County got a coast elk tag and he says he knows where they are hanging out since the shooting started. After the THanksgiving hunt I'm going up to Idaho to join my other brother in the December muzzle-loader hunt. I can't see $650+ for a tag so I'll just "assist." That hunt is nice 'cause a lot of family get together for it, also because the coutry is so steep the wolves have a hard time operating.
This could be the year we all 3 get our elk!
Good to hear from you to jon, yes sometimes you can reuse them. We use used lids to dry can with the vacuum sealer for dry stuff like instant potatoes, rice beans and other such. For other canning we use new so they get used at-least twice with us. Good luck on the hunt. I'm still working on finding some decent hunting here that's not all draw, if I have to draw I might as well go back to MT, WY or out to a hog or bear hunt in CA. If I do go out to CA I can always throw in on some fantastic quail and dove while I'm there on the ranch. Post your results on your up coming elk hunt and be careful out there.
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