View Full Version : WT Modle 1905 Authentic 16 inch Bayonette for Sale 1943 MFG

11-29-2020, 06:42
I am asking $950, yes I know that may seem high but I have seen them in that range. Oddly, I got this as a kid age about 7 from a mail order and it was luck of the draw. UPS Money order.


What this has going for it is full authenticity. I saw one with the wrong grips go for $450. Ungh. I saw one in a museum that claimed it was WT and they had the wrong grips. Second time I have written someone they had a bad ID on a military item. The first one took it with good grace (small Cletrac WWII dozer that was way cool but totally misidentified)


I am happy to send pictures, I am not the greatest photographer, so condition in the attached pictures looks worse. It is not pristine, blade has stains and some rust etc. The hilt was used to pound on something and is dinged quite a bit.

For those not in the know, the WT was the rarest of WWII mfg bayonets and 60,000 mfg (they got dumped as an mfg they were not delivering per quantity ordered so two years mfg)

The are key features on the WT authentic. The most important is the grips. It was a WT only Red Color with a black band in the middle. There were NO other grips on the originals, any WT that has other colored have been replaced. Also, the internal parts are specific. For 1943 those were not longer WT and were UC (the internals are UC on this one so that is also correct)

These grips are NOT cracked. It is common to have one side cracked, sometime both.

This also has the original 16 inch blade. Many were cut down in WWII (ergo, you start with 60k, many get cut, many lost grips etc. and you wind up with very very few).

In addition, the cross bar is marked WT which is also correct.

Happy to take more pictures and discuss. Its a rare piece of history. I am cleaning out stuff I won't use, no one to hand it down to etc. I have a project I want to pursue. I do want to see it get into hands that appreciate it.