View Full Version : How The Military Deals With Covid

11-16-2020, 09:02

Possibly behind paywall, but worth a look if possible.

Yes young healthy personnel but also rigorous adherence to protocols, including masks and distancing, to produce low infection rates. To nobody's surprise discipline in the population (either self imposed or externally applied) results in improved disease control.

And consequently the military keeps operating.

11-16-2020, 09:22
I agree discipline is the key but leadership support also plays an important role. I've been wearing a mask since March. My company mandated them when the County and then State directed wearing them.. It has been a constant battle enforcing the proper wearing of the mask and asking customers to put one on because of many reasons. As a veteran I find wearing one trying at times but my discipline enables me to do it. Besides is easier then wearing a NBC mask and suit.

11-16-2020, 09:33
Just spent the past week on a military base. They are just like the civilian side, mask usage indoors...but overall not what the article might be implying. Not many masks that I saw on or around the range.

11-16-2020, 10:12
Outdoors makes a huge difference.

11-16-2020, 10:19
Wouldn't think the NY Times would be a reliable source of info.
"...Outdoors makes a huge difference..." As long as you're 6 feet apart. Although some testing has proven that 6 feet isn't enough.
NBC suit. Hot and uncomfortable. Worse with the hood/mask on.

11-16-2020, 10:46
Outdoors you don't get the buildup as it keeps dispersing. Not to say you can't get a direct hit from an infected cough or sneeze but the rate at which that aerosol dissipates, especially in a breeze, is orders of magnitude greater than indoors in an office setting.

11-16-2020, 11:03
Outdoors makes a huge difference.

I'm being generous with usage indoor as well...but I didn't hit the commissary or post exchange.

11-16-2020, 01:08
I'm being generous with usage indoor as well...but I didn't hit the commissary or post exchange.

The other part of it is: how much is on the post in the first place? In NZ they can function largely as normal because the virus isn't around. Maybe your base had achieved something closer to that, such that a more relaxed mood was allowable.